Friday 19 July 2013

How To Gain Confidence - You Can Develop Hope

By Joshua B. White

Part of learning how to gain confidence is an ability to maintain a positive attitude about yourself and your life. A key aspect to being positive is maintaining a sense of hope.I look at hope as simply a belief that there is something good to look forward to in your future. This may relate to many different things, including family, friends, life experiences, holidays and career success.But the problem is too many people look at hope as something that comes and goes, that they have no control over. They think that their hopefulness is simply a reflection of their external situation. If things are going to get better in their lives, they feel hopeful. If things are going poorly, they feel hopeless.

This ignores two important facts. One is that we are not simply victims of our external situations. We can choose our response to any given situation. When we look at one person caught in a traffic jam having a tantrum and another relaxing in their car like they are on a beach, we can see that the same situation has brought out two different responses. The traffic jam does not have an automatic response it brings out in people. It is a neutral event and we choose to shed a positive or negative light on it based on our own beliefs and thoughts.

Allow being judged. This is something that can be really hard, but guess what. In order to boost self confidence to great heights, you must be able to do things your way and be OK with other people disliking what you do. Again, almost everybody in the world judges people, I judge people for sure. If somebody tells me that I am something negative that I know I am. Let's say ugly, or fat... I can simply laugh it off and say, "So what, I can't change my genes and this is the way I am, do you have something else you want to judge me by, please get it off your chest?". See there is nothing a person can say to you that you can't counter in one way or another. Have really strong beliefs. The two tips above come down to one thing and that is having a strong self belief and solid ground in your confidence. There are many exercises you can take in order to really learn how to gain self confidence. You must get your beliefs in order first, otherwise you will always have a doubt in your mind somewhere. People are experts at destroying their own beliefs by having negative thoughts. STOP negative thoughts now.

At the end of the day, you've interacted with others and will notice that you feel much lighter.Learning to become more relaxed is a great life enhancer. People who are more relaxed have fewer problems with their memories and are more likely to take the bumps in the road of life in stride.

The practice of meditation has gained popularity for this reason. You might want to look into Tai Chi, which involves physical relaxation techniques.Whatever method you decide on, take relaxation seriously. The benefits are just too great to ignore. If you've never considered relaxation important, think of it this way: if you can attend to something that results in feeling good, how can you not gain confidence in your personal abilities?

People who are close to you have more impact on you than you think. Sometimes if you want to change you have to change your surroundings and it should start with your friends.If some of your friends are negative, pessimistic people, they make you a negative and pessimistic person too. And that makes it very hard to improve your confidence. Stop meeting with people who make you feel bad and start meeting with people who make you feel good (preferably with highly confident people).

Confident people automatically "take the bull by the horns", without even thinking about it. When confident people don't like something, they change it.On the other hand, people who are not confident tend to struggle with making changes, but if they wish to lead an enjoyable and comfortable life, then they will need to learn how to gain confidence to make the required changes.

Make a list on a piece of card of all of your positive attributes and all of your strengths. Put this somewhere where you will see it everyday - stick it on your fridge or on your computer monitor. Alternatively, carry this in your purse or wallet. Read your list out loud everyday. Over time this becomes absorbed into your subconscious mind and you automatically start to feel more confident.

You don't need to start with speaking with native speakers. You can start with some easy things such as writing a few words on YouTube (comment videos), participating in online communities (for example message boards) or chatting online (you can use Sharedtalk to speak with other learners and native speakers).Easier said than done, but this is the whole "secret" - if you want to gain confidence to speak a foreign language, you need to speak a lot. It will probably be stressful at the beginning, but that's how you expand your comfort zone - by stepping outside of it. Sometimes it's better to just go for it.

Try to learn something new everyday to broaden your mind. There's nothing better than knowledge to make you feel more confident about yourself. The great Anthony Robbins said, "Once you stop growing, you die." Sound advice.By learning how to gain confidence, over the course of time you will find that it becomes much easier for you to make any necessary changes to your life. This in turn gives you even more confidence. And the cycle repeats.

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