Thursday 18 July 2013

Positive Thinking Plus Self Belief = Dollars

By Robert R. Ng

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence."Life is never a joyride. It is a mixture of bitterness, anger, sweet, and sour feelings. Every day is a new beginning, with new challenges, new hopes, new ideas etc... , all of which can be conquered by being optimistic.

Delve into Dedication One of the most important success secrets is that a person must be dedicated if they really want to achieve their goals. People with lackadaisical attitudes have a minimal chance at becoming a success in life, be it in their personal lives or professional lives. To succeed, you must be one hundred percent dedicated to making your life better. With true dedication, anything is possible.

Optimism consists of three major components: first, the belief in your own power to make a successful life; second, the belief that negative events in life are temporary; and third the belief that positive events in life are permanent.

The fact of the matter is that if you do not believe in yourself, nobody will believe in you. You have to be your number one fan. Take the time to reward yourself whenever you reach a goal. Don't be afraid to stumble at times, it's perfectly normal. Even the biggest online companies out there had a lot of crawling to do before they were able to run. I can assure you that if you take just a few extra steps to keep a positive balance, you will be much more successful and happier with your online business.

Past regrets and future worries are the reason for fear and insecurities to arise. Past is history and shaping future is in your hand. Present is what we have so we must make the maximum utilization of it. Take every hardship as a challenge and take this as an opportunity to show that you can go to any extent to achieve your goals. Develop a healthy eating, stress free life, and get a good sleep. Be content, natural, and happy with what you are and what you have.

Most of us are natural procrastinators. Leaving everything until the last minute puts tons of pressure on us. Bad time management and procrastination make that deadline seem deadly! Bad time management is a symptom of a bigger problem - disorganization. If you are 100% organized in everything you do, your school life will be a breeze. But, how many of us can say that we are?

Finally, a major stressor for students is the simple fear that we won't make it. With deadlines, tests, things to do, our own messy disorganization, and a whole wide array of expectations on us from teachers, we simply worry whether we'll pass or not.

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