Thursday 18 July 2013

A Review Of Bob Proctor's Program "the Science Of Getting Rich"

By Marie M. Clarke

Wallace D. Wattles' nearly one hundred year old classic masterpiece, "The Science of Getting Rich", has recently become *THE* book to read on the subject of getting rich. However, most of those who read this incredible book won't get near as much from it as they could.Since "The Science of Getting Rich" was originally published in 1910, a number of edited and/or revised versions of it have been published both online and offline.

Besides some having slight changes of title, most, if not all of these edited and/or revised versions contain changes in the wording of the original book by Wallace D. Wattles ranging from minor to major in a so-called attempt to "modernize" and/or make it more "readable".

The author of the book begins with a discussion of humanity's right to be rich. Material wealth can be a means of living a fuller, more successful and therefore, more productive life. To earn a living doing what one loves is everyone's dream. However, most of us learn "it doesn't work that way". Those who believe "the rich get richer when the poor get poorer" contribute to the accuracy of that belief in their lives and the lives of those whom they influence. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Material wealth can contribute to the betterment of the world. It is our right and obligation to be wealthy. The author explains that there is a science to getting rich; a procedure that if followed properly, works every time. He calls it doing things a "Certain Way". Credentials, talent, money, personal contacts and skill are not necessary to acquire material wealth. Look around. Most everyone has heard of people who succeed against all odds and predictions. They do things a Certain Way.

In my opinion, any change of wording, however minor, takes away from the original meaning of what Wallace D. Wattles wrote and thus changes our understanding of it.I strongly encourage you stay away from edited and/or revised versions of "The Science of Getting Rich" and stick to the original.I know this sounds like simple common sense, but you'd be surprised at how many people don't do it. I can tell by some of the questions I get.Occasionally, as you read "The Science of Getting Rich", you'll come across words you may not understand or don't make sense to you in the context in which Wallace D. Wattles used them.

The author encourages people to set aside the logical, rational mind and allow themselves to believe, with absolute certainty they deserve to be wealthy, have the ability to acquire wealth and the ability to control their thoughts. Everyone thinking and acting in a Certain Way will be rich.There are a handful of books that belong to the classics or Hall of Fame of self-help books. Among those classic books would be the books, "How To Win Friends and Influence People", "Think and Grow Rich", "The Greatest Salesman in the World", and this book by Wallace Wattles- "The Science of Getting Rich".

As with most books on success and wealth-building, it is not about acquiring things or money. It is about changing our insides to become the person we need to be for long-term (not short-term) wealth. It is about transforming your mind into becoming positive and wealthy so that you can acquire the wealth. Most people would think of getting wealth as from a rich relative, from the lottery, from other sources that we have no control over. Instead, true wealth can only come from those things we have control over such as our mind and body.

We have to become that person who has wealth in our minds before we can have that wealth in our hands. This is the beauty of the book, "The Science of Getting Rich". It makes that transformation more of a science than an art. We have more control of things that can be attained through a scientific or quantitative way. Before we can transform our minds, we have to first decide that it is something that we want to attain. A great chapter in this book is on the attitude of gratitude. We should be thankful of our blessings. This is conducive to transforming our minds to get rich.

On proven results.With the ability of particle accelerators they have been able to divide ANYTHING on earth to the point of it being energy alone. One same energy of which everything comes from and of which everything is a part of. Including us. And this energy is affected by thought. This is proven beyond a doubt scientifically. So the thought "if we can hold it in the mind, we can hold it in the hand is scientifically proven". Through the power of thought.

There are several recent books that talks about attracting wealth. A recent popular book is "The Secret" which is a revised version of "The Science of Getting Rich". "The Secret" is a good book. It even references Wallace Wattles' book. There is no substitution for the original. The original is the concept of acquiring riches in its raw form. It is a matter of practicing the principles outlined in the book.So, if you are serious about self-improvement and becoming the best you can be (e.g. becoming wealthy), you should have this book in your library of success.

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