Thursday 18 July 2013

Natural Remedies For Anxiety - Product Reviews

By Toms Sousa Lima

Many of the medications that have been used in the past have proved to have serious side effects and for that reason many anxiety sufferers have sought out natural non chemical remedies for their condition. That is not to say that some of the severe cases of anxiety and depression do not need to be treated by the medical profession but many anxiety sufferers could benefit from some natural remedies for anxiety.

Raw food lovers to even medical doctors are now encouraging the use and purchase of herbals supplements and natural products to overcome anxiety. They realize the old saying, "What you put in, you get out." With the prescription drugs having so many side effects and how they are not actually natural at all, it's no surprise people are walking away from scripts as people in the streets refer as.

The time you need to see a medical practitioner is when the condition gets so bad that they are no longer able to carry on with their normal life. An anxiety state can often be prevented from reaching this stage by use of natural remedies for anxiety. There are basically four natural remedies, herbal treatments, aromatherapy, meditation and aqua puncture. Any of these treatments or a combination can often bring about an improvement or cure for the problem.

One of the remedies is called the Seven Source Mushroom Extract. It is a small bottle that has a dropper vile built into the lid. You simply drop 10 droplets or more into a cup of water and take daily for 90 days. Then other people are also taking this extract straight up by dropping it on the bottom of the tongues for the direct effect to the blood stream.

One final tip on dealing with anxiety naturally is in using the "Serenity Prayer." This non-denominational prayer says, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." This powerful little prayer can also help you reduce anxiety without expensive Western medicine

Another remedy that consumers love taking for instant relief is called Kava Kava. This is a powerful herbal supplements for those who are entangled with daily stress,worry and anxiety. If you experience of any these issues, be sure that you only take kava kava for a short period of time. The reason for this is because it can damage your liver if you take it regularly for long periods of times like more than a month or even 2-3 weeks daily.

As you'll come to realize, this world is expanding in the commerce world with more herbal and natural remedies for everyday ailments.Anxiety has been plaguing the social life of some people in the United States. This can be caused by a lot of things. It can be from the environment, lack of nutrition or can also be caused by problems in the mind. Some of the lesser anxiety attacks can be cured or treated by fish oil. In fact fish oil is a well known cure for general anxiety disorders. Fish oil not only helps the brain, it helps our skin also. This is just to show you how powerful natural remedies are when battling different types of ailments of the mind. But how about powerful anxiety attacks and disorders that cannot be cured by fish oil?

Natural Remedy One - Herbs.Anxiety has been treated for thousands of years using natural herbal remedies. And even though these preparations often take a few weeks or months to start working effectively, they have been shown to be not only highly effective but a much more gentle approach to curing anxiety that using harsh chemical treatments such as prescription medication.

The best herbs to use to treat anxiety are passionflower, hops, and valerian. There are many great formulations on the market that contain these herbs together in tablet, capsule or liquid form. If you also suffer from depression, St Johns Wort is also another great remedy to use alongside other herbal anxiety remedies.Natural Remedy Two - Mental/Emotional Techniques.The power of your mind to control and eliminate anxiety is an amazing asset, which we are all able to tap into and use. Anxiety has quickly been eliminated using various mental and emotional approaches. Sometimes one session is all it takes to cure somebody of anxiety or panic.

Many anxiety disorder sufferers have had success by limiting their intake of sweeteners, natural and artificial sweeteners alike. It is important to watch your physical reactions to certain sweeteners as you attempt to narrow the choices of sweeteners that may be causing the stress. If a substance is identified then you should be certain to stay away from that sweetener if it is harmful, or be sure to use it if you find it tolerable.Because of the nervousness that anxiety produces, anxiety sufferers should avoid substances that are high in caffeine, since caffeine has the tendency to spike the anxiety levels. Switch to decaffeinated coffee to reduce the caffeine intake while still enjoying the coffee experience and flavor.

Natural remedies can cure and treat anxiety that is caused by social fear. This is easy by reducing the thought of embarrassment, allowing the speaker to have an easier time expressing himself or herself. The decrease of negative thoughts and a sense of well being plus peace can allow anyone who is afraid of public speaking to easily conquer it. Natural herbal remedies are now becoming very popular. Homeopathic schools and courses are even starting to pop up in Universities and Colleges. So the next time you have an anxiety attack or disorder due to social fear, why not give natural herbal remedies a try. They are very effective and can work wonders.

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