Saturday 20 July 2013

Getting Sound Sleep With Memory Foam Mattress

By Louis Simpson

Sleep is a necessary facet of life but in this fast paced world you live in, the tendency is to not get as much sleep as needed. Too bad for people with busy lives then, but it's much worse for those of you experiencing sleepless nights brought about by insomnia. This type of sleeping disorder is fairly common and can target anyone it chooses to. Over the decades, there have been various attempts to find ways to cure insomnia. One result of these attempts is through sound therapy. This article explores how you can go about curing your insomnia naturally with sound.

The Right Breed of Music.It may have not occurred to you that there is wisdom to that lullaby moms used to sing to their children. Nonetheless, getting babies to sleep with a lullaby actually results in positive gains. For those experiencing insomnia, you can relive those lullaby days of yours by trying out instrumental or classical music to relax your mind. Those jazzy notes may be just what you need to get into that much needed sleep mode. If you're not into the whole classical scene, you can try out the more modern alternatives such as house and new age music. These genres sound similar though the former relies on electric instruments and the latter on more natural sounds such as bells, chimes, and drums. The syncopated beating and soothing rhythms may appeal more to your sleeping senses rather than the traditional lullaby. You may not readily accept these modern alternatives curing your insomnia naturally with sound but do maintain an open mind. Whatever your choice may be, this assortment of sounds are just the right meditative, lulling type of music that may be the perfect way to lead you to a deep slumber.

Sound machines are devices which produces noise to mask other sounds. In other words, the noise produced by such machines tend to drown out all the other sounds that are present in the space or room. This is done in order to eliminate unwanted sound to enter into a space or room. Furthermore, such machines can also utilize recordings of natural sounds such as flowing water, wind, or any other sound that is suitable for sound masking.With these features, sound machines are widely used for inducing sleep. This is so because the recorded artificial sounds that are generated by these machines provide a calming effect to people which eventually induce sleep. Moreover, because these machines drown out and block unwanted sound from entering into a space, it provides a more relaxing and a quieter environment.

Nothing to Lose to Sleep Soundly.Though some of the above mentioned suggestions might not appeal to you, there is no harm in actually trying it out. You might have tried out several cures in the past without success but this may prove to be different. Curing your insomnia naturally with sound is not that radical an approach and may actually benefit you. For the most part it's less of a hassle than other form of treatments such as oral medication. Another advantage of this therapy is that it is non-invasive and will not result in negative side effects. So go ahead, choose the sound that's right for you and sleep the night away.

Ever battle insomnia? Not a pretty picture, is it? Your bed becomes a battleground--a stage for endless, frustrated tossing and turning. No longer do you look forward to burrowing into the covers. Instead, you dread the nightly torture of waiting for sleep.And, somehow, the more you dread it, the worse the struggle becomes. An exhausting downward spiral. But what if there were an inexpensive, easy way to reverse that spiral? To turn bedtime into a ritual that you actually relish and anticipate each evening. The answer lies in white noise and sound therapy--as well as in learning to block out sensory irritants. Here are five tips for effectively using sound machines for sleeping -- and for eliminating competing stimuli at bedtime.

Sometimes the problem isn't too much noise but near total silence. Sometimes it is just too quiet which in some people can result in difficulty falling asleep. You have probably seen this phenomenon in action by noticing how a baby can have trouble falling asleep if it is really quiet but if a fan, vacuum or car motor is running, the baby falls asleep easily. It is generally best to play your sound machine at the lowest volume possible; save the higher volume for really loud noises that you can't remedy any other way. By playing a soft sound, you can give your mind something unobtrusive to focus on and this can result in deeper relaxation and quicker sleep.

Our recommendations of sound machines usually starts with the Dohm DS made by Marpac in the USA. The Dohm is a mechanical noise machine that produces a "real" fan like sound by using an actual motor. The limitation of the Dohm is that since the sound is not played through a speaker, it can't be amplified and therefore can only produce a fairly low volume. If you are wanting to produce louder sounds or want more variety of sounds produced by your machine, then we recommend looking at the Sound Oasis electronic machines. In particular we like the Sound Oasis S-650 since it comes with a better speaker than competing brands and has so many high fidelity sounds available at a reasonable price.

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How People Make Millions Out Of Nothing

By Andrea D. Prescott

10% of the world's population controls 80% of the world's money! It's a frightening statistic but it's also a very enlightening statistic, because these people are stellar examples of how to earn money. They have never succumbed to destiny; instead of blaming poverty or their poor family background they have concentrated on well thought out plans to make money without capital. Money can be made without capital. There are numerous examples of this around us and yes it's a deliberate act. Very few people just stumble upon a treasure. Most billionaires in the world today are very smart people with smart and bright ideas being the cornerstones of their successful empires. There will never be scarcity of funds for people with sound ideas and business plans. Investors keep scouring the map in search of ideas that can generate profit. Create a new and unique product, market it properly and investors will come running to you desperate for a chance to make money. In the process they will make you rich. All you need to do is make them like your idea.

MAKING A FORTUNE FROM SCRATCH: Dhirubhai Ambani's story from rags to riches His rags to riches story, is very inspiring. He worked as a petrol pump attendant. He did not have any college degree. He had no money but had unlimited desire to become rich. He learned everything about business and trading while working at his job. Soon he realized that he was not made for such a small job. He started a small business of trading polyester yarn and soon mastered everything about this business.Soon he realized that polyester business was going to be very profitable in the future. Using his for sight, knowledge and some smart planning he made millions in the polyester industry. There were thousands of businessmen at that time but why only he was able to find this opportunity. It's all in your mind. You have to back yourself and always be on the look-out for a new opportunity. Now his company hires top talent form around the world. So even if you are working as an employee you must have a goal in mind and that goal should not be to die on that desk behind which you have been slaving for the past 10 years. You must look to the future and keep working on a plan, learning everything about business, finding ways to create wealth out of nothing. Thousands of opportunities available to do business in a legal way: It is important to note that "smart work" does not mean illegal ways to earn money. It just means that you are more aware of the opportunities around you as well as your own strength and weaknesses. All the methods that you will use should involve legal ways of making money. To snatch the rights of others is no way of getting rich.

Now Bill Gates and Richard Branson got lucky, they did not complete college but they learnt these skills from the circle of people they were with. Not every one of us is so lucky to have such a circle. And some might be born with the skills that tell them how to make millions. So if you are not born with the skills and do not have the proper circle of contacts, there is only one thing to do - join a business school.

He was fascinated by the machine and how it would always execute software code perfectly. He enrolled at Harvard but did not finish because he founded Microsoft. Yes ladies and gentlemen I am talking about Bill Gates. He understood that software was going to rule the world. This is the opportunity he identified but then he also had a killer plan. He bought DOS and marketed it to make billions. Understand that though Gates himself was a genius with computers his true edge lay in the fact that he realized how important computers were going to become. These little differences like I said above are what set these people aside.

Now, you can give to the charities of your choice. Things to remember. If you are not successful, do not blame others. If you believe yourself successful, you will be. Work diligently for what you would like and what you're passionate about. Success will follow you and you will have learned how to make millions of dollars.

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Why Reiki Courses Online Are Your Best Option

By Kay Rozenberg

To Learn Reiki with online Reiki Courses is a new concept and one which challenges and divides the beliefs of Reiki Masters. Some Reiki masters believe that one must attend a class and be receive the sacred Reiki attunement in person whilst other masters believe one can be successfully attuned via distance attunement or even attune yourself to the energies of Reiki.

Western Reiki started out the same way, with masters charging huge sums (up to $10,000) for master training. In the early part of the last century, even Western Reiki was surrounded by secrecy and mystery.So much so that there is now debate about how exactly to draw the symbols! Students had to commit them to memory and not write them down. Inevitable, different versions were remembered by different people, and we now have the strange phenomenon whereby different groups are claiming that their version of the symbols is the authentic and original version! Totally ridiculous!

However, Western Reiki has opened up over the past fifteen to twenty years. This has been party driven by great demand for Reiki classes which the old way couldn't deal with in terms of keeping up with demand.Traditional masters and the more progressive ones agree on a number of things. First, the most important element of Reiki training is the quality of the master who is doing the training. Second, energy and healing power can be transmitted remotely with the proper training and experience.

The Masters are very aware of this fact, and they see many low quality courses providing how to Reiki training, both on the web and in person. This was the motivation for why certain of the hugely qualified Masters devised online Reiki courses as a result of their annoyance - to make sure that everybody had equal chance! Instead of only those nearby,The only thing you need to always remember is that you must make sure that your Master possesses the experience and pedigree. With those elements in place, you are assured of the best training and you will get maximum benefit, with all the convenience and flexibility of online learning!Reiki is a way any individual can become a conduit of a very high, pure, loving form of "chi," "prana," universal life force energy, or some just call it, energy of the divine. Here in Washington State, more and more individuals are becoming "attuned" to Reiki through Reiki classes, Reiki workshops, and then joining in on Reiki circles (explained below).

If you decide to learn Reiki with an online Reiki Course you will be able to be attuned to the three levels of Reiki inexpensively and receive exactly the same attunement as you would receive if attending face to face classes, plus receive a comprehensive manual and certificate if you wish to become a professional healer and charge money for your services.Reiki Classes popularity increases significantly, and today, more people can enjoy Reiki Attunement from the comfort of their home. Thanks to so many Reiki masters that have strong believe that this amazing method can be spread online without sacrificing the quality whatsoever.Anyone who understands Reiki recognizes that Reiki can be transmitted over space, distance and time. All Reiki masters agree that distance Reiki healing is very powerful and an superb form of healing when face to face healing sessions are not doable. Distance Reiki can be sent across the world to heal world events and crisis as well. That is the basic premises of the online Reiki attunement.

Already of the most distinguished teachers of this tremendous healing method have started to accept that taking Reiki classes isn't necessary to become a Reiki master. The reason for this is that the exponents already lie within all of us. It isn't something that must get planted in you, it is all in there just as you are reading this right now. The one and only thing that must be done is to discover how to master the power of Reiki, that really is the only issue, no matter how difficult it may all seem like if you ask it from some Reiki teacher that runs some expensive courses.Opposed to the old believe of face to face Reiki classes, there are of course numerous schools of thought in Reiki practice that hold the belief that you don't have to be actually physically present for you to receive your attunements, as the attunements can be send to you remotely, through the use of the assorted Reiki symbols that are also used to effect remote healing for various circumstances.

Even if you have already had some experience with Reiki, some of these courses can help you advance more quickly and learn the truth about Reiki history. Even though new information concerning Usui (the original Reiki Master, teacher, trainer and healer) has come to light, some of the old myths relating the development of the healing energy are still prevalent.I have learned a lot about Reiki over the last couple of years. I began studying the use of the healing chakras when I was suffering from anxiety and depression. I am not exaggerating when I say that understanding the universal life energy has changed my life.

Usui- this is the original form of Reiki developed by Dr. Mikao Usui,Gendai - Gendai in English means modern. This is a form of Reiki that combines Usui Reiki with the current western concepts. Gendai Reiki is developed by Horoshi Doi of Japan.Rainbow - this form of Reiki is a combination of Usui, Shamanism, Mediation, Holistic Communication Sciences and so on.Karuna- this is a form of Reiki that is exclusive for masters and other lineages. Its literal translation means Reiki of Compassion.Gayatri- a form of healing combined with the 1,000 year old Gayatri Mantra

The practice of Reiki reduces stress and promotes healing and relaxation. The belief on the laying of hands and that the hands of the master can be instrument of healing has been known in most places. Reiki classes in Greenwich have been considered as conventional medicine because it offers a balance of traditional and complementary therapies to achieve a healthy body, mind and spirit. How the hands are positioned is based on the location of energy centers in the body known as the chakras. It is only the positive energy that surrounds the body, mind, spirit and cellular levels. Its soft and intense treatment works perfectly which can be felt by the patient immediately. It takes the client to its most serene level.

Doctors who recommend Reiki classes in Greenwich are trying to offer the alternative therapies that give patient the benefit of the healing process that will also maintain their wellness at the same time. It has been proven to help or reduce symptoms and side effects of maladies. Aside from that it promotes the body's natural healing ability boosts the immune system, improves healing time, release old traumas, assist in mental and emotional healing and improves mind and body awareness. Some people think that there's an increased risk of physical and mental illness, even spiritual disconnection and remote feeling of being stuck because of the restricted energy flow. However Reiki classes in Greenwich are used as treatment as it tries to connect with the "universal energy" through the hands and use to diagnose the flow of energy in the client. People tend to forget that meridian energy can become restricted due to blockages caused by certain diseases, suppressed feelings and even past karma.

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Bad Credit Installment Loans - Getting Fast Approval Bad Credit Installment Loans Is Not A Good Idea

By Monica B. Nice

Advertisements about fast approval bad credit installment loans have been misleading consumers over the media, claiming that non-bank lenders have the ability to save one's finances by granting such loans in less than a day, or within a short couple of hours. Some people, who experience financial hardships, still act hastily by borrowing loans from non-reputable non-bank lenders, not knowing that some unscrupulous non-bank lenders would charge them unreasonable upfront payment, or lure them to their identity theft syndicate.

Here are several reasons having fast approval bad credit installment loans is indeed not a good idea:Insurmountable annual percentage rates (APR) - Some non-bank lenders offer loan products with extremely high APR although it has an affordable monthly repayments. Ask yourself whether it's worth to pay off higher loan amount within a given loan term. Thus, check out the total APR of bad credit installment loan products as your main reference point. Like payday loans, the APR can be unreasonable high - for instance, between 100 to 200 percent!Fast approval installment loans indicate scam possibilities - In fact, non-bank lenders normally would take some time to review your loan application including your current financial status as well as your credit score. If a lender keeps pushing you for social security number and other personal particulars, this could indicate an act of a scam artist. Besides that, snub those lenders who claimed that they approve loans spontaneously on the phone as this lending procedure is consider illegal.

Classification of Bad credit installment loans,There are two kind of loans available in this trade,secured loans.unsecured loans.The rate of interest is little bit lower than other loans. Being secured loans, it needs collaterals. The main advantage is that your rate of interest will be curtailed itself. This way, the burden, which you have, will be reduced. The amount which will be offered to the borrowers may be in the region of $ from 5,000 to $75,000. Their repayment tenure is 5 to 25 years.

In fact, you shouldn't be tempted with fast approval bad credit installment loans which are advertised widely in various online platforms, as you can possibly save a lot of money if you are able to shop for a lower APR loan from a trustable BBB accredit non-bank lender.Can you afford to take out a bad credit installment loan? That is the paramount question to ask yourself when you start to realize a financial need for cash infusion. Do you have enough expendable income left over every month that you can afford another monthly payment? The second most important question concerns where to turn for such an infusion?

In this situation, banks adopt a cynical view on the matter of granting loans to people despite a collateral or security. Banks are often skeptical about the ability of an individual, who has defaulted on payments earlier to pay the installments on time. Amidst this pessimism, having a bad credit history doesn't exactly help matters. A bad credit history maybe a thing of the past, however it does leave people with a bad taste in their mouths when it comes to get a loan. However, for people with a bad credit history, bad credit installment loans come as a breath of fresh air. Their main advantage is that they enable people to pay back the principal amount in small amounts against hefty installments. There are a myriad of options available for people who want to secure bad credit installment loans. The decision to go for these types of loan depends upon a host of factors which includes the reason behind the loan, the principal amount, the lenders requirements and the way in which the lender may want to repay the loan.

Secured Versus Unsecured.Unsecured personal loans are often referred to as signature loans since that is all the lender has regarding the promise to repay. They are risky for the lender. Secured personal loans have valuable property, such as real estate, stocks and bonds, even jewelry or a late model car, to back them up. Secured loans have lower interest rates and favorable repayment terms, unsecured loans have high interest rates and often more stringent repayment terms.Going Online Is a Great Way to Land an Installment Loan,Many folks have bad credit due to these recessionary times. Traditional lenders will not lend to them. Private lenders have stepped in to fill the gap. You probably will not have to endure any sort of background check. You will probably be able to pick and choose to find the best interest rates and the repayment terms most comfortable.Be Persistent and Be Wise.No matter which venue you may select, just be sure to keep your presence of mind and shop diligently. Shopping around should be done even if you opt for traditional lenders. The difference in one point regarding interest rates charged could save you hundreds. You will be able to find a lender for your bad credit installment loan. You will have monthly payments you can afford. You will have some much needed peace of mind.

For most of us, bad credit is something that we just have to live with. Unlike many urban myths, however, it does not mean an end to loan approval and years spent in the financial quagmire. It is still possible to get an installment loan with bad credit, and provided everything is in order, even a large loan at that.What is most important is the terms that are secured, and whether they make the loan affordable or not. Affordable loans are much more likely to be approved, because the lender recognizes the ability of the borrower to pay without problems. For example, with a long-term loan, approval is easier because the monthly repayments are lower.

Need a bad credit installment loan to pay off a mortgage? Having trouble keeping up with your current bills? A bad credit installment loan can assist you with taking care of this financial problem. Below, you will see the wide array of ways you can use this loan.

What is a bad credit installment loan?It is a loan that is designed to help people with poor credit get funding. They can use this loan to avoid strict lending institutions who ask for too much financial information. This loan also helps those who can't pay back in one lump sum. With this loan, you can pay back what you owe on a month by month basis.How can I contact the loan agent?Visit the agency's site online and look for the contact page. On this page, you should see the company's email, fax, phone number and physical address.Will I have to fax information to these loan companies?No.

You don't have to fax information to them. Your loan application will be filled out by you via the Internet and reviewed once submitted to the loan agent.How much money can I get?Bad credit installment loan companies will extend up to $1,500 to approved borrowers. If you want more, you will need to contact them directly,How long does it take to complete the loan application?It will take you about two to three minutes to complete it. The application asks for basic personal information that is easily to fill out.

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How To Stop Stammering

By Cheryl P. Rivera

If you want to know how to stop stammering, without having to go and see a speech therapist, then this article is a must read. As you are probably aware, stammering affects a person's speech, and causes the sufferers to often repeat certain words or letters over and over again. If this sounds like you, then I'm sure you want to know exactly how you can speak fluently again, right? Well, I want to show you exactly how to stop stammering right here. The unfortunate fact is that at the moment there is no cure for stammering. Well, I'm not surprised, because stammering, otherwise known as stuttering, is not even a physical condition. It is often to do with bad speaking habits, which you need to stamp out in order to speak fluently.

As a matter of fact, you need to make a real effort, as often as you can, to speak out. To stop stammering, more often than not practice is a great way. As an example, use one of your daily activities like coffee break at work, as an opportunity to practice your speech patterns.Even a small thing like asking a complete stranger for directions can be a way to ease your anxiety and fear of speaking to others. And by having enough self-love and a grown self-confidence will definitely take you a long way towards recovery!

The abnormal behaviors that are connected to your stammering takes more effort to change, but it's very effective in self-therapy. These are behaviors that includes prolongations, repetitions and blocks (primary) and also loss of eye contact, jerking with the head, and the use of filler words, such as "ah" and "you know" (secondary). These are behaviors that you need to take control over.

The road to curing your stammer is a hard one, though. You need to be armed with the tried and tested methods if you want to get rid of your stammer completely, and avoid relapse. For some stammerers out there, they may never get rid of their stammer.Often, these people find it so hard to speak to anyone in public, that they go into recluse and simply no longer connect with the outside world.

Learning how to stop stuttering can drastically change your life, providing you are a stutterer to begin with. Although it may seem an impossibility at first, there are definitely methods out there that can at least help you radically improve your speech. The fact that even heavy stutterers tend to be able to articulate fluently in special situations, implies that stuttering is oftentimes a curable problem. These 'special situations' can range from speaking in unison, singing along to even being drunk. Since stuttering is curable and the benefits of curing are immense, it is strongly advised that a stutterer never gives up on his or her wish to stop stuttering.

There are some ways to help to stop stuttering in adults and they are easy to do. A great way to overcome your stuttering is to read out loud whenever you can. This will help you to control the pace in which you speak so you can stop your stutter from happening. Another great way to stop stuttering in adults is to take a class such as yoga. Yoga will help you to calm your nerves and also, to control your body and your mind. You will be able to have some control over the way that you speak so your stutter will no longer be an issue. Try these methods to stop your stuttering so you can fit in and feel confident about yourself.

You don't have to struggle through another sentence again. Speaking in front of new people doesn't have to be an issue for you any longer. You can stop your stuttering and stammering and change the way you live your life. If you could discover how to stop stammering instantly and cure your stutter, your life will instantly change for the better. I know exactly how you feel when it comes to wanting to stop stammering for life, because I use to stutter myself.

No, stammering is not a disease, it is a speech problem that very much takes control of how you communicate with others, how others listen to you, and sometimes the way you perform at the job.As a little girl, I use to be embarrassed to talk to people because of my speech problem. Whenever I spoke, people stared at me crazy and laughed at the face expression I made when trying to pronounce certain words.

Most children outgrown stuttering. It is estimated that less than 1 % of adults suffer from stuttering.Causes of Stuttering,Researchers believe there are a variety of causes of stuttering. The most frequently seen cause of stuttering is in young children who are in the process of developing speech. This type of stuttering is usually outgrown.

Kind of confuse? Stuttering never occurs on the words that are said. Stuttering begins when specific words which cause triggering emotional states begin to come up.Did you know that stuttering comes about when not releasing your breath when you speak? When this happens, stuttering becomes part of your conditioning by causing a change in your habitual breathing patterns and this makes talking difficult without the right techniques to correct it. With this little knowledge, you can practice breathing on certain words that triggers your stutter and see how it works for you. Doing this help you stop stammering in under ten minutes! Do you want to be one step away from curing your stutter?

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How New York City Chiropractic Care Helps Relieve Back Pain Safely

By Fernando Ketter

Dealing with headaches on any given level is often realized as providing a major challenge for patients to try and manage. People typically find that they are unable to balance out their daily obligations when this source of pain is present for a multitude of reasons. People dealing with this stress should know how a New York City chiropractor is equipped to offer headache relief.

Chiropractors are equipped with skills needed for people to overcome complications with their nervous systems. Patients are often focused on their services when attempting to ensure that injuries are dealt with as needed. Patients suffering from persistent headaches are known to receive some of the best medical attention from this professional.

Patients in New York City who are dealing with this health risk have plenty of professionals available to consider. Many patients feel unclear about what factors should actually be weighted when being assured that their health risks are resolved. Focusing on several key factors is quite helpful in managing this effort accordingly.

Patients are typically offered some kind of massage therapy for help in addressing their needs. Massage is incredibly helpful in providing clients the opportunity to ensure that aches and pains in their bodies are fully resolved. The alleviation of these challenges is usually effective in removing headache discomfort.

Patients are also provided with adjustments to their neck and back. Adjustments help create the foundation by which alignment is corrected and accumulated pressure is removed. Each adjustment is capable of providing short term relief and long term resolution in most cases.

A New York City chiropractor is also equipped to guide their clients through appropriate nutrition and supplements. Healthy and balanced diets are an incredible source of defense from preventing this issue all together. Patients are offered tailored solutions to help address their needs.

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Meal: Chinese Szechuan Chicken Breast

By Thanh Andresen

Chinese Szechun Chicken

I have been very busy for the previous couple of weeks with all the Chinese New Year. It seems as though I did far more cooking during the past two weeks than the previous two months. I made this dish the other day and my household really liked it even my daughter who typically will not eat spicy meals, ate this appropriate up! Nevertheless, I have to add that I did tone the heat down. Hope everybody enjoys this

4 boneless chicken breast halves

3/4 cup LOW SODIUM chicken broth

1/4 cup light soy sauce

1/4 cup regular soy sauce

1 tablespoon oyster sauce

1/4 to 1/2 cup water depending on how

salty chicken broth is (I used 1/2 cup because

Taiwanese chicken broth is extremely salty)

1/4 teaspoon Chinese hot pepper sauce

two tablespoons brown sugar

1 teaspoon ginger, finely minced

2 teaspoons garlic, minced (I utilised garlic press)

3 to 12 dried Chinese red pepper pods**

1 medium-size green bell pepper, diced or

thinly-sliced crescent shape

About 2 tablespoon hot oil

1 tablespoon cornstarch mixed with 1 tablespoon water

** This, needless to say, is exactly where the heat comes from. I ONLY used three because my daughter will not like spicy food. With 3 pods, there will likely be a slight quantity of heat, but not so much that small 'uns like my daughter will not eat it. If you need the heat, use all 12 dried red pepper pods!

About five to 6 hours prior to cooking time, reduce chicken breast into bite-size chunks. Add about 1 to 2 tablespoons water to breast meat, followed by an equal quantity cornstarch. Gently massage cornstarch into breast meat. Location meat in refrigerator till prepared to utilize.

About 1 hour, or earlier if you favor, mix sauce components which includes every little thing except bell peppers, dried red peppers, cornstarch and water. Mix well and set aside.

When prepared to cook chicken, heat wok till it smokes, reduce heat and spot just a little oil in wok. It is going to heat quite speedily. Location chicken in wok and stir-fry. When it is about halfway accomplished, douse chicken with a about 1 1/2 tablespoons dry white wine or sherry and stir. Finish cooking chicken and remove from wok.

Next, clean wok and reheat it. Add just a little oil and heat. Soon after oil has heated, add a clove of garlic (does not need to be minced) and dried red pepper pods. Stir-fry for about 20 to 30 seconds prior to adding sauce components. Following sauce has simmered for about a minute or so, add cornstarch and water mixture. Stir briefly and when sauce begins to thicken, add chopped bell peppers. When sauce has thickened, add hot oil and stir till well-mixed. Lastly, return chicken to wok and mix with sauce.

Serve over white rice.

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Friday 19 July 2013

Bob Proctor And The Science Of Getting Rich

By Cecelia C. Dawson

Getting rich is what most people greatly desire. And why not? Having more than enough money enables one to take care of his/her family better, travel to different places, live in luxury, realize dreams and simply enjoy life to the fullest. But of course and unfortunately, not everyone is born rich. While there are individuals who flit around the world, there are people who live and struggle every single day to make ends meet. There are employees who are stuck in the proverbial 'rat race', and thus never accomplish anything. And sadly, there are those who merely exist to go to work and sleep. Such people, though they really want to get out of poverty and alleviate their living standards, instead die failing.

However, the science of getting rich is about much more than monetarily success, and recommends finding success in all parts of your life. That is the key to finding financial freedom. You must be successful in every part of your life to make it in your financial life. This philosophy is wonderful and a great resource to have in your life for anyone.

The science to getting rich also says that to impress a thought in the Substance, a man must come into harmony with it. It can be done by sincerely giving thanks to all the blessings the man is given by the Universe; such kind of gratitude is received by the Formless Intelligence. Life, whether happy or miserable, must then be accepted with joy and thanksgiving. And with harmony, any thought that is projected to the Formless by man can now be produced and realized.

The economy sucks, everything is getting extremely expensive, your retirement fund has evaporated, and your wage has been cut . What can you possibly do to begin to stop the madness? Can the law of attraction science really help me? Well, by universal law, you get what you focus on. So often, a large part of why we are stuck is because we're focused on what went wrong yesterday or today rather than on what we want. And because we're locked into our past decisions and outcomes, the tendency is to believe we will get more of the same.The trick is to take responsibility for leading yourself to where you want to go rather than where you've been or where you are. You accomplish that by focusing on what you want instead of where you are. This is foundational to understanding how to use law of attraction.Wattles teaches that you place the full attention and focus of your mind on the picture you desire for yourself, on crafting and layering specifics upon that picture, and by maintaining your full faith, belief and trust in that purpose. By doing that, you will begin to have ideas and take actions that are inspired, and which begin to move you closer towards your vision.

Who is Bob Proctor? Bob Proctor is the owner of the successful company, Life Success Productions. Bob Proctor is a certified consultant and life coach who brings people the success they are seeking. However, it is up to each individual to reach for that success they so desire. Bob Proctor has seen success in his own life in many ways. He is an author, counselor, lecturer, entrepreneur, business consultant, and teacher. He has found success in all parts of his life and is bringing his knowledge out in many ways to help others achieve what they want to.

Little by little, focus clearly on what you want and what step you can take today -- right now -- to move you closer to that place. Then repeat the process. Over and over, day by day. By doing that not only will you no longer feel so stuck in your life, you'll also be well on your way to your better future by leveraging the "science" in the science of getting rich.You may have heard of the Law of Attraction. Perhaps you've heard of "The Secret". The amount of publicity "The Secret" has been getting has been phenomenal as it has been on mainstream television and various other forms of media. But where did it originate from?In 1910, Wallace D. Wattles wrote the timeless classic "The Science of Getting Rich". It was a bold title for a book and Wattles suggested that getting rich is a predictable outcome if one can master the principles outlined in the book.

Here's what Wallace D. Wattles said about "The Science of Getting Rich". "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It's a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich."

The question "is there a science of getting rich?" may take some people by surprise, because it is hard to believe that there could be an actual science of getting rich, but the matter of fact is that there is one, and it is an exact science that can be proven on paper, and that's because there are specific laws that govern the universe, and once you study and learn these laws and obey them, you will get rich.

What's really important to understand is that to become rich and have a lot of money, you need to do things in a certain way, and if you do things in that way richness is guaranteed. On the other hand, those who think that it is not possible to become rich by assuming a certain way of thinking are doomed to failure, as written in "The Science Of Getting Rich" book written by Wallace D. Wattles at the beginning of the 20th century. Wallace D. Wattles was a writer who experienced a life of failure, until after many years of studies he developed and practiced the principles of the science of getting rich, which then became a famous book. On his last years the writer started to form mental pictures that proclaimed him as a successful writer, and he spent most of his time writing until he was able to realize his dream and live a truly powerful life.

By contrast, visit a public place with the thought that every person you meet is kind and helpful, interact with some people, and notice the difference. Then think which reality you prefer to create.Once you recognize what's really happening, you should feel motivated to take control of your consistent thoughts so you can create the most joyful life you can imagine. Everyone is capable of doing this, but most people don't.Acting "As If",Another key, according to Wattles, is acting as if the reality you want to create is your reality now. Become the person you see yourself being when the things you desire come to you. If you want more wealth, start to act like that wealthy person now. How? One way is to be more generous. Let money flow through you with ease.In The Science of Getting Rich, Wattles also provides another powerful Law of Attraction secret: the power of expressing gratitude for what you have and for the wonderful things that are coming to you. Bob Proctor, who is one of today's truly great thought leaders, suggests saying something like this to yourself repeatedly throughout the day. "I am so happy and grateful that..." Just fill in the blank with anything you want to expand in your life.

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Home Remedy For Panic Attacks

By Pomeroy Laderoute

People aren't laughing at home remedies anymore. That probably happened about the time the medical community acknowledged that chicken soup may have some medicinal value. When the New York Times begins reporting about home remedies, they cease to be a joke. People suffering from anxiety disorders will be thrilled to know there are home remedies for panic attacks.

Grape juice? Seriously? Is that same grape juice that your mother would never let you drink on the carpet considered to be one of the most effective remedies for panic attacks? Oddly, the answer is, "Yes."Grape juice is believed to prevent heart palpitations, which can be one of the more disconcerting symptoms of panic attacks. For greatest benefit, grape juice should be consumed on a daily basis.Tropical Remedy.Ripe guava is believed to prevent heart palpitations and ease anxiety. Maybe that explains why the castaways of "Gilligan's Island" didn't have panic attacks when the headhunters showed up on the island.Note: Guava juice is typically diluted with other juices and is not believed to be an effective home remedy.

Exercise - Even your doctor will agree with this one: perhaps the best of the natural remedies for panic attacks is exercise. Nothing beats exercise. You see, a panic attack is a disorder where your nervous system shoots adrenaline into your body mimicking the flight or fight response that you get to help you survive life threatening situations. So, when you sit down and try to relax-like a lot of medical professionals will tell you-you are actually working against your body's own natural inclination.

Taking in supplements.Another home remedy for panic attacks is to take in supplements such as Vitamin B. In fact, many sufferers are Vitamin B deficient. Vitamin B deficiency symptoms include anxiety,fatigue, emotional instability, irritability and restlessness which cause panic attacks.Taking in such supplement alleviates the symptoms and prevents anxiety attacks. Not only that, it also lessens stress and promotes proper nerve function. Besides vitamin B, B6, calcium and magnesium should also be taken on a regular basis. Make sure that this is combined with proper diet and exercises as stated above.

If the idea of giving up your caffeine makes you scream, "My precious," while feeling like Gollum from The Lord of the Rings, at least try cutting back on your caffeine intake.To cure your worries, the answers you need to look for the right medications and home remedies for Panic Attacks. Just what exactly is a panic attack? Does it also come with a panic button when you feel you are about to have one? More and more people are getting their own dose of panic attacks. Blame it on the fear of what the future may bring.

Although some have found that prescription medicines may assist with eliminating panic attacks, many others have found that the risks of side affects are not worth it for them. Therefore, they try herbal remedies such as valerian, chamomile, passion flower, California poppy, lemon balm, or kava kava. The effects of natural remedies vary widely.Keep in mind, that when using natural remedies for panic attacks some people can relax with, say for instance, a small cup of chamomile tea, someone else may need a much more potent herb, or even a combination of several to get the right mix that neither over or under sedates them.

Homeopathy.Homeopathic remedies are additional natural remedies for panic attacks, and they use dilutions of some herb or flower essence. They are another resource to try. For example Bach Flower Remedies, a variety of homeopathic solutions created from flower essences includes one specific remedy called the Rescue Remedy.The rescue remedy is create specifically for those in the midst of trauma and any type of anxiety type of experience.Other remedies (unrelated to Bach Flower Remedies) include "Kali phos 6x" which is a nerve tonic. It is said to be helpful in the case of a rundown nervous system due to worry or excitement.

Alternative Therapies.There is a reason that ancient wisdom is ancient! Be open to Eastern healing techniques, as many of them are perfectly suited for calming the whole being. If the idea of acupuncture is too scary, consider a system of tapping on the various meridian points - as in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). This system has allowed thousands of people to not only move toward managing panic attacks, but to actually eliminating them for good. The best thing about this system is that it can be done in 5 or 10 minutes, and you can learn to do it for free.Change of Mind.Believe it or not the power of our thoughts, beliefs, and ideas play a major role in our life experiences. In addition to the powerful mental benefits of meditation and EFT on clearing, healing and relaxing the mind, other systems like "The Work" by Byron Katie, and hypnosis techniques can also have a powerful impact on managing panic attacks and creating a peaceful world within.While Byron Katie's Work, allows you to release stressful thoughts without having to experience trauma, hypnosis allows you to gently relax into a state of being that helps you to receive a more desirable thought suggestion.Because everyone is different, not only will some ideas for managing panic attacks work better, or more quickly for some, different folks will gravitate towards different solutions.The great thing about it is, you deserve to be peaceful, calm, and vibrant. By focusing on this truth, the right direction will at some point be found.

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How And Where To Buy Pepper Spray

By Wayne M. Chase

With the increasing crime rate across the nation, we need to be more alert and prepared for any instance of crime that may come and threaten us. Pepper spray, also known as OC spray (Oleoresin Capsicum), is just one form of safety measure that can be used to defend ourselves against attackers who intend to hurt or harm you. A small container can easily disperse enough chemical to confuse your attacker by causing temporary blindness for 15-30 minutes, long enough for you to escape. Most of these sprays also contain a UV dye that is not visible to the attacker and takes several days to wear of, this can be of value to the police if the individual is caught. Some also have CS in them, this is similar to riot control gas that police use it causes uncontrolled choking and coughing.

So where do you buy pepper spray and other self-defense products? Most department or outdoors stores usually carry a small selection. They will typically have the small 1/2 oz models, normally in a plastic our leather case and large models that are labeled as bear sprays. If you find it in a discount or club store be sure to check the expiration date, most canister are good for 3 to 4 years if they are close you may not be getting much of a deal. local gun dealers carry a wider selection and may be newer, drawback you are going to pay a premium price to them. You can ask friends and relatives if they have purchased sprays you might be surprised how many other people own them or have looked for sprays also.

Most spray pepper canisters feature safety functions to prevent accidental discharge, belt loops for easy carriage and quick deployment, and a serial number for quality-tracking purposes. They are usually available for less than $20 -- not a bad price to pay when you're considering your personal safety and peace of mind.Since self defense sprays are not a controlled substance it's pretty easy to find locally at most hardware stores, or large department stores, as well as online retailers. If you live outside the city limits, they will most likely be available at your local farmer's co-op.

BUYING FROM A LOCAL STORE: Buying mace spray or oleoresin capsicum spray from a local store is the best option if you need to have it right now. This way, you do not have to wait for it to be shipped and can have quick access to the product. The problem with this is that most local hardware stores or department stores know very little to nothing about the product. So finding the right spray for your situation will be up to you. The thing to consider is that you can buy the product from a local store, then go ahead and do some research online and have a can or two on reserve, in case you need it.

There are other brands of pepper sprays on the market but Mace has been tried and tested, it is a product that has been around for many years and its effectiveness has built a great reputation and is trusted by law enforcement nationwide and has had an endorsement from the FBI.Due to the effective stopping power of OC spray, it is recommended not to be used for anything other than personal protection. Let me say that one more time, DO NOT use for anything other than for self-protection. It's not a toy, and not designed for use as a pet trainer or harassing your friends or siblings or anyone.

HISTORY OF OC: 1973 was the year pepper spray (also known as OC spray) was first manufactured as an aerosol. At that point only law enforcement agencies and the United States Postal Department used pepper spray as an aid to:Control suspects.Keep angry dogs at a safe distance.Defense spray should not be treated casually simply because it is easily available; it is a very powerful substance and should be used with forethought and caution. Pepper spray has the ability to help someone out of a life-threatening situation if used properly.

While there are no proven long-term negative effects, being sprayed can be quite debilitating in the short-term, causing burning sensations, tearing, coughing, nausea and other symptoms.If you decide to buy pepper spray, take the time necessary to learn its proper use, ensuring you'll know exactly what to do if confronted by an assailant or angry dog. Most cities will have multiple self-defense classes, some in-depth others covering the basics and most discussing the pros and cons of using self defense sprays, as well as other self defense tips.

If you have chosen to use Mace Pepper Spray then you have made a wise decision. It will stop a potential attacker in their tracks from a comfortable distance. This small device is affordable, easy to use, and extremely efficient and will take complete control of the attacker and put them at your mercy. Preparation and paying close attention to your surroundings is what it's all about. Keep Mace pepper spray throughout your home, on yourself, and in your car. The criminal mind isn't going to give you a moment to find your weapon and it certainly isn't going to do you any good if you aren't carrying it.

Most grown-ups come out in office clothes, toting unwieldy bags and hefty suitcases, hands tied to cell phones and personal effects, none of which makes us ready to come face to face with an attacker. We do not step out of the house anticipating trouble. Most adults have desk jobs and little to no self-defense skills. With the mace pepper spray, literally, attackers do not get to come face to face with us.

One good thing about buying pepper spray is that most of them have several different safety switches and latches which prevent accidental discharge. You don't want pepper spray to go off in your face, trust me, it does not feel good.So when deciding just make sure you use a little common sense. Pick a company that is trust worthy and that has seemingly good products. You want something with a good warranty and you want the best bang for your buck. If you follow what's in this article you should never have a problem. Good Luck!If you want something that will really help you out then check out Buy Pepper Spray, it gives you tons of information about it as well as which ones are better and how to choose the right one for you.

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How To Gain Confidence - You Can Develop Hope

By Joshua B. White

Part of learning how to gain confidence is an ability to maintain a positive attitude about yourself and your life. A key aspect to being positive is maintaining a sense of hope.I look at hope as simply a belief that there is something good to look forward to in your future. This may relate to many different things, including family, friends, life experiences, holidays and career success.But the problem is too many people look at hope as something that comes and goes, that they have no control over. They think that their hopefulness is simply a reflection of their external situation. If things are going to get better in their lives, they feel hopeful. If things are going poorly, they feel hopeless.

This ignores two important facts. One is that we are not simply victims of our external situations. We can choose our response to any given situation. When we look at one person caught in a traffic jam having a tantrum and another relaxing in their car like they are on a beach, we can see that the same situation has brought out two different responses. The traffic jam does not have an automatic response it brings out in people. It is a neutral event and we choose to shed a positive or negative light on it based on our own beliefs and thoughts.

Allow being judged. This is something that can be really hard, but guess what. In order to boost self confidence to great heights, you must be able to do things your way and be OK with other people disliking what you do. Again, almost everybody in the world judges people, I judge people for sure. If somebody tells me that I am something negative that I know I am. Let's say ugly, or fat... I can simply laugh it off and say, "So what, I can't change my genes and this is the way I am, do you have something else you want to judge me by, please get it off your chest?". See there is nothing a person can say to you that you can't counter in one way or another. Have really strong beliefs. The two tips above come down to one thing and that is having a strong self belief and solid ground in your confidence. There are many exercises you can take in order to really learn how to gain self confidence. You must get your beliefs in order first, otherwise you will always have a doubt in your mind somewhere. People are experts at destroying their own beliefs by having negative thoughts. STOP negative thoughts now.

At the end of the day, you've interacted with others and will notice that you feel much lighter.Learning to become more relaxed is a great life enhancer. People who are more relaxed have fewer problems with their memories and are more likely to take the bumps in the road of life in stride.

The practice of meditation has gained popularity for this reason. You might want to look into Tai Chi, which involves physical relaxation techniques.Whatever method you decide on, take relaxation seriously. The benefits are just too great to ignore. If you've never considered relaxation important, think of it this way: if you can attend to something that results in feeling good, how can you not gain confidence in your personal abilities?

People who are close to you have more impact on you than you think. Sometimes if you want to change you have to change your surroundings and it should start with your friends.If some of your friends are negative, pessimistic people, they make you a negative and pessimistic person too. And that makes it very hard to improve your confidence. Stop meeting with people who make you feel bad and start meeting with people who make you feel good (preferably with highly confident people).

Confident people automatically "take the bull by the horns", without even thinking about it. When confident people don't like something, they change it.On the other hand, people who are not confident tend to struggle with making changes, but if they wish to lead an enjoyable and comfortable life, then they will need to learn how to gain confidence to make the required changes.

Make a list on a piece of card of all of your positive attributes and all of your strengths. Put this somewhere where you will see it everyday - stick it on your fridge or on your computer monitor. Alternatively, carry this in your purse or wallet. Read your list out loud everyday. Over time this becomes absorbed into your subconscious mind and you automatically start to feel more confident.

You don't need to start with speaking with native speakers. You can start with some easy things such as writing a few words on YouTube (comment videos), participating in online communities (for example message boards) or chatting online (you can use Sharedtalk to speak with other learners and native speakers).Easier said than done, but this is the whole "secret" - if you want to gain confidence to speak a foreign language, you need to speak a lot. It will probably be stressful at the beginning, but that's how you expand your comfort zone - by stepping outside of it. Sometimes it's better to just go for it.

Try to learn something new everyday to broaden your mind. There's nothing better than knowledge to make you feel more confident about yourself. The great Anthony Robbins said, "Once you stop growing, you die." Sound advice.By learning how to gain confidence, over the course of time you will find that it becomes much easier for you to make any necessary changes to your life. This in turn gives you even more confidence. And the cycle repeats.

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Science Of Getting Rich - Book By Wallace D Wattles

By Marianne R. Brown

The competitive mind vs. the creative mind. The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles offers many great lessons that when combined create the basic success formula by which anyone can create wealth, abundance and prosperity in their lives. One of the core concepts that Wattles explains in his book is the idea of doing things in a "certain way".

Wattles refers to the certain way in a couple of different contexts, but the essence of his message is that you will enjoy success by transcending your competitive mind and instead operating from the realm of your creative mind.The competitive mind is the place from which most of your daily life and that of those around you operates. It is the mentality that resources are scarce, times are tough, and there must be winners and losers. It leads to a natural sense of distrust and inherent competition in everything we think or do.

The more gratefully you fix your attention on the Infinite when good things come your way, the more wonderful things you will attract, and the more quickly they will appear. To put it simply, thankfulness sets the Law of Attraction into play on your behalf! Being grateful wards off bad thinking.Do you view your life in a bad light? Or maybe you're feeling sad at the moment? Gratitude replaces these kind of thoughts. Try it this minute. Come up with a simple thing you can be grateful for and notice what happens.

That's probably caused by your thoughts as well.Take the time to re-focus your thoughts. Dismiss the negative ones. Or at the very least, diminish their power.Whether you consciously use the power of thought discussed in Science of Getting Rich, it will still be affecting you. Think about it!I can't believe the movie "The Secret" has created such a storm.

If a grateful state is a seedling, faithfulness becomes its fruit. The thankful individual consistently expects good results, and expectation becomes faith. Without a living faith, you will not be able to prosper by the creative approach.Isn't the immense power of gratitude remarkable? It's a lot more than that. It is the primary link to creating unlimited access to everything you truly desire in life!Keep in mind: Follow Wattles' advice and make being grateful your primary focus. Wake up every morning with expressions of gratitude for the good things you possess and those that are on their way. This will take you into harmony with the infinite supply, and all that is good will step toward you.

Do you know about the movie, "The Secret"? The truth is, it isn't much of a secret anymore, selling over 500,000 units within 6 months of its release in March 2006 and to this date 5,000 copies a day. "The Secret" had such an impact on the world that it was even featured on the Oprah Winfrey show, Larry King Live, and the Ellen DeGeneres Show.You may be asking yourself, "What is behind the success of, "The Secret"? Well to sum it all up, "The Secret" is a movie to help people transform their lives using a philosophy known as the, "Law of Attraction". This universal law states that we are completely responsible for our own reality wither we know it or not, and the quicker we understand this basic concept the quicker we begin taking control of our lives. Brought to you by 24 teachers including Chiropractic healers relationship gurus, prosperity preachers, life caches, and motivational speakers - this message is explained clearly and shows you how to apply the principles to all aspects of your life.Not far behind the success of the ground breaking movie ,"The Secret" is a wealth building system created by 3 of the main teachers called ,"The Science of Getting Rich Program", which is set to make history being the fastest selling personal development program known to man.

To cut a long story short that's basically what The Science of Getting Rich is about. It's about trusting that the pictures you create for yourself are what's forming your life. Your pictures are the system that keeps your life going the way it is going. As Wallace Wattles pens in the Science of Getting Rich. "There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in it's original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.A person can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

It sounds like a power packed program and judging by the success of ,"The Secret", I'm sure it is well on its way to deliver its potent formula for building wealth on a worldwide level.Is it possible that our reality is created by our thoughts? Well a universal law known as the, "Law of Attraction", states: How we think is directly linked to what is manifested in our lives.You can look at it like this: For every action there is a reaction. Therefore we can say for every positive thought there is a positive reaction. This is no mumbo jumbo, in fact; it is a self-evident truth that your thoughts are made up of the energy that has a direct affect to your reality.Holding no one else responsible, we are the creators of our own reality by the way we think and the choices we make. When we truly grasp this concept we begin to take control of our lives and understand that the only limits we have are the ones we create.

So you think ignoring the news is putting your head in the sand? But really what good does it do you to know about all the bad stuff going on out there? I'd rather be rich and happy than depressed and poor. Does that make you cringe? Truth is I don't care.I used to be all worried about over fishing, deforestation and the whole works. And really I love this world, and want to see fish swimming in the sea. Incredible how many whales I see when I'm sitting on the terrace of my house overlooking the sea. And if you really want to save the world give money to organizations that educate people about the planet. I love animals so I don't eat them. You can always make choices that represent what you care about.

Perhaps another thing that is not quite clear in the movie "The Secret" is that there is plenty of talk about visualising the thing you want. This is true and should be done. But you also need to put emotion into the thought. The emotion is the fuel for the thought. Last but not least you need to take action. Wallace Wattles says "This is the crucial point in the Science Of Getting Rich - right here, where thought and personal action must be combined. There are very many people who consciously or unconsciously, set the creative forces in action by the strength and persistence of their desires, but who remain poor because they do not provide for the reception of the thing they want when it comes."Yes the thought is the first important thing, but feeling and taking action are also required. By taking action you're proving to the universe that you believe in your picture. But don't be surprised if the thing you want shows up in a way you weren't expecting.

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The Linden Method Review - Is Charles Linden's Program Worth It?

By Daniel Barlow

The misrepresentation of how panic and anxiety may be a type of medical condition or disease is crushed within this fully loaded program The Linden Method.Instead of a course that's comprised of plain fluff and theory, Charles Linden the author was actually a past anxiety sufferer for several years and has experienced it all. He shares his immense experience and expertise making all that's shared relatively simple to understand.

Such beliefs as anxiety being caused by physical or mental illness is dealt with from the beginning, where the reader gains a proper grasp of Charles Linden's own past battles with anxiety. There is a part of one's brain known as the Amygdale that The Linden Method covers that triggers feelings of anxiety, where he shares techniques for tuning it to a more suitable level.

You are probably asking "what is the Linden method?" Simply put, this method is developed to eliminate the root cause of anxiety that will result to permanent eradication of anxiety. It also works for other behavioural disorders such as panic attacks, phobias and many more.The Linden method is a self help program, which means you have to follow certain program in order to achieve a life free from anxiety. Therefore, you have to put time and effort as you follow the program. Bear in mind that this program will only work if you dedicate yourself to get rid of anxiety and follow the program completely.

Situations that were before frightening can be reinterpreted and new sensations can be formed. GAD, phobias, OCD, panic attacks and a lot more are included in this very comprehensive course.Support is offered by professional counselors who can be gotten by phone or email as part of the package. This is made available for a full 12 months. Creator Charles Linden appears to have a lot of faith in his program as he's offering a full year to use the program and see for yourself how effective it is before you are obligated to return it if it's not right for you.

If you are still wondering about the question: What is the Linden method? Why don't you try it, there is nothing to lose because you can get your money back if you are not satisfied with the results. Try it and feel the difference it can do to you.Chronic anxiety and debilitating panic attacks plagued Charles Linden for over 20 years. Panic and anxiety fully dominated Charles Linden's life. Linden tried all the standard treatments and yet nothing seemed to help. Linden gained fifty eight pounds while his marriage suffered.As Linden's problems grew, his world got smaller. Linden nearly gave up as his panic and anxiety spun out of control. Linden had to develop his own cure. The Linden Method relies on Charles Linden's own difficult experience and is one of the most effective self-help programs available.

The Linden program is backed by the foremost recent scientific analysis in the field. Analysis has discovered the panic disorder begins in the amygdala, a small organ in the brain. Fear responses and emotional learning are triggered within the amygdala.. Panic disorder results when fear responses designed to keep a person safe become dysfunctional.The Linden Method reprograms the amygdala step-by-step. The method reverses dysfunctional fear responses permanently. Autosuggestion, subliminal messages, and alternative forms of hypnosis are not used in the Linden Method. Learning the program is simple and can happen at home, at a comfortable pace.

A downloadable version of the Linden program is obtainable for 99 dollars and includes,The Linden Method basic step-by-step program,Email and phone support for one year at no charge. Sixteen audios in free MP3 from,A free e-book known as Stress Free in thirty Days,Journey Out of Agoraphobia, a free audio,Free programs in audio form on anxiety disorder, panic attacks, generalized anxiety, OCD, and agoraphobia.177 dollars buys a print version of the Linden Method as well. The Linden Method is available in a junior version for ages 7-fifteen for 198 dollars.

You get free, unlimited Linden Method counselling support from specialists via email and telephone, there are even Linden Method centres that you can attend to receive specialist face to face help. I found The Linden Method to be extremely effective for my condition. It was clear, concise, easy to follow and it worked. check out more from the links below,to take a look at my full review which contains testimonials from people who have successfully used this programme and in-depth views from medical experts.

Consider this: If you are anything like I was you will have paid hundreds if not thousands seeing counsellors, hypnotherapists, psychiatrists and psychologists and bought a wealth of cures and potions over the Internet and over the counter in order to try and cure your anxiety disorder. Take a look at the Linden Method for an option that is safe, easy to follow and natural.

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The Uses Of Gangster Flowers

By Chelsea Evans

Flowers have been used by different people to perform various functions. They make a place look lively and beautiful. The beauty of a flower depends with how these items are made. Gangster flowers are also used in different companies and industries since they can change the appearance of a place.

Gangster products come in different shapes and sizes. The manufacturers have got different ways they make their products. Firms ensure that all their employers are trained and qualified. They have to invent different styles and methods of making these items unique and different. The shape and color of an item depends with the person who made them. The color in other times can also vary depending on the occasion.

Prices differ from one item to another. Gangster products are relatively cheap and affordable. They can be purchased by different people because of their prices. The prices alter when it comes to the design and size. Most dealers sell the new models at a higher price compared to the rest. Individuals can also prefer buying directly from the manufacturers at a cheaper price.

Online buying is an easy and cheap way of getting products. Customers can comfortably buy these different items. They have to log in the different websites and select on the item they need. Customers can also choose different products at the same time. They are advised to order very early to allow the manufacturers enough time to make and pack the items.

Companies have got different transport means they use to deliver their products. These services have to be reliable and convenient to all the customers. The delivery services are offered at a free price. Customers only need to apply and specify the place the goods should be delivered. They also specify the exact time and date they would need these goods. It is important to keep the receipts well since delivery is done to those people with original receipts only.

Payments done should be complete and in the correct time. Customers should also pay for products after placing an order. They are allowed to pay for items that the manufacturers have approved. They can use different services when paying. Some are provided by the bank account numbers where they can deposit the money. Credit cards and gift cards are also allowed in other occasions. They have to make sure that the payment services used are legal and safe.

Flowers are packed differently when transporting them. They should be kept in safe boxes for them to remain safe. Manufacturers make products depending with the orders of their customers. They are allowed to specify the type of products they need. Individuals are also able to specify the time and place their flowers should be delivered. The manufacturers are reliable and very convenient to work with. They do their work perfectly and in the correct time.

Gangster flowers can be used in different occasions. Customers are able to choose products differently depending on the occasion. They can also include specialists when buying the items. Workers in these different shops are friendly and help the customers in choosing what is best for them.

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Thursday 18 July 2013

Reducing Anxiety When Speaking English As A Foreign Language

By Marvin R. Wilcox

Why does trying to speak another language make us so nervous? It's incredible how someone can be brilliant in other highly complex subjects and have panic attacks when they have to learn another language. This is so common that there is even The Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS). So how can you overcome this common problem? Below are a few ideas that could help.Learning another language is hard and feeling nervous about learning it is normal. It's like having to give a presentation about what you've learned every day. That's not expected in any other subjects. You are often given weeks or at least days to prepare to present in other circumstances. Learning a language is different in so many ways.

It's critically important to feel comfortable with the people around you, particularly when you are learning. Make sure you have a teacher who is supportive and helpful. If not, find a new one.Role playing is one of the most helpful things you can do to reduce your speaking anxiety. As I mentioned in item one, speaking a foreign language is like having to present constantly. When I have to give a presentation at work, I prepare extensively to help me feel more comfortable, including scripting and rehearsing it as many times as I can. The same steps can be applied to language. What are some common conversations that you have that you can script and rehearse?Practice is the key to all language acquisition, but you don't always have someone to practice with. Also, if you are suffering from anxiety, you may not have the nerve and motivation to practice with another person. A way to practice on your own is to narrate your activities. When you are getting dressed in the morning, try saying the steps out loud, like "I'm going to take a shower" and "I'm putting on my shirt".Sometimes identifying what triggers your anxiety can be a big step in controlling it. Try and keep a journal of when you feel anxious. Is it a certain person that makes you nervous? Is it a certain situation?What I am going to teach you here is the fact that there is a physical reason for our feeling frightened when put into a position to speak in public. That reason is our body's perception that speaking in front of others is a "threatening situation" that demands the over-creation of adrenalin. And it is the over-creation of adrenalin that gives us our symptoms of feeling frightened.

In medical terminologies, public speaking anxiety is referred to as "glossophobia." It is a very common reported type of social fears. It is actually normal that you will experience nervousness during your presentation or speech. However, in the case of a person with a Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), your feeling of anxiety during public speaking will take out and control your life. You will worry too much a few weeks to months before the date of your speech or presentation. On the day of the presentation, you will suffer from intense physical symptoms of anxiety such as pounding heart, blushing, inability to breathe, and quivering voice. These symptoms result from the flight or fight response of your body. There is a sudden release of adrenaline that prepares you for a sudden threat of danger. At this moment, you will experience loss of body control.

This line of thinking leads us to believe that nobody will like what we have to say. Well, I have news for you, not everyone will like what you say. Some people will and other people won't. There is nothing you can do about that, but to deliver your message.

The Chairwoman of the local Institute made a short welcoming speech and then introduced the author and the ladies clapped. He rose slowly to his feet and approached the microphone."Ladies," he began, "On my way here tonight, only God and I knew what I was going to say. Now, only God knows!" And he promptly left the stage!Anxiety about making speeches is far more common than you would think.There are many strategies that can be used to help deal with anxiety caused by having to deliver a speech. One of the major reasons for anxiety is being under prepared.If you are going to paint a door, let's say, then to do a really good job, you must prepare the surface well by rubbing it down with sandpaper. Then perhaps you need to seal the wood before applying undercoat and then one or maybe two coats of the gloss or matte paint.

The point is, the final job will not look half as good if the preparation work is not done well.It's the same with a good speech. If you don't collect together the material about which you are going to speak, sort it all into a sensible well thought out order so that all the points you want to cover are included and then arrange that material in an understandable way, your speech will be a disaster. Without that preparation, your task on the day will be immeasurably more difficult.But with all that preparation behind you, your confidence in your own ability with regard to the accuracy of the information should be OK.Your next task, of course, is the delivery of the speech and your preparation for your delivery should be just as thorough as your preparation of the content of the speech.So, what are the ways in which you can prepare yourself for delivery of your speech?During your preparation, find time to practise the speech. Read it through several times and you'll get a feel for how it sounds. If you can, record the speech as you hope to deliver it and listen to the playback carefully. Note down anything which didn't sound quite right so that you can change it at the end.

This approach can be accomplished by "breaking the ice" comments. Some people may engage in small talk prior to the official presentation to reduce anxiety.Know the Material.Out of all the tips, this one is crucial. Knowing what you are talking about will help you reduce anxiety. It is recommended to practice your speech. This exercise helps build confidence, and confidence will help reduce anxiety. Practice in front of a mirror if necessary.

One of the things which can always relieve tension in any activity is an injection of some humour. Distractions are a well-known way of relieving tension and a humorous thought or mind picture can certainly play a very good part in distracting you away from your nervousness just before and even during your speech.Various silly suggestions have been put forward as to what would be a good distraction such as imagining the audience sitting there completely naked or looking like rows of carrots or other vegetables. Silly is used here in the sense of being something to laugh at. If you can do this, without actually laughing, it could be a way for you to ease your own tension.

Once you have your game plan prepared, imagine yourself giving the speech. Visualization is a technique that helps you become familiar with the event. Imagine you are giving the speech in front of a big group. The more you practice the material and the more you see yourself doing it, the less anxious you will be. It is alright to have an error or two. Many people, as mentioned before, think that every word or every sentence must be perfect. Keep in mind that your audience does not know what you have planned for them. If you omit a word or sentence, they will not notice it.

Remember that public speaking anxiety is a self fulfilling prophecy. If you think the speech will go wrong, you will seek for validation of errors. Additionally, if you use visual aid make sure that if it does not work, you are prepared. That is why it is recommended for you to know the material. I have seen many presentations where the presenter relies heavily on the visual aid. Remember, the message is what is important. Everything else supplements your message.

As I mentioned, it is adrenaline that creates our symptoms of fear and anxiety completely out of our control. But what if you could control the adrenaline your body creates- then you would be in control!! That is what my research discovered and that is what I can show you how to do - control the adrenaline your body creates by taking a safe, inexpensive and non-addictive medication. And once I show you, you can do it anytime you want, on demand - just 15 minutes before a speaking engagement or performance.No you don't and here's why - Taking the medication during public speaking engagements over a period of time, allows the brain to re-think how it feels about speaking in public. With the medication, each public speaking event will increase your confidence as you realize you don't look or feel frightened. Your brain will eventually understand that public speaking is not the threatening situation that it has assumed. The medication can make it much easier to transition through the period of fearing to speak in public and being confident to speak in public. Because of this, the medication should not be considered a "crutch", but rather a "training aid" that will allow you to re-train your brain to understand that speaking in public does not require an overabundance of adrenaline in order to survive.

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A Review Of Bob Proctor's Program "the Science Of Getting Rich"

By Marie M. Clarke

Wallace D. Wattles' nearly one hundred year old classic masterpiece, "The Science of Getting Rich", has recently become *THE* book to read on the subject of getting rich. However, most of those who read this incredible book won't get near as much from it as they could.Since "The Science of Getting Rich" was originally published in 1910, a number of edited and/or revised versions of it have been published both online and offline.

Besides some having slight changes of title, most, if not all of these edited and/or revised versions contain changes in the wording of the original book by Wallace D. Wattles ranging from minor to major in a so-called attempt to "modernize" and/or make it more "readable".

The author of the book begins with a discussion of humanity's right to be rich. Material wealth can be a means of living a fuller, more successful and therefore, more productive life. To earn a living doing what one loves is everyone's dream. However, most of us learn "it doesn't work that way". Those who believe "the rich get richer when the poor get poorer" contribute to the accuracy of that belief in their lives and the lives of those whom they influence. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Material wealth can contribute to the betterment of the world. It is our right and obligation to be wealthy. The author explains that there is a science to getting rich; a procedure that if followed properly, works every time. He calls it doing things a "Certain Way". Credentials, talent, money, personal contacts and skill are not necessary to acquire material wealth. Look around. Most everyone has heard of people who succeed against all odds and predictions. They do things a Certain Way.

In my opinion, any change of wording, however minor, takes away from the original meaning of what Wallace D. Wattles wrote and thus changes our understanding of it.I strongly encourage you stay away from edited and/or revised versions of "The Science of Getting Rich" and stick to the original.I know this sounds like simple common sense, but you'd be surprised at how many people don't do it. I can tell by some of the questions I get.Occasionally, as you read "The Science of Getting Rich", you'll come across words you may not understand or don't make sense to you in the context in which Wallace D. Wattles used them.

The author encourages people to set aside the logical, rational mind and allow themselves to believe, with absolute certainty they deserve to be wealthy, have the ability to acquire wealth and the ability to control their thoughts. Everyone thinking and acting in a Certain Way will be rich.There are a handful of books that belong to the classics or Hall of Fame of self-help books. Among those classic books would be the books, "How To Win Friends and Influence People", "Think and Grow Rich", "The Greatest Salesman in the World", and this book by Wallace Wattles- "The Science of Getting Rich".

As with most books on success and wealth-building, it is not about acquiring things or money. It is about changing our insides to become the person we need to be for long-term (not short-term) wealth. It is about transforming your mind into becoming positive and wealthy so that you can acquire the wealth. Most people would think of getting wealth as from a rich relative, from the lottery, from other sources that we have no control over. Instead, true wealth can only come from those things we have control over such as our mind and body.

We have to become that person who has wealth in our minds before we can have that wealth in our hands. This is the beauty of the book, "The Science of Getting Rich". It makes that transformation more of a science than an art. We have more control of things that can be attained through a scientific or quantitative way. Before we can transform our minds, we have to first decide that it is something that we want to attain. A great chapter in this book is on the attitude of gratitude. We should be thankful of our blessings. This is conducive to transforming our minds to get rich.

On proven results.With the ability of particle accelerators they have been able to divide ANYTHING on earth to the point of it being energy alone. One same energy of which everything comes from and of which everything is a part of. Including us. And this energy is affected by thought. This is proven beyond a doubt scientifically. So the thought "if we can hold it in the mind, we can hold it in the hand is scientifically proven". Through the power of thought.

There are several recent books that talks about attracting wealth. A recent popular book is "The Secret" which is a revised version of "The Science of Getting Rich". "The Secret" is a good book. It even references Wallace Wattles' book. There is no substitution for the original. The original is the concept of acquiring riches in its raw form. It is a matter of practicing the principles outlined in the book.So, if you are serious about self-improvement and becoming the best you can be (e.g. becoming wealthy), you should have this book in your library of success.

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Natural Remedies For Anxiety - Product Reviews

By Toms Sousa Lima

Many of the medications that have been used in the past have proved to have serious side effects and for that reason many anxiety sufferers have sought out natural non chemical remedies for their condition. That is not to say that some of the severe cases of anxiety and depression do not need to be treated by the medical profession but many anxiety sufferers could benefit from some natural remedies for anxiety.

Raw food lovers to even medical doctors are now encouraging the use and purchase of herbals supplements and natural products to overcome anxiety. They realize the old saying, "What you put in, you get out." With the prescription drugs having so many side effects and how they are not actually natural at all, it's no surprise people are walking away from scripts as people in the streets refer as.

The time you need to see a medical practitioner is when the condition gets so bad that they are no longer able to carry on with their normal life. An anxiety state can often be prevented from reaching this stage by use of natural remedies for anxiety. There are basically four natural remedies, herbal treatments, aromatherapy, meditation and aqua puncture. Any of these treatments or a combination can often bring about an improvement or cure for the problem.

One of the remedies is called the Seven Source Mushroom Extract. It is a small bottle that has a dropper vile built into the lid. You simply drop 10 droplets or more into a cup of water and take daily for 90 days. Then other people are also taking this extract straight up by dropping it on the bottom of the tongues for the direct effect to the blood stream.

One final tip on dealing with anxiety naturally is in using the "Serenity Prayer." This non-denominational prayer says, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." This powerful little prayer can also help you reduce anxiety without expensive Western medicine

Another remedy that consumers love taking for instant relief is called Kava Kava. This is a powerful herbal supplements for those who are entangled with daily stress,worry and anxiety. If you experience of any these issues, be sure that you only take kava kava for a short period of time. The reason for this is because it can damage your liver if you take it regularly for long periods of times like more than a month or even 2-3 weeks daily.

As you'll come to realize, this world is expanding in the commerce world with more herbal and natural remedies for everyday ailments.Anxiety has been plaguing the social life of some people in the United States. This can be caused by a lot of things. It can be from the environment, lack of nutrition or can also be caused by problems in the mind. Some of the lesser anxiety attacks can be cured or treated by fish oil. In fact fish oil is a well known cure for general anxiety disorders. Fish oil not only helps the brain, it helps our skin also. This is just to show you how powerful natural remedies are when battling different types of ailments of the mind. But how about powerful anxiety attacks and disorders that cannot be cured by fish oil?

Natural Remedy One - Herbs.Anxiety has been treated for thousands of years using natural herbal remedies. And even though these preparations often take a few weeks or months to start working effectively, they have been shown to be not only highly effective but a much more gentle approach to curing anxiety that using harsh chemical treatments such as prescription medication.

The best herbs to use to treat anxiety are passionflower, hops, and valerian. There are many great formulations on the market that contain these herbs together in tablet, capsule or liquid form. If you also suffer from depression, St Johns Wort is also another great remedy to use alongside other herbal anxiety remedies.Natural Remedy Two - Mental/Emotional Techniques.The power of your mind to control and eliminate anxiety is an amazing asset, which we are all able to tap into and use. Anxiety has quickly been eliminated using various mental and emotional approaches. Sometimes one session is all it takes to cure somebody of anxiety or panic.

Many anxiety disorder sufferers have had success by limiting their intake of sweeteners, natural and artificial sweeteners alike. It is important to watch your physical reactions to certain sweeteners as you attempt to narrow the choices of sweeteners that may be causing the stress. If a substance is identified then you should be certain to stay away from that sweetener if it is harmful, or be sure to use it if you find it tolerable.Because of the nervousness that anxiety produces, anxiety sufferers should avoid substances that are high in caffeine, since caffeine has the tendency to spike the anxiety levels. Switch to decaffeinated coffee to reduce the caffeine intake while still enjoying the coffee experience and flavor.

Natural remedies can cure and treat anxiety that is caused by social fear. This is easy by reducing the thought of embarrassment, allowing the speaker to have an easier time expressing himself or herself. The decrease of negative thoughts and a sense of well being plus peace can allow anyone who is afraid of public speaking to easily conquer it. Natural herbal remedies are now becoming very popular. Homeopathic schools and courses are even starting to pop up in Universities and Colleges. So the next time you have an anxiety attack or disorder due to social fear, why not give natural herbal remedies a try. They are very effective and can work wonders.

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