Friday 19 July 2013

Bob Proctor And The Science Of Getting Rich

By Cecelia C. Dawson

Getting rich is what most people greatly desire. And why not? Having more than enough money enables one to take care of his/her family better, travel to different places, live in luxury, realize dreams and simply enjoy life to the fullest. But of course and unfortunately, not everyone is born rich. While there are individuals who flit around the world, there are people who live and struggle every single day to make ends meet. There are employees who are stuck in the proverbial 'rat race', and thus never accomplish anything. And sadly, there are those who merely exist to go to work and sleep. Such people, though they really want to get out of poverty and alleviate their living standards, instead die failing.

However, the science of getting rich is about much more than monetarily success, and recommends finding success in all parts of your life. That is the key to finding financial freedom. You must be successful in every part of your life to make it in your financial life. This philosophy is wonderful and a great resource to have in your life for anyone.

The science to getting rich also says that to impress a thought in the Substance, a man must come into harmony with it. It can be done by sincerely giving thanks to all the blessings the man is given by the Universe; such kind of gratitude is received by the Formless Intelligence. Life, whether happy or miserable, must then be accepted with joy and thanksgiving. And with harmony, any thought that is projected to the Formless by man can now be produced and realized.

The economy sucks, everything is getting extremely expensive, your retirement fund has evaporated, and your wage has been cut . What can you possibly do to begin to stop the madness? Can the law of attraction science really help me? Well, by universal law, you get what you focus on. So often, a large part of why we are stuck is because we're focused on what went wrong yesterday or today rather than on what we want. And because we're locked into our past decisions and outcomes, the tendency is to believe we will get more of the same.The trick is to take responsibility for leading yourself to where you want to go rather than where you've been or where you are. You accomplish that by focusing on what you want instead of where you are. This is foundational to understanding how to use law of attraction.Wattles teaches that you place the full attention and focus of your mind on the picture you desire for yourself, on crafting and layering specifics upon that picture, and by maintaining your full faith, belief and trust in that purpose. By doing that, you will begin to have ideas and take actions that are inspired, and which begin to move you closer towards your vision.

Who is Bob Proctor? Bob Proctor is the owner of the successful company, Life Success Productions. Bob Proctor is a certified consultant and life coach who brings people the success they are seeking. However, it is up to each individual to reach for that success they so desire. Bob Proctor has seen success in his own life in many ways. He is an author, counselor, lecturer, entrepreneur, business consultant, and teacher. He has found success in all parts of his life and is bringing his knowledge out in many ways to help others achieve what they want to.

Little by little, focus clearly on what you want and what step you can take today -- right now -- to move you closer to that place. Then repeat the process. Over and over, day by day. By doing that not only will you no longer feel so stuck in your life, you'll also be well on your way to your better future by leveraging the "science" in the science of getting rich.You may have heard of the Law of Attraction. Perhaps you've heard of "The Secret". The amount of publicity "The Secret" has been getting has been phenomenal as it has been on mainstream television and various other forms of media. But where did it originate from?In 1910, Wallace D. Wattles wrote the timeless classic "The Science of Getting Rich". It was a bold title for a book and Wattles suggested that getting rich is a predictable outcome if one can master the principles outlined in the book.

Here's what Wallace D. Wattles said about "The Science of Getting Rich". "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It's a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich."

The question "is there a science of getting rich?" may take some people by surprise, because it is hard to believe that there could be an actual science of getting rich, but the matter of fact is that there is one, and it is an exact science that can be proven on paper, and that's because there are specific laws that govern the universe, and once you study and learn these laws and obey them, you will get rich.

What's really important to understand is that to become rich and have a lot of money, you need to do things in a certain way, and if you do things in that way richness is guaranteed. On the other hand, those who think that it is not possible to become rich by assuming a certain way of thinking are doomed to failure, as written in "The Science Of Getting Rich" book written by Wallace D. Wattles at the beginning of the 20th century. Wallace D. Wattles was a writer who experienced a life of failure, until after many years of studies he developed and practiced the principles of the science of getting rich, which then became a famous book. On his last years the writer started to form mental pictures that proclaimed him as a successful writer, and he spent most of his time writing until he was able to realize his dream and live a truly powerful life.

By contrast, visit a public place with the thought that every person you meet is kind and helpful, interact with some people, and notice the difference. Then think which reality you prefer to create.Once you recognize what's really happening, you should feel motivated to take control of your consistent thoughts so you can create the most joyful life you can imagine. Everyone is capable of doing this, but most people don't.Acting "As If",Another key, according to Wattles, is acting as if the reality you want to create is your reality now. Become the person you see yourself being when the things you desire come to you. If you want more wealth, start to act like that wealthy person now. How? One way is to be more generous. Let money flow through you with ease.In The Science of Getting Rich, Wattles also provides another powerful Law of Attraction secret: the power of expressing gratitude for what you have and for the wonderful things that are coming to you. Bob Proctor, who is one of today's truly great thought leaders, suggests saying something like this to yourself repeatedly throughout the day. "I am so happy and grateful that..." Just fill in the blank with anything you want to expand in your life.

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