Saturday, 1 June 2013

Learn How To Keep Your Teeth Healthy With A Carrollton Dentist Who Provides Important Tips

By Christian Bordner

Dental health care providers not only perform the necessary examinations and procedures to keep the teeth and gums of their patients healthy, but they can also help by teaching them about the importance of regular, at-home oral care. A Carrollton dentist can help patients by giving them valuable advice for maintaining healthy teeth.

When the patient attends his or her dental check-up, the dentist will most likely point out that it is important to have this done twice a year. Regular dental check-ups can identify any problems which may need fixing before they get worse and require a more extensive repair.

The importance of proper brushing twice each day is also likely to come up when discussing oral hygiene. Using a good fluoridated toothpaste and a brush which isn't too hard, as this can hurt the gums, is recommended. There is a proper technique for thorough brushing that the dental health provider can demonstrate to the patient if they wish.

The significance of flossing each day is another point patients will likely learn about. Brushing alone cannot remove tiny food particles that get stuck between the teeth and encourage decay, that is why it is necessary to floss. There is a proper technique for flossing as well, which the patient will be shown how to do.

It's best to avoid eating foods high in sugar, and instead snack on crunchy produce like an apple or a carrot, which are great for the teeth. Calcium also is very important as it keeps the enamel of the teeth strong, so drinking milk and eating foods rich in this mineral is recommended.

Patients can become more active and aware of their own part in keeping their teeth healthy with the valuable guidance of a Carrollton dentist. Anything the patient would like to know about oral care, he or she can learn from this professional. Together the dentist and patient work as a team to ensure a healthy mouth.

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