Saturday 13 July 2013

Create And Use Your Own Positive Affirmations

By Mary R. Joyce

You are currently waking up every morning for that job you dread. Your life is on auto-pilot, going through the motions and living an ordinary, uneventful life.Affirmations can change your entire life in less than 5 minutes a day. Imagine being able to change how you think on a regular basis to be more positive. Well that is how affirmations work, so let's get you started on your own list.How to Create a Positive Affirmation,Positive affirmations are very easy to construct, but it takes a good deal of time to truly identify your wants and desires. An affirmation does little good if you're asking for the wrong thing. Take a few minutes of your day and list everything you want to change about your life. This list could include - your health, job, relationships, or self-esteem.

Feel Them. The emotional dimension of each affirmation should never be overlooked. When you can additionally "feel" your affirmation, its total impact increases tremendously. For instance, if your affirmation is "I am a successful public speaker", then visualize how it will be like to be receiving a standing ovation from a hall full of people.Make Them In the Present Tense. You should state your positive daily affirmations in the present tense, that is, use "I am..." rather than "I will be..." Saying things in the present tense will program your subconscious mind to believe that what you affirm is already a fact. In other words, you have no doubt in your mind that what you desire is a given and not just a wish that may or may not happen.Make Affirmations Positive. Another important tip in formulating your affirmations is to write them in the positive state. A negative statement cannot work. For instance, you should say "I am rich" rather than "I am not poor".

When you say the word don't, you are actually telling yourself that you do have acne. To change this thinking you must say something like, "I have flawless skin," or "I love the way my skin looks." These affirmations force your brain to focus on what your really want - clear skin.How to use these affirmations,You have just created one or two positive affirmations that fit your specific needs. Creating them is just the first step; we know must implement them into our daily routine.The best way to always remember to repeat your affirmations is to write them down on a post-it-note and keep them in places that you frequently visit. Some good places include: The refrigerator,Bathroom Mirror,Bedroom Door,Alarm Clock,Computer Desk

Increase Your Faith. Of course, the more faith you have in them, the more effective your affirmations will be. The desires and dreams that your mind can conceive bear seeds of possibility, and possibilities ultimately become realities.Say Positive Daily Affirmations With Conviction. Some experts recommend saying positive daily affirmations silently. They say that silent affirmations are more effective than spoken statements, because they entail more intensity of concentration and resonate through your entire body instead of in your surroundings. Others recommend saying them out loud, because you can also use your facial expression or hand gestures for more conviction. For whatever it is, positive daily affirmations made in a half hearted manner are not going to be as effective as the ones that you make with deliberate intention.

Follow Up With Actions. Lastly, you will also need to put in some actions, so that you can lay the ground for their manifestation. For instance, affirming that you will win the lottery can only be possible when you buy a ticket. Remind Yourself Daily. In a hurried lifestyle with 1001 things to do, you can find it hard to remember to repeating the positive daily affirmations. Hence, put them in a visible location, like on the wall or in front of the mirror or save them in a PowerPoint slide to be used as a screensaver.

Positive affirmations can easily change your whole life. You know how they work. You change your outlook on life, and you will bring that positivity to you. That is the basic Law of Attraction. Concentrate your mind on improvements you are going to have in your life, and they will come to you. What most people don't completely grasp is that positive affirmations can help change EVERY aspect of your life, even your physical wellness. In fact, it is potentially easier to understand this fact than any other aspect of the Law of Attraction.

Accepting change has always been a difficult task for most people, since they are reluctant of letting go of the comfort that they are used to. When you choose to affirm yourself positively, you can end up either in avoidance or in reappraisal. If you find yourself resisting change due to negative feelings or fear, it is because your subconscious mind is trying to avoid the challenge of dealing with the change. You can affect the way you perceive things by having positive affirmations that you have to repeat continuously and believe. This will create a conviction for you that will slowly fight off your resistance and finally; you will ease yourself into the change you feared.

Affirmations work by redirecting your thought frequencies and patterns hence replacing your negative beliefs with positive ones. You change the way you think and the way you feel about things, and you start to see tangible results of your positive affirmations. Affirmations will work for you if you are ready to leave the past behind and embrace a new way of doing things so that you can free yourself of the negativity that has been subconsciously subjected to you.

Positive affirmations are important because our beliefs are learned. You are not born believing that you can or can't do something, you create your own beliefs. That means that you can change what you believe. It is not however as easy simply deciding that you want to change what you believe. In order to do it you will have to make a real effort over a fairly long period of time, this is where positive affirmations come in.

The affirmations we have are a great impact on the way we perceive things and the world in general since they affect the way we react to everyday events. For us to survive, we have to adapt to the environment. Learn to react quickly towards the events that take place around us and be able to examine everything that is around us. Most of the affirmations we can be dated back to the foundation of our lives during our early ages. It could be beliefs that we learned from our parents and the environment from which we first understood the way things work. Therefore, some of us may have negative affirmations acquired from the environment, their parents or their experiences. However, you can acquire positive affirmations through subliminal messages that are manifested in the subconscious mind without the knowledge of the conscious mind.Positive affirmations are used by the conscious mind to change any negative attitude that we might have grown up with in our subconscious mind. They are usually in the form of positive statements that you have to keep repeating and believing so that they can replace the negative attitude that you are trying to get rid of. Positive affirmations have been reported to work very well in helping people to get over their fears, achieve many goals, change one's focus towards a positive future, accept change, and many other positive outcomes.

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Learn How To Stop Procrastination

By Ellis Tomlinson

If you procrastinate then you need to stop procrastination problems before they have a profoundly negative effect on your life. A procrastinator often struggles because he or she puts things off. Some procrastinators find that they are procrastinating in just one area of their life, such as work, while other procrastinators find that they delay necessary tasks in all areas of their lives. Either way, procrastinating can cause problems and should be stopped. Procrastinating may be so ingrained for some people that they do not even know that they are doing it and that makes stopping difficult. However, treatment for procrastination is available and can help people quit this bad habit. Effective anti-procrastination techniques include NLP and hypnotherapy.

Decide that are ready to end procrastination now The first and most important step to liberating yourself from this paralyzing condition may sound a bit obvious but it's a step you can't afford to miss out. You really do have to want to put an end to it right now.If you are only thinking it might be a good idea to STOP PROCRASTINATING some time in the future, then you may as well stop reading the rest of this article now. In short, the pain of not taking action must be greater than the pain of taking action. You need to be so dissatisfied with not getting ahead because of this that you are ready to do whatever it takes to change your situation right now.

Why Do People Procrastinate? Many psychologists believe that people often procrastinate because they have anxiety about starting or completing a project. Other psychological causes include low self esteem and a self defeating mentality. Mental health conditions such as ADHD or depression can also cause a person to procrastinate.

To be successful you have to deal with the underlying way in which procrastination works. You procrastinate because of the way you are wired biologically. Everything you do in life is driven by your desire to gain pleasure and avoid pain. You will also do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure. So if you link any pain with taking action, even in order to gain pleasure, your association with the pain will stop you from taking action and you will procrastinate.To stop procrastinating there's no point in focusing on the pleasure you will get from achieving your goal instead of the pain to get there because you already know your drive to avoid pain will always win. Rather you must compare the pain you link with taking action to the pain you will feel if you don't take action.

While it might be normal for a person to procrastinate once in awhile, it becomes a problem when it starts to interfere with a person's life. It is the type of behavior that can cause a person to lose his or her job and severely impact a person's life.

If this person is afraid of speaking in front of people, then they will more than likely put off writing a speech until the last minute. Little do they realize that it makes them feel unprepared and doesn't probably go as smooth as they would like it to.

NLP and Hypnotherapy It is not always necessary, nor desirable, for people to examine why they procrastinate. That is why the methodologies of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy are successful treatments for some people.

Firstly don't give up and you won't if it's important enough to you. Analyze where your problem may lie. Are you sure you have committed to the actions above? Do you perhaps need more information than an article this length can provide?If you're sure you have done everything possible then just accept that you need to try something else and if that doesn't work, try something else and keep going till you find a way. We are all different and what works for one person may not work for another. Don't give up. Often the simplest of actions is difficult for us to implement which is why using a tool to assist us to interrupt our negative pattern can be useful.

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The Law Of Success Book By Napoleon Hill

By Arnold D. Orourke

School is definitely one of the very first places where you get to experience how the law of success works. After all, in order to succeed in school, you really do have to take certain actions and maintain a certain attitude. For those who are still in school or are planning to go back, here then are some tips on using the success law to your advantage:

As all laws of success contain a piece of change, dealing with change is inevitable, so you should pack your bag with the necessary things before you start the journey to success. Before anything else you should learn some more about change.Change is the nature of existence: Look at the big picture, can you name one thing that did not change and stands still. Despite everything about you is changing, sometimes you cannot notice the change. This is why personal changes generally develop slowly and you get used to that change before you notice it consciously.Life never stands still and neither troubles nor joy lasts forever. If you cannot protect your life at the optimum level, dealing with change is better to get the best out of changes. The clouds will turn into sunny days eventually.

Change brings challenges: Life brings challenge but you prefer to take your steps inside the comfort zone to decrease the strength of challenge. Remember, once your comfort zone was not that comfortable at all, you get used to it, and you can also do it with different circumstances. Dealing with challenges is not different from dealing with change. The only difference is change includes more than one challenge.Transition period is the worst part of change. When life throws you around, keep your focus on your goals until the sun begins to show its face.Change brings discomfort whether it is good or bad.Complaining is can be a way of dealing with change but not the best. Complaining keeps your mind stick to what is gone and wastes all its energy to find out the ways to go back. Despite complaining about the new circumstances and for the good old days, you should spend that time and energy planning for success. Feeling blue connects you to familiarity. Maintaining a positive attitude will open you to what is a novel and different opportunity.

Change is uncertain: Familiarity signals safety but uncertainty is something you avoid. You cannot control what you do not know. Change has both positive and negative effects. Dealing with change produces stress but also provides opportunities. Change can be an opportunity rather than a problem.Change needs to be consciously managed to become positive. The better you adapt to change, the more successful you will be at the end.In some circumstances you may need to consider using the driving forces of change rather than resisting to change. If you resist to change, you will also resist to opportunities.You should take control of your mind to overcome self sabotage. Clearing the worries, doubts and self punishment out of your mind is a better way of dealing with change than letting all the internal chatter.

Do not become the victim of your attitude. Change is everywhere and you cannot block it but you can change its path for your own sake.How to predict future emotions and benefit from them as a driving force, depends on your mindset. The more optimistic you are, the less likely you are to be influenced by negative information about the future.Never underestimate the long-term impact of positive activities. Practice what you like to do especially when you are busy with dealing with change and no time for anything. Positive Activities will lower down your stress level and empower you to deal with change.

Succeed in School through Class Elections Class elections are an awesome way for you to practice the law of success in all its aspects. After all, it isn't just enough to be smart and hardworking when you want to win the vote of the majority. You also have to be likeable. You have to prove that people can most definitely trust you. If you are able to bring out the best in yourself and succeed in getting these people to root for you, then suffice it to say that you will have cemented your position as a bona fide success in school. Everyone loves and trusts the class president, so why can't he be you?

Change is an opportunity to force your mind to become creative. Creativity comes from obstacles so if you can use them, you can get closer to your goals. Success requires creative thoughts as ordinary people live ordinary lives. Dealing with change is an opportunity to be creative. All Laws of Success includes big or small changes so you should know dealing with change if you really want to achieve your goals.Nil Celen is an independent researcher about Mind Power, Laws of Success, Decision Making Steps and Goal Setting Theory from scientific resources.

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What Causes Panic Attacks In Men?

By Vedette Bellemare

The first is recognizing that stress has a significant factor in what causes panic attacks. What you need to try to determine, is if this stress is an ongoing issue that is deeply rooted in your thought process either consciously or subconsciously.What I mean by that is often people grow up with generally feeling scared or fearful in everyday life. This could be caused by many deeply rooted factors such as abandonment as a child by either parent, parents who never gave much love to their child at critical development stages in their lives, or PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) brought on by a terrifying experience.Have you ever noticed that some people have a carefree response when confronted with an important life decision, scary experience, or they have a carefree outlook on life and generally don't seem to get stressed out about too many things?

There are many factors which can cause and trigger a panic attack episode. Genetics will play a major factor, if members of your family have experienced a panic disorder than this will place you at a higher risk of developing the disorder at some point in your life. However it is also important to note that some individuals still develop the condition despite no genetic links. This may then lead us to believe that environmental factors are also responsible for the development of the condition.There are also physiological causes. TSD, hyperthyroidism as well as OCD can be a direct cause of panic attacks. It has also been found that people with a low blood glucose level are also at a higher risk of experiencig panic disorders.

Another direct cause of the condition are phobias. If you suffer from a phobia which causing you to become extremely fearful or stressed about a particular situation then this will increase your chance of developing the condition.If you experience high levels of stress in your daily life this will also increase your chances of developing a panic disorder. People in this category should drink plenty of water, take regular exercise and avoid excessive amounts of tobacco and alcohol.Another link to panic disorders is depression. If you experience constant negative feelings then this can may you more vulnerable to developing panic disorders.

The second cause of anxiety and panic attacks is the immediate perception accompanied by physical symptoms triggered by years of ongoing thoughts to actually cause a panic or anxiety attack.Once you have your first panic attack its much easier to keep having them since you become fearful of the panic attack and its symptoms itself. In laymen terms you start to fear, fear itself, causing the mental triggers that can escalate your feelings and thought processes.

Many parents attempt to reassure their children so they do not have to face uncertainties. It is these uncertainties that cause panic and anxiety issues. Parents who spend more time reassuring and validating their children report that their children have fewer panic attacks. It is also recommended that parents monitor that their children read and watch. Sometimes what they read watch (including the video games they play) can cause panic attacks.

More often than not, we do not know what causes panic attacks. Even after we boggle our heads to come up with an answer, it is still difficult to tell what could be causing this highly irritating and inconvenient disorder. I can help you lessen the burden, but I believe we should begin with giving answers to the question - what is a panic attack?

Panic attacks are the natural reaction of people when they are faced with a perceived harm or danger. Thousands of years ago, these panic attacks were the early warning device of aborigines who hunted for food in the forest. In the same manner your panic attacks are your early warning device of an impending danger. Here are some panic attacks causes that can trigger your anxiety:

The disorder is not really life threatening if you look at it from the medical perspective, but it could definitely ruin how you live your life in general. This is probably because the attacks are sudden and most often unexpected; one minute you are having coffee with some friends and on the next you are hyperventilating. Furthermore, the symptoms are very uncomfortable that every attack seems to be a traumatizing experience.

Depression.Depression has also been identified as one of the panic attacks causes. You may feel so depressed and alone that you can no longer control the way you feel. You have difficulty breathing and then you panic, feeling that you cannot control whatever is happening to you.Phobia.Your boss asked you to lead the presentation and called on you to discuss your business plan. Suddenly, you feel your heart racing and your breath so short you cannot even breathe. Suddenly, you cannot even speak. You may have a phobia related to speaking in public and when you are exposed to any situation that requires you to face your phobia then you experience panic attacks.

Substance abuse.Using prohibited drugs can lead to an overactive imagination which can give rise to unfounded fears. This is one of the common panic attacks causes among substance abusers. Patients taking drugs can imagine they are being attacked by monsters and they start to feel the symptoms of panic attack.Obsessive-compulsive disorder.A person who is classified as OC can feel the symptoms of panic attack whenever he perceives that something is not right. If you are so obsessed with safety then you can suddenly wake up at night with panic attacks, worrying that you have not locked your door when in reality you have already checked your locks ten times that night.There are many panic attacks causes and to beat them you have to know what specific cause triggers your panic attack. By knowing this you will be in a better position to deal with your fears and you will be able to control your anxiety.

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Learning About What Causes Ringing In The Ears

By Clinton L. Hadley

It's common for many people to suffer from a wide variety of different ailments, which can typically be the result of various conditions, sometimes making them hard to pinpoint. One ailment that falls into this category involves a condition where a person's ears might ring. While this may be more of an occasional nuisance for some people, those who suffer from it regularly may find it difficult to cope in their everyday life. This is why it often helps to learn about what causes ringing in the ears to begin with.

This kind of condition is usually referred to as tinnitus within the medical field. Tinnitus occurs when people hear a continuous sound that doesn't come from an outside source. It is a problem that may occur very occasionally, if not rarely, or it might be something that's ongoing for certain people.

The sounds that are usually associated with tinnitus often include buzzing, blowing, pulsating, click, popping, ringing, or roaring. Rather than coming from an outside source, the individual usually hears them within the ear or in the general head area. The sound may happen in both ears, one ear, or switch back and forth.

People often experience a mild form of tinnitus, although the symptoms usually are faint and disappear rather quickly. Even so, there are some individuals who may experience more severe and ongoing cases, which could be the result of health conditions, psychological affects, or trauma to the ears. With severe cases of tinnitus, people sometimes find it hard to go about their everyday life, and some wind up feeling frustrated and depressed as a result.

This type of problem can occur due to loud noises going off within the environment around the individual, such as an explosion, music, a plane flying overheard, and so on. The sounds may last five to 10 minutes, and sometimes longer, or they may come back later on. In some situations, if too much trauma to the ear takes place, an individual may experience the condition for years, whether periodically or continuously.

Things like fluctuating pressure in the air, or even jaw problems, may result in tinnitus. Other causes may involve certain health conditions, wax buildup, allergies, a cold or flu, an ear infection, or because of stress and anxiety problems. Excessive amounts of caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, or a poor diet in general may cause problems, and those who are losing their hearing may also experience symptoms.

While tinnitus typically goes away on its own, those who experience problems regularly often consider seeing a doctor. This way, they can rule out any health conditions that may result in signs of the condition, such as cancer, diabetes, or thyroid issues, and so they can learn more about what causes ringing in the ears, along with potential treatments. In the end, prevention is often best, which usually entails staying healthy, keeping the ears clean, and protecting the ears when around loud noises.

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Oviedo FL Doctor Alleviates Migraine Headaches With Chiropractic Care

By Katy Parfait

An experienced Oviedo FL chiropractor can help you and your entire family with many health problems. Chiropractic professionals that use "maximized living" as their therapy approach often help migraine sufferers find relief from this painful condition. Here is more about maximized therapy and its benefits.

The exact cause of migraines is not fully understood but they can be exacerbated by stress or anxiety. Maximized mind therapy helps you break past patterns of negative thinking that make you stressed out. You may have no idea you are making yourself ill, as it is often done subconsciously. By identifying limiting beliefs you can replace them with the right kind of thinking.

Your chiropractic professional provides a total examination. Headaches may be a result of problems within the neck, as this is the source of common nerve irritation. Misalignment in the spinal structure can affect neck nerves that feed the head and can result in pain. Maximized nerve therapy restores spinal alignment.

Migraines can be triggered by eating certain foods. With the proper nutrition counseling, you find out why these foods are causing you problems. In fact, you receive a complete plan for healthy eating that can make you feel better.

You might be hurting because of the way you sit at work or many every tasks you perform. When you have an exercise program that is customized to your lifestyle, you can maximize your lean muscle and oxygen intake. Stronger and healthier muscles can help you avoid many kinds of painful conditions like back and neck misalignment that can lead to headaches.

Toxins from things you are exposed to might be making you ill. Your therapy may include an effective approach to minimize toxins in your life. Your Oviedo FL chiropractor uses therapy that gets to the cause of pain, so it can be effectively eliminated. It is a simple matter to contact the office today and make an appointment. The staff will be more than happy to assist you and provide additional details.

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How To Search For A Reputable Orlando Divorce Attorney

By Jewell Gallagher

It is essential to have excellent legal representation when you are undergoing a divorce. The termination of a marriage can become complicated at times and those who are not represented by professionals may experience a lot of troubles. The party that is assisted by a lawyer is better positioned to have the upper hand in the courtroom. Before an Orlando divorce attorney can be hired, the considerations below should be carefully weighed.

Set aside some time so that you can examine the background of some lawyers. Your search should be carried out as promptly as possible. You might make the wrong selection if you wait until you are under pressure. Get recommendations from a number of sources. These could be friends, family members as well as colleagues.

You must check the testimonials of previous clients if you want to find the right Orlando divorce attorney. Many law firms now provide a number of testimonials on their websites. You could also ask for the contact details of some of their clients. If the former clients are happy with the performance of the attorney, you can also look forward to a similar performance in your case.

Having gathered the details of likely legal representatives, the next step is to book appointments with them at their offices. Merely discussing with them on the phone is not enough. Meeting individually with each one of them will offer you the opportunity of asking questions. The answers that you will get will help to you choose correctly.

The experience of the lawyer must be investigated. It is important to be sure that the Orlando divorce attorney can handle the type of case that you have. The breakup of a marriage can result in different degrees of complications. You may have kids or financial problems that must be resolved. You need someone who can easily understand the peculiarities of your case and also help you to obtain the best result.

Your capability to communicate with the legal expert is another essential factor. This person should be easily reachable and should take quick action on your requests. Communication may be carried out through physical meetings, phone calls and email. Your court case may extend over a period of many months therefore easy communication with the attorney is very important during this period.

Some lawyers may offer you free consultation when you are coming for the first time while others may charge a nominal fee. Ensure that you are aware of the fees that the lawyer charges. These include the hourly rate and also the retainer. This information should be obtained during your initial meeting. You will also have to pay for the associated expenses of the case.

Although all the aforementioned factors are essential, you must also make sure that the Orlando divorce attorney that you hire is someone that you are at ease with. Be prepared to search for another legal professional if you have no confidence in the capability of the one that you have gotten. Divorce is a very vital case and you need to ensure that you are adequately represented.

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Friday 12 July 2013

Does The Linden Method Work? Find Out In Our Review

By Jia Li Tien

The Linden Method has become quite well known by people around the world as a way to completely eliminate panic attacks, anxiety, OCD and Agoraphobia naturally and without having to resort to any type of drugs.The Linden Method was named after its creator, Charles Linden who in the 80's started suffering from massive panic attacks. He was prescribed countless drugs such as Stelazine, Prozac, Zispin and Diazepam but none of them prevented him from having further panic attacks. He visited multiple specialists, therapists, psychiatrists and psychologists and all they did was take his money and provide little in the way of a solution for him. Charles knew there had to be a better way so he started in the quest to find it and he came up with The Linden Method.

A person with this affliction has difficulty functioning like a normal human being. This condition affects his relationship with his family, workmates and even love partners. He lives a life of constant fear. This condition can alleviate to affecting his physical well being.

The physical symptoms of GAD are clearly seen by the naked eye but at first can be confused with the symptoms of an ordinary medical ailment. Profuse sweating may be mistaken for a hormonal imbalance in the body. Difficulty in breathing might be associated with a respiratory disease. Tightness of the chest is misconstrued for a mild heart attack. The list of symptoms of a general anxiety disorder can go on and on and so are the associated ailments that they are mistaken for. Unless a thorough investigation is done by a medical practitioner only then can this ailment be truly identified.

Breathing in deeply using the abdomen decreases the carbon dioxide levels very rapidly. Use the nose the breath in for one count, hold for two-four counts, and exhale through the mouth for two counts. After a minute you can double the counts. Breath in deeply through the nose for two counts, hold for eight counts, and exhale for four. At first it will be difficult to control breathing as a panic attack will cause you to feel unable to do so. But if you can stick with it you will feel your body begin to rapidly return to a balanced state.

People with GAD are wondering how does the Linden Method really work to relieve them of their affliction. This method is the most effective cure that addresses their behavioral issues in a most straightforward manner. This treatment makes it clear that a behavioral disorder should not be treated like a medical condition. Therefore, the method of treatment is in dealing with the psyche of the patient and not with his physical well being.

He can download the eBook which is a self-help version of the method. He can read the reviews of former patients and ultimately try the treatment himself.Charles Linden claims to have discovered the one underlying reason for every type of anxiety disorder, panic attack, phobia, OCD & PTSD.The Charles Linden method states a small almond shaped organ in the brain called the Amygdala is 100% responsible for all your symptoms.

This is where The Linden Method seems to be unique, it does not put the responsibility for anxiety disorders on stress, bereavement or life circumstances, these are considered to be the triggers for the anxiety.The backbone of The Linden Method is Charles Linden's claim to be able to reverse the trauma done to the Amygdala, thus curing the anxiety disorder.

Now Charles Linden knew how and why anxiety could be conquered and stress relief could take its place. He carefully studied the data and put it all together into a logical pattern. This became the basis for The Linden Method.Of course, he had to test the principles of The Linden Method on himself. Not only did they work but he astounded former doctors and psychologists who had treated him. Some didn't expect him to ever be truly cured but he proved them wrong.It took awhile for Linden to branch out and offer his program to other people. His family and spouse had to push him to do so. He has since helped more than 130,000 people to get relief. Many of them have gone on to offer testimonials of the great success of his treatment.As of today, The Linden Method has been offered for over 12 years now. Psychologists and doctors have referred clients to the program and satisfied clients have raved about their success using the Charles Linden's method.

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Programming Your Subconscious Mind For Manifestation

By Hieke Huiskes

If you know anything about computers, you know there really is not intelligence driving these machines. The only output you can expect from a computer is only as good as the input.Some software programs work efficiently and seems intuitive to our needs. While, other software programs are slow and clunky and can't be trusted to provide the desired output.Our subconscious mind is very much like a computer. The subconscious mind is the driving force behind our lives and manifests whatever we input. This is why children who are given positive feedback and reminded of their infinite abilities succeed in life while children who are abused and given negative feedback have a hard time getting through life. While we are children, it is up to our parents to feed our subconscious mind, but as adults, we must take full responsibility for what is input in the subconscious.

Start by daily reprogramming your Subconscious Mind to show you the behaviors that are necessary in expressing the ideal you. With a little practice you can develop any positive quality you wish. The more you practice positive behaviors, the more you become unique, confident, and enthusiastic.Make a list of the qualities you now have that are positive and unique, and get rid of the ones that are negative and weaken your power to achieve what is best for you. In return, you influence others with your best self and attract the best in others to you. For example, some affirming thoughts for your mind to nurture may include:

I am thankful for what I now have. Gratitude brings its own reward.I give cheerfully to others, not that I may receive; instead, know that giving is in direct proportion to building positive rewards for future success. My enthusiasm is at a high level. Enthusiasm increases your self-confidence and self-reliance. Relying on others for your happiness diminishes your own self-worth.I am willing to seek knowledge or help when I don't know the answer. Create a mental picture of what it is you wish to achieve and get the help you need to accomplish it.My confidence to achieve is a definite purpose that keeps me growing. Having a definite purpose in life gives you something to strive toward.I am rich according to what I am and not by what I have. Be thankful for what you have now and what is to come in the future.

Use affirmations to your advantage and the optimum times when your subconscious mind is listening. Immediately upon waking and immediately upon going to bed are the times when your conscious and subconscious mind are closest. It is at these times when you get the biggest bang out of your affirmations. Use positive affirmations at these times to super-program the subconscious. Some examples of positive affirmations are:I am one with the creative power that is materializing all my desires.Money is my friend. I have plenty of money. I freely express my creativity

Having a positive attitude shows in my earnings and my spending. I have no trouble paying my debts, and getting what I want. I put out positive energy so more prosperity can come my way.I realize that wealth can be experienced when it is built on honesty and trust. Therefore, I will engage only in transactions that serve others with love, harmony, and a belief in them and in myself.When you settle for lack and limit your thinking in any part of your life, you are depriving your very God given nature to not be all that you can be. Riches, health, happiness, and creativity is a mindset. When you focus your mind on these qualities of life, you create your own destiny.

Manage your time. There are twenty-four hours in the day for everyone. The wealthy and the poor all have the same amount of time--the difference is in how they use their time. On the first day of each month plan, what you wish to accomplish. At the beginning of each week, make lists that support your plan along with all the necessary tasks that keep life going. Daily make lists of tasks you will accomplish that support all of the above. Keep your to-do list with you and check off all of your accomplished tasks. Your subconscious mind needs to see all the tiny accomplishments it takes for continued growth--not all those little checkmarks on your to-do list will go unnoticed.

Surround yourself with your favorite things. Begin today placing your favorite things in full view in your home. Whether these be family pictures, treasures from your travels or sport memorabilia, always keep these things visible. You should be completely comfortable at home and your subconscious mind will benefit your renewed feeling of comfort and the peace you will have at home when you have your favorite things around you.

Set aside time for you. Everyone needs time to reflect. Whether you pray, meditate, practice yoga, or just read positive information. Set aside an hour each day for yourself. Your subconscious mind needs to know just how important you are and nothing shows this importance than having time for yourself. Many believe there is not a free hour in the day for themselves. Whether you have to wake an hour early or go to bed an hour later having an hour of peace is an important way to clear your mind and open yourself to the possibilities your subconscious mind can offer.

Self-Hypnosis. To hypnotize yourself you have to get completely relaxed. The reason relaxation is of paramount importance is because to access and reprogram the subconscious mind, your brainwave frequency has to be in an alpha or preferably theta brainwave. Children are amazing at learning between the ages of 2 and 6 because they are primarily in a hypnogogic trance which is a theta brainwave frequency. When you are as relaxed as you can be, imagine yourself doing the activity that you wish you were more proficient at. Exposing your relaxed mind to ideal visuals will influence your subconscious behaviour in more progressive ways that match your conscious goals.Everyday there are easier and more effective reprogramming mind methods that allow you to create the life youw want with greater ease and joy. The best part is that once you've remove what's been mentally limiting you, the positive results begin to come gushing in.

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Know Exactly What The Linden Method Is Before Paying The Money

By Sun Hsu

The Linden Method was developed by Charles Linden, an ex-sufferer of severe anxiety and panic attacks for many years. As such, his work was reviewed and published in many top journals and magazines.You might or might not have heard of his name and his technique before this but as you will read in this article, you will understand how this method can really help you put a stop to your anxiety attacks.Many experts have researched and concluded that anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia have one thing in common; it is all related to the brain. Now, the brain is one complex mechanism that even experts, despite years of research have failed to understand thoroughly.

Charles Linden explained the cause of anxiety and panic attacks is due to Amygdala, which is a small and powerful organ inside your brain. It is actually part of the nerve center which has many functions, the most important aspect actually is controlling your emotions.This finding was in fact confirmed by The National Institute of Mental Health. Based on this finding, the Linden Method was designed to provide some sort of "therapy" to Amygdala.

Then he read books, white papers, medical research. He also analyzed data from personal interviews with over 400 anxiety suffers. Finally he developed The Linden Method which even the professionals recommend, and now he has got completely anxiety-free. The best-selling Stress Free in 30 Days is published by him as well.Discover step-by-step how to control a tiny but powerful organ which is responsible for anxiety disorders. This organ is called Amygdala and it makes you feel anxious sometimes when there is no real danger. You will learn the solution to talk directly to this organ so that it will change its behaviors quickly.

In other words, at any time if you are having any difficulties understanding or even implementing the program, you can easily contact them for assistance.Overcoming anxiety can be achieved without the aid of costly medications and therapy sessions. The Linden Method provides revolutionary techniques in treating anxiety in the esiest way possible.

Save time on reading useful but boring reference books about panic attacks. Charles Linden consulted the research and findings by the most eminent scientists like Pavlov, Sigmund Freud, Watson and Skinner. He captured that key points and structured them in The Linden Method. In other words, you can get an intensive version of the most helpful books.

Get instant support for 1 year 24/7 if you really need that. The Linden Method actually will help you eliminate the problems in a very short time. But in case you, or even your family members, need help on dealing with anxiety attacks, you can call their support specialists

Charles Linden, writer of this widely-acknowledged book once suffered from anxiety attacks, panic attacks and Agoraphobia himself. After years of painful reliance on meds and anxiety management therapy, he decided to try and find new ways to cure anxiety - a decision that resulted in opening roads of uncertainty.

Bonus #1 - Stress Free in 30 Days: This book on stress elimination was recommended by The Times newspaper. Bonus #2 - The 5 'Conquer with' video programmes: In those videos, Charles Linden explains the symptoms, sensations and everything about anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety, agoraphobia, panic attacks, and OCD. Bonus #3 - Journey out of Agoraphobia: Recordings showing the 5 steps that how Charles Linden overcome his Agoraphobia.Bonus #4 - Fast Track to Recovery.

The Linden Method costs $99 to download. It comes with specially-produced Videos and CDs tackling everything from avoiding negative thoughts, fighting depression to sleeping soundly at night and developing healthy lifestyles and habits. You are also granted full access to the Linden Center's in-house psychologists and psychiatrists, guiding you every step of the way to healing. This package also includes 16 mp3 tracks, the Linden Method printed version and The pdf version of the program.

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The 5 Most Popular Law Of Attraction Books

By Josie Uitendaal

It seems that everyday there is a new book on the Law of Attraction but, other than some pseudo-scientific quantum physics mumbo-jumbo there is virtually no difference between the new LOA books and the original LOA books that were written between 50 to 100 years ago. If you quest for self improvement and don't mind a slightly archaic version of modern English, you would do just as well reading the original LOA books and save yourself a fortune on what are basically nothing more than rewrites of the original's texts.

A Dream Book is simply a place to store images and ideas about the things that you are planning to manifest into your life. You can use anything from a simple manila folder, to a 3-ring binder, to one of those crazy trapper-keeper-folder thingies that the kids are using in school nowadays.

How to Make Your Own.Start with a three ring binder. These give you a lot of flexibility. You can add pocket pages for brochures and over-size items, and you can also use clear sheet protectors if you want to save something without punching holes in it.Now, begin collecting images and words that clearly represent those things that you want to manifest or create in your life and put them on pages in your Dream Book. You can find pictures in magazines or you can look for pictures on the internet that you can use. Don't overlook inspiring or motivating phrases either! Cut them out too and paste them into your Dream Book.

Feeling is the Secret (Neville Goddard).Neville's philosophy is that "Imagination creates events of our life and is the sole cause of those events." His teachings about how to use your imagination and guiding your feelings are life-altering! Neville's the small but powerful book Feeling is the Secret can have a profound impact on how you think and feel and how that affects what you want in life. Feeling is the Secret is also part of The Neville Reader collection, which is probably the MOST complete and helpful collection of books for explaining the philosophy behind the Law of Attraction. Anything you can get your hands on by Neville is worth the read.

How to Use Your Dream Book.Now simply keep your Dream Book on your desk or somewhere where you will be sure to see it often. When you have a spare moment glance through it and allow yourself to feel as if you already possess the things that you want to create in your life.Your Dream Book is a work in progress. Don't be afraid to change things or to add new pictures as your wants and desires change.

Anyone who has achieved any level of success can attribute their success to the principles taught in these popular books.These 5 popular Law of Attraction books helped me go to levels of success that I could have never reached before. I learned powerful life-changing principles in every one of these excellent books. The next book I am excited to read is called The Method: How To Apply The Law Of Attraction & Get Everything You Want Out Of Life by Scott Soloff.When I'm done, I will let you know what I think.If you're just starting, an excellent place to begin your study of the Law of Attraction is to read The Secret.

The Secret and the Law of Attraction are still very popular today. I have written in other places about The Secret and it's pros and cons. But the Laws of Attraction are another matter. These are universal principles that apply no matter what you call it. The mind should always be your primary weapon. The Laws of Attraction instructs you on how to use it.

If you've been working with the law of attraction, and felt that the material was incomplete, Bob Proctor reveals that there's much more you need to know, and he reveals it all in The 11 Forgotten Laws. He admits that "The Secret" is "pop culture fluff" and is just touching on the huge potential of the law of attraction.

So, does this new material work? I've always used affirmations and visualization, so I expected The 11 Forgotten Laws to be more of the same, but bought the audio book anyway, because of Bob Proctor's involvement. I just wanted something inspirational to listen to on my daily walks.

Every person alive has an inborn creative ability to mold their own existence to fulfill their personal desires. The Source of the Universe, which is responsible for giving us our very being, has also endowed us with a similar spark of creativity which only requires acknowledgment to be activated in our lives. Your current life is the distillation of your previous thoughts, feelings and expectations. If you're not happy with the way things are you can change them for the better now. You simply need to learn and live the Secret.But don't be mistaken The Law of Attraction works whether we acknowledge it or not. It's operation is consistent, unyielding and impersonal. You get what you most think about, even if what you happen to be thinking is wrong. It doesn't care. It only acts on your emotionally-charged thoughts and desires.A Law of Attraction book like The Secret is something to which everyone should be exposed and, since it's debut in 2006 many millions have been. It's something people want to share with their friends and family because of the incredible value imparted in the teachings. You are ultimately responsible for creating your own reality. Do it well!

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Tips To Help You Change Your Life For The Better

By Dana B. Thompson

As a bestselling Author and inspirational Speaker, I wrote this report for you because I was in the same place with the same questions. All the questions raised above and all the methodologies and concepts mentioned are things that I asked myself and applied in my own life, and yet I remained trying, struggling, striving to find my joy.No matter what you gain and gather and accumulate in the material world, sometimes it is not enough to fill the void inside of you. Going inside of yourself is the answer to finding your happiness. And yet, it is the one place we often run from. It was not until I discovered the missing key, the holy grail, that my life transformed forever.I had diligently applied teachings such as mind power, positive thinking and the universal Law of Attraction in my own life, but was still failing to keep myself fully aligned to my goals/dreams at all times, feeling lost and confused about why I couldn't 'find' happiness, but then I made a groundbreaking discovery.I found the one thing that no one had told me. I found the one thing that is not written about anywhere. Not only did I find that 'thing' but I also investigated it, researched it, interpreted it, and lived it for 18 months, documenting the evidence every single day. The result? I changed my life, found happiness and joy, transformed and then started sharing my groundbreaking story in books and articles. Here is what I learnt:

Habits are those familiar and automated actions resulted from learning processes.Any task or action we learn how to do and then perform repeatedly transforms into a habit. This is the mechanism through which we get used to do a lot of (good or bad!) things like: walking, cycling, reading, witting, driving a car, using the computer, smoking, watching TV, drinking coffee, hanging on forums or Facebook, etc.

Among all the actions we perform on a daily basis, good habits are those having favorable influence on our lives, while bad habits are the actions resulting in negative outcomes for us and for people close to us as well. Bad habits are usually called addictions.But let me make a distinction here. Letting addictions aside, we can further split all our daily habits in habits which add in our personal development and habits which are just wasting our time.Think a little bit of everything you do daily. What are you doing every morning, then during the time you spend at the office, and when you're back home in the evening?

Exercise.Yes, exercise. The human body is connected to the human mind and the two are inseparable. One affects the other and it is necessary that we take care of each of them.Many people do not exercise because they do not like to sweat. We can still exercise without sweating.Begin getting fit slowly. There is no need to go all-out from the beginning and that is not recommended anyway. Begin by taking a slow walk through the neighborhood or go to a large shopping mall and just stroll through it. Take your time - there is no hurry.

Have you ever thought about changing something in your life such as starting a new career, learning a foreign language or getting more fit? Maybe you have even attempted to do new things or change old behavior patterns, but your enthusiasm didn't last too long. And you gave up.It happened because habits are actions we make unconsciously. We just feel like we need to do a certain thing without asking ourselves why we have to or what is in it for us.

There are important changes in our lives that compel us to modify at least a part of our habits. This arrives for instance when we finish school and start working or when we get married, or leave our parents' home and move in our own place. In all these cases, we cut sharply the connection with an old familiar environment and have to adapt to a new one. When we feel at ease in our new environment, it means that the new habits are installed.

Sit down with a pen and paper and think of all the good things that have happened to you in your life. Write them down. Create your list of things to be thankful for. Remember those times when you were happy and cheerful. Consider how you can make those things happen more often in your life.Although you may not want to, make a list of the bad things that have happened in your life too. Consider what caused those things to happen and how you can avoid that happening again.Make time to get enough sleep.In this hurried world many people do not get enough sleep. Our jobs may require more and more of our time, traffic prevents us from getting home in a timely manner, people make small demands on your time which add up to several hours, children act up and take up more of your time (but you should be thankful for your children - they are blessings!), there are many causes for why we do not 'hit the sack' when we know we should.

Secondly, through a step by step process, we are going to start making the desired changes.It is very important to not overdue. Don't start with more than one habit and, at the beginning, my advice is to perform the new action for short time spans, then increase the time gradually. Once you have the first habit installed (it will probably take 1-2 months), introduce a new one. Making small steps every day is the best way to succeed.

Make a plan.Skyscrapers are never built unless a plan has been prepared first. Your life is no different. A plan will help you set goals and goals are important. If you don't know where you are going you could end up going where you never wanted to go, so make a plan.There are short-term plans as well as long-term plans and you should make both.Begin with a short-term plan. What do you want to do tomorrow? Where do you want to go and how will you get there? What do you want to accomplish while you are there and why? Making such a plan will give you cause to think about things you have not considered? What do you want to do next week? Make a plan for the entire week, not just one day of the week.What about next month? What do you want to accomplish next month? Having a better idea will help you make the time to do that and you will begin to make better use of your time.Work your way up to a one-year plan. Where do you want to be one year from today? Why do you want to be there? How will you get there?The answer is one day at a time.

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Goal Setting Software

By Josie Uitendaal

In this busy world we are living in, sometimes we already fail to pay too much attention and devote more time to setting our goals in life. What usually happens in cases like these is that we are oftentimes disappointed with ourselves because of the failures we encounter due to our lack of direction. Thankfully, new technologies are making lives easier and that includes helping us out in setting our goals through goal setting software.

There are several current offerings for personal goal setting software. Some are nothing more than day timers with a lot of functions. For instance, my preferred daytimer, Time & Chaos, has a lot of functions that will allow you to setup and track your goals. However, like Outlook and other similar software products, these are not true goal setting software tools.Personal goal setting software needs to have several functions to be truly useful in moving you forward.First, you need to have a way of setting and easily reviewing your goals, as well as a way to generate an action plan to move you toward achievement of the goals. In truth, the best software is really about goal achievement.Second, the software should enable you to list and track your to dos, so that in a sense it functions as a bit of a day timer. It should also allow you to track your time and jot down additional thoughts related to your progress on your goals and the discoveries and lessons you make along the way.

Thirdly, there should be an easy way for you to track progress on any individual goal as well as all your goals, easily and ideally very visually. And finally, this is very important, there should be a method of setting up habits that relate to your goals. Habits is where the rubber meets the road; it is the things we do each day and each week that determine our destinations, and if you are going to reach any significant goal you have not yet achieved, it will require either changing existing habits, or more likely, establishing completely new habits.

They would have images of him being a great leader, winning wars, and building great cities.In the same way you want your goals to include images of all the great things you plan to achieve in your life.Now I warn you not all goal setting software will include a visualisation module. But it is something that you should consider when looking into a system. Some really good ones will even let you put in affirmations with the visualizations and add your own music.

Practical.Why do you have to put yourself into a lot of trouble thinking about how you will set the right goals when you can be free from all the mind blowing hassles brought by goal setting? By using the SMART software in setting your goals, you no longer have to torture yourself with listing down your goals, wondering if they are correct or not, and doing trial and error just to make sure you will be successful in your endeavors. With goal setting software, you save time, effort, and money.

Using SMART software in helping you set your goals surely has many benefits. With this software, you can set goals fast. In addition, it is reliable, highly accessible, and very practical. The next time you need help in goal setting, don't forget to use the SMART software for best results.Having problems with reaching your goals? Have you tried various forms of goal setting and achieved mediocre or no results.If you answered yes to any of the questions above then you should consider using a goal setting software to help you? In this article we explain a little bit about why you like so many others will find using goal setting software beneficial to all aspects of your life.

Yes a person can make a change without writing down their goals but if they use goal setting software especially an interactive one then goal setting is that much easier.Good goal setting software should have guidelines and other help so that a person can who is using it to actually set up, define and carry through on a goal can use it for assistance for guidance and for support too. If it has tips for goal setting it makes it that much easier to set up some goals and actually achieve them.

In my opinion the key advantage to using goal software is the fact that you can keep everything in the one place, where it is organised and categorised correctly at all times.Most goal setting software is extremely intuitive to use and if you are familiar with using modern software packages such as Microsoft word and excel, you will have no problem quickly becoming proficient in using it.

For it to be effective it has to be reachable and be an improvement over what it was before. So if you plan to eat sugar all day Saturday then this is only a substitution for what you were consuming during the week and it is not a valid goal. Simply shifting the activity around is not setting a goal and achieving it. So in the case of reducing sugar consumption you would also need something to reach like to reduce your dress size by 1 size or to have a better body fat ratio. It has to be something that you can reach by taking the action.

Then you can log all of this information into your goal software program and use it as your crutch to keep in line with your goal achievement. This may be in the form of using steps that you have logged into the program and checking them off as you reach them. It could be used to give you words that encourage you as you go through each day. It can be used as a diary to log your thoughts as you progress toward your goal or even if you are digressing from your goal. It lets you write these things down so you can read them and act on them.

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How An Adult Can Learn To Sing

By Josie Uitendaal

People want to learn to sing fast and get going with some good singing gigs. Well, there are a few things you can do to start this process. I tried doing these things after getting a great lesson and they helped me tremendously.First, breathing is crucial. How does one breathe correctly? Well, you need to breathe from your diaphragm. Just think of it as breathing from your stomach. Watch your stomach below expand with inhales and go down with exhales. If you start doing this simple technique you will learn singing.

I just practiced correct diaphragm breathing a few minutes per day and it made all the difference in the world with my singing. Try this to help yourself learn to sing fast.You can also go to the mirror right now and look at your soft palate. What is that? Well, it's the little piece of skin hanging down in the back of your throat. Just try to move it so it opens more and allows more air to flow. That will make your notes sound so much better and you won't believe the decline in straining your throat during the process.

Once you are very relaxed from your breathing, start humming simple songs like "Mary had a little Lamb" or "Twinkle Twinkle". Stay relaxed and concentrate on discovering your voice rather than trying to force it.Listen and Imitate.Part of becoming a great singer is the ability to sing in tune. This is a skill that will get better and better with practice. Again, start with easy, simple tunes and you'll be amazed at how quickly you progress. Ignore the Critics and Sing.Feel free to make mistakes because that is how you will discover your hidden talent. Believe that you can develop a beautiful voice and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Don't let anyone convince you that you have no talent - because your potential is fantastic. If you want it, go for it.

So just these two things will help you to learn to sing fast. Practice them just a few times a day and you'll be on your way. People just don't have the proper technique most of the time. That's the problem. Just a little education goes a long way in singing just like anything else in life.

I started singing in coffee shops with my guitar after practicing these two things and eventually started singing in bands. It was a huge confidence booster once I had some proper technique.Learning to sing can be such an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Each singer possesses their own individual style and sound, which is almost always the focal point of any band or ensemble.

Often, we wish we knew how to sing properly, especially when inspired by someone who can sing well. We therefore ask ourselves can I learn to sing? The desire to sing well is present in many of us, but we tend to suppress it thinking that we do not have the potential to sing well. However, there is hope for every one.

It is usually best to start looking for a singing teacher in your local area. Of course, there will be some who are primarily classical singers, but if you look around in a bit of detail you will definitely find some who teach jazz, pop and/or musical theatre. Here are some suggestions...

Don't we all want that - being able to hold really high notes, sound them out cleanly, and leave a good impression. People respect talent and like to hear it and as you master how to sing higher notes, you will receive positive attention for your singing voice, for sure.Where do you start? Well, it all starts with strain. When you sing in your comfortable range, you can usually do it calmly and naturally, without having to put a lot of muscle energy into sounding the notes. But as you get higher and higher, something happens - you tighten up.So the first thing to do as you're trying to learn to sing higher notes is to relax your voice box. Now, how do you do that exactly? The secret is in your Adam's apple.

(NB - you could listen to some recordings on the internet of a local band, but sometimes it is not a good indicator as they may be using auto-tune on their voice. Try to watch a video clip instead or listen to a live recording where you can hear the audience in the background).Go to your local music shop and see if they have any adverts for singing teachers.Look in the yellow pages for a singing teacher in your area.Try a Google search for 'jazz vocal singing lessons' or 'jazz singing vocal teacher' plus your town

If you still cannot find an experienced jazz singer in your area, then you may have to be prepared to travel further to find one. Just by using the internet you can find various sites and directories of qualified vocalists who specialise singing in jazz, pop and/or musical theatre e.g. Vocaltutor.I hope some of these suggestions will lead to you finding a good teacher who can really teach you how to become an accomplished jazz singer. Good luck!

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Thursday 11 July 2013

Using The Linden Method Formula To End Panic Attacks

By Emmeline Leclerc

A large majority of people suffering from occasional panic attacks or generalized panic or anxiety disorder, would never dream of seeking professional help. Many of them either do not understand what is happening to them and might even be afraid that they are suffering from a serious mental condition or they feel that their case is so unique and hopeless that nobody would be able to help them.

It has effectively stopped panic attacks and anxiety in over 96% of its users. It is a drug-free program that has endorsements from both doctors and psychologists. And, it is 100% guaranteed. It is currently being used by health care professionals all over the world. The Linden Method says it will restore your self-confidence, give you the opportunity to live your life again instead of just surviving day to day, completely eradicate symptoms of anxiety, and stop the endless cycle of worry about your health. The Linden Method information concentrates on the root of anxiety and quickly eliminates the cause.

The Panic Away method deals with panic attacks fast and directly. It is famous for its "One-Move" technique which helps you stop a panic attack as soon as you feel the first symptoms rising. It actually promises to teach you how to stop a panic attack in less than 21 seconds and to end your anxiety in general, in less than 7 minutes. In Panic Away you shall be taught how to take control of your mind and challenge the source of your fear by actually asking your panic attack to strike full-force. You give it just 20 seconds to do whatever you fear it is able to do. You ask it to be as destructive as it can be...for 20 seconds. You persuade yourself that if it cannot do the worst possible in that time span, then it cannot really harm you in any way! The realization that giving your panic attack full freedom to destroy you results in.nothing, leads you to accepting that your fear of panic attacks is unfounded and by no longer fearing the occurrence of the next panic attack, you actually break the vicious cycle of fear, the "anxiety loop" as Joe Barry calls it, so you should stop experiencing panic attacks in the future. Panic Away does not question the cause of your panic attacks, it teaches you how to control the symptoms and effectively manage your fear so that you can permanently eliminate their re-occurrence.

The Linden Method, on the other hand, promises to offer a permanent cure for anxiety, not just a technique for anxiety management, by addressing its root cause. It focuses on the operation of the amygdala, an almond shaped neural structure of the brain, sometimes referred to as "the fear center" of the human organism. The amygdala could be described as a "log-book" of fear, in the sense that it keeps a record of traumatic/threatening/dangerous events experienced by you which triggered your sense of fear in the past, and tends to reproduce the same sense of fear whenever you find yourself in similar circumstances, even without any real danger present.

Just a few short weeks later, it seemed like everyone and their brother was wanting to know more about the Linden Method for panic attacks. Everyone was asking me different questions, but at the core they were all asking the same thing. Can the Linden Method assist in dealing with anxiety and panic attacks? Does it help the short term effects of this condition, or can it be used to eliminate panic attacks completely? All of these questions made me realize that I need to get this information out to the world.

As a favor to all of those who have gone through the fear, uncertainty and discomfort of an attack, I decided that I would tech the techniques that I learned and used. These techniques included some of the methods from cognitive behavioral therapy and from the Linden Method system. Now I'm not a professional, so I was a little unsure if it would be a success. After all, I can only speak from my experience and that of my friends, family and colleagues. But if you suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, I think you will find this resource invaluable.

Tina Campbell has been panic attack free since began combining the Linden Method with cognitive behavioral therapy. She now runs an informational website with articles, video's and tips on how to use the Linden Method to beat panic attacks. For all this and more, be sure to check out the Linden Method Reviews web page at

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Women, Their Reasons For Gun Ownership, And What That Means For Your Business

By Kenneth L. Johnson

Preparing to buy your first handgun can be quite daunting. They aren't cheap. New handguns range in price from $250.00 to $2,500.00. And to complicate the matter even further, there are many different manufactures and choices. I tell people in my carry permit course that there are as many different types of handguns as the manufacturers can talk people into buying. What is probably most confusing to someone new to this field is the fact that for every make and model of handgun, there are 3 gun magazine writers telling their readers that their particular brand or caliber or gizmo is the best, and 4 others saying that the gun in question will get the reader killed.

Yesterday I was asked my opinion about Glocks. I said that what I thought didn't matter; it wasn't my money or my safety on the line. My preference does not matter in the decision to buy your gun. My wife likes Glocks; I feel the same about revolvers. Our preferences differ. As long as you know your gun, why you chose it, and it fits your needs, then it's the best gun for you. Now, that being said lets discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the two main types of handguns, semi-automatics and revolvers.

These safes also have to be battery powered, so in the rare circumstance that things get really bad, and batteries or power aren't available, you can't get to your gun if you need it. The V-Line has a simple 5 button and knob mechanical opening system that is both simple and reliable. You will never have to worry about battery levels, or if the electronics have a bug or glitch.

Construction / Durability.I personally own one of these safes, and my family has a few of them, and they are absolutely solid. They are constructed of fabricated steel and their case design is pry resistant. They definitely feel sturdy and solid all around, and will definitely stand the test of time. One thing I was surprised with was how heavy they were, but that just goes to show their quality and solid material that went into building it.

Styles.V-Line makes two main styles of pistol safes; the standard, top-opening one, and the hide-away or under mounted one. I own the standard, top-opening version, but have heard that both styles are absolutely great. You will have to pick the one that fits your situation the best. In the future, I will definitely be buying at least one under mounted safe.

Also, stay knowledgeable and up to date on what firearms and accessories are helpful for women, and avoid anything that is just a gimmick. Ultimately, the prudent gun store business owner will be sure to treat all customers equally and with respect, regardless of any perceived attributes. In so doing, all persons will feel welcome in your store, increasing the potential customer base for your business.

Many women prefer to own a gun. What advice people have for a first time handgun for a woman, who is not a big fan of revolvers, so something in the semi-automatic category?Be aware that some of the wannabe swat-types and other video game playing types will tell you to buy some artillery piece. Disregard them and do a little homework. The .22LR cal. is the way to go for a first gun. When and if woman gets comfortable with it and can hit the target, then she could move up to a bigger caliber.

Iyt is because of the amount of rounds easily carried in magazines upon one's body and the amount of rounds in the pistol that caused the semi-automatic to replace the revolver in the arming of our nation's police. What has kept it there is the different features that are possible in a semi-auto. A police force or a private user can decide the type of safety devices or modes of operation that they want in a firearm and buy a brand that has those features. While this is a benefit, it also can become a drawback. The reasons for this are:

Avoid off-brand and chippo priced guns. Remember the saying: You get what you pay for. The suggestion is to stick with S&W, Colt or Ruger. If you really need a handgun, you want one that goes bang when you pull the trigger. I think the Lady Smiths are the same as the other "J" frames, with a bit of extra engraving and for a bit more money, of course. Rossi makes good firearms too, which will cost less the S&Ws, Rugers, Colts, etc.

Ruger Standard .22 auto is easy to learn on, next to no recoil, great accuracy, used from plinking to small game hunting, can be used in a pinch for defense.which beats a phone call not made to 911.If she is gun savvy at all, then a 1911A1. Recoil is not excessive (my daughter regularly shoots mine, as do the many thousands of female IPSC competitors). Obviously, quite good for defense targets, small game hunting, plinking, and competition. However, unless her hands are on the large side, a 1911A1 style handgun may be a bit big.Smith and Wesson .22 auto mag for the same reasons S&B noted but with more "knock down" power for self defense. Load it with hollow points and it is the best home defense weapon for more petite people. The ammo is very cheap so it allows for a lot of range time.Look at the Taurus Model 85s. It is a very good pistol at about half the price of an S&W.You will be able to put your eyes and hands on a lot of different makes, models, calibers, and sizes. You'll be able to eliminate some of them from consideration pretty quick.

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Is The Law Of Attraction Real Of Just Hype?

By Alva D. Miller

You may ask yourself this question if you believe in the Law of Attraction but have not had the results you wished for. I know I have had my doubts from time to time... being able to manifest small things here and there but never achieving the level of success I had hoped for. I often wondered why could I think of a friend one minute and have her phone an hour later, but when it came to manifesting large sums of money I failed miserably. In fact, just the other day I thought "um I need to get a new headlight" and as I thought to myself "I haven't had anyone tell me it's out for a while", low and behold within a half an hour of having that thought a women yelled out her window to let me know my driver side headlight was burned out! That to me is the Law of Attraction working. Some may say... well that's just coincidence and not the Law of Attraction but I say different.

Scientists studying the natural Law of Attraction refer to the energy as a "vibe" or "vibration" (everything has a vibrational frequency), this is where the sayings "good vibes" and "bad vibes" stemmed from. Have you ever been introduced to somebody and immediately picked up a "bad vibe", this is because the frequencies and energy you're both radiating aren't in alignment, therefore there's conflicting energy on a subconscious level.

Although we are unaware of the influence our subconscious mind has on us, it is directly influencing our conscious mind so when your vibes aren't in alignment with the other person you'll immediately get the signal of bad vibes from your conscious mind.You certainly don't need any psychic abilities or such like in order to pick up on the vibes that others are radiating, everyone is picking up these vibes on a subconscious level whether they are aware of it or not. We are always being influenced and stimulated by these vibes.This is how the Law of Attraction works, remember everything is energy or "vibes" and has a frequency so the vibes you're transmitting are drawing the same vibes back to you. Similar to the example above except the energy that the universe is comprised of is responding to the energy you're radiating.

Give off negative vibes and the universe will respond with equal negative vibes, give off positive vibes and the universe will respond with equal positive vibes.Remember these vibes are mostly transmitted and received on a subconscious level, the human mind truly is a remarkable tool with infinite potential once unleashed, where-ever the mind travels the body will surely follow.I hope that wasn't to scientific for you, I could have gone a lot deeper but most people will just throw claims out there of thinking positively to attract back that which you desire without giving good reasoning.YES, this is true that positive thoughts and beliefs will naturally attract the same back to you but now you know the underlying principle behind how the Law of Attraction works, so put it to use and start manifesting your dreams.

So... is the Law of Attraction real or just hype? I say yes the Law is real and will work for you if you learn how to let go of limiting beliefs and apply the 11 Laws that were not reveled in the hit movie. Personally, the results I saw in my life were incredible after I learned and applied the Law of Forgiveness. Once I was able to "let go" of past hurts and anger I immediately started to attract money. You can and will have the results you want if you discover the 11 Laws that Bob Proctor teaches and has used himself to become hugely successful.Supporting healthy eating, using the law of attraction

Do you blame others for some of your misfortunes? Once you acknowledge that only you can manifest that which you desire you will be in good stead to proceed through the next three steps.Here you need to be completely honest with yourself and ask yourself how committed you really are to making your dreams a reality. Most people give up to early because they don't see the results that they want fast enough, it takes time to really accept that you can or already have received that which you desire.

You also need to show commitment to your own beliefs and focus your attention and energy on manifesting these beliefs into a physical entity. Allow for yourself to be free of your daily stresses and worries and allocate some time where you're solely focused on practicing the law of attraction and allow no other influences (especially negative) to impact your positive vibe.

Most often, those who are aware of The Law of Attraction and use it in their daily life focus on what they're attracting to themselves.That knock-kneed clich, "misery loves company", is a prime example of this Universal Law in action. Nothing makes a victim happier than finding another victim with whom they can commiserate. And nothing makes them more uncomfortable than being amongst happy people who are satisfied with themselves and their lives.The Law of Attraction is a powerful force in the Universe. But it works in the opposite way, too. As we all know, for every force there is an equal and opposite force.Aversion Therapy could be called the anti-force of The Law of Attraction. Instead of attracting or magnetizing to you what you want, it propels you away from what you don't want.Using the Carrot vs. Stick theory, The Law of Attraction would be the carrot and Aversion Therapy is the stick.

Example: when I quit smoking many years ago, I used Aversion Therapy to notice all the icky things I didn't like about that nasty habit. The smell on my clothes and in my hair, the money I literally burned up each time I bought cigarettes, how short of breath I was becoming and my increasing predisposition to bronchitis. I used The Law of Attraction to magnetize me to what I wanted - better health, the ability to breathe freely, more money, and to smell better! It worked super good and to this day I have no desire for a cigarette.As Esther Hicks/Abraham says, "You were given two emotions. You call them many things - anger, fear, joy, happiness - but there are only two. One feels good and one feels bad." We were given these two feelings for use as our guidance system.Power up your manifesting and create what you want faster. Use Aversion Therapy to propel you away from what doesn't feel good and which you don't want. Use The Law of Attraction to attract to you what does feel good and what you do want.

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The Law Of Attraction In Action

By Arthur M. Taylor

Would you like to be able to experience more of what brings you joy in your life? Do you have unmet wants and desires that have left you feeling unfulfilled in some areas of your life? Were you taught that it is our desires that make us unhappy? Become empowered, learn to use the law of attraction as shown in The Secret!Desire is a beautiful thing! It is desire that birthed this world, and it is desire that draws us together to create new life, both physically and metaphysically.

We can use the Law of Attraction to attract the success we desire in our life. According to the Law of Attraction, we attract into our lives, whatever we give our energy, attention and focus to, whether wanted or unwanted. If we want to deliberately attract success, we have to follow three steps.If we want to be successful in our life, then the very first thing we should do is to take the time to decide exactly what success means to us. Clarity is the first step for deliberately attracting the success we desire in our life. Success is a multifaceted personal concept. By defining what the idea of success represents to us and by taking the time to write it down, we will automatically move our life in that direction. Robert Collier was right when he said "The great successful men of the world have used their imagination. They think ahead and create their mental picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that a bit, but steadily building - steadily building."

The Bible says we are made "in the image of God" and that "what we sow we reap." This means we, like God, are creators! I've heard it said that God helps those who help themselves. We must learn how to help ourselves by co-creating, along with God, that which we desire by developing faith and applying focused thought. The best way to pray then is affirmatively, to visualize what we desire as if it is already in our experience, and to give thanks in advance, knowing that what we need and desire is available to us. To pray effectively, we pray affirmatively. A powerful prayer is one of gratitude. The more we count our blessings, the more blessings come to us. Our thoughts and prayers really do create our experiences!

The second step to deliberately attract success is to raise our vibration. We must always bear in mind that we do not get what we want but we get what we vibrate. We must therefore become a "vibrational match" to what we want in order to attract what we truly desire. One way to raise our vibration is to act as if we are already successful and start experiencing how we would be feeling if we had already achieved the success we wanted, how joyful we would feel and how happy and excited we would be as a result of achieving the success we desire. We can also use affirmations or use phrases like "I am very successful now." to raise our vibration to attract the success we desire in our life. We can also use visualization and see ourselves already experiencing the success we want.

Faith in success keeps us moving toward our goal regardless of how we feel or what is going on around us. It also keeps us positive and feeling good. It makes sense to have faith if only to feel good and be more pleasant to be around but when you think about it, who would you rather give an opportunity to? Most people will give a job or an opportunity to the person they feel would run with it, not the person who acts as if the world is out to get them.And gratitude when our goals are reached just makes sense.Now you'll hear quantum physics mentioned in connection with the Law of Attraction and frankly, I believe in that aspect. But regardless of whether you believe in the quantum physics of it, the steps you go through are just logical steps that have been proven over and over to produce success. So when you see me refer to the Law of Attraction know that I am referring to a collection of principles that have helped countless people create success in all aspects of their lives.Many scientists and theorists from across the globe have come to the conclusion that everything is regulated and governed by a set of universal laws such as the law of cause and effect and the law of gravity.

We all deserve to be successful in life and whatever dreams we have, we all have the potential to achieve them as absolutely nothing is impossible. We just have to follow the great advice of Walt Disney, who rightly said, "If you can dream it, you can do it."The law of attraction is essentially a belief or theory, that "like attracts like," and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, you attract positive or negative results. Basically you attract into your life whatever you think about, whether you want it or not. So if you "truly" believe your thoughts, you literally have the power to consciously and deliberately choose what you want in life. What kind of money do you want to make? While the law of attraction has received quite a bit of publicity these days, the concept has been around for centuries and has been known (and used successfully) by many great minds throughout history. It has been written in books that there is evidence the law of attraction was used by Beethoven, Einstein, and even Jesus. Many wonder why it works, and there are reams upon reams of anecdotal evidence confirming it does.

Two recent popular books promoting law of attraction are The Secret (2007) by Rhonda Byrne, and Esther and Jerry Hick's book Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness (New York Times Best Seller list Aug 2008). The Secret reveals how you can change every aspect of your life. You can turn any weakness or suffering into strength, power, unlimited abundance, health and joy. The book Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness presents the teaching of the non-physical consciousness named Abraham. The book explains that the two subjects most chronically affected by the powerful law of attraction are financial and physical well-being. Both books offer very unique reasons to think positively and teach that we have the power to change our lives for the better.

We're All Made Up of the Same Energy.We're all taught in school that all matter, whether physical objects or living creatures, is made up of the same energy called atoms. The theory is that this same energy making up atoms is also a frequency created by our thoughts. Thoughts are magnetic energy and create a frequency similar to a radio or smart phone. As you go through your day thinking, your thoughts are sent out into the world and attract like things on the same frequency. Picture yourself as a human transmission tower emitting powerful waves of thoughts that are changing the dynamics of your life each and every day.

Likewise, the person selling you the hamburger would rather have the dollar. Before the exchange, you have a dollar, but you want a hamburger. He or she has a hamburger but would rather have the dollar. After the exchange you are both better off.This is true for every single exchange you can make. Working for an employer, making an investment, selling stuff at a garage sale, selling stuff on eBay, or selling your services from home as a writer.There's simply now way for you to get any money at all unless you are giving somebody something that they want more than they the money.

Now I will admit it takes some practice to be aware of our thoughts and to consciously learn to change them. But luckily as humans we can discern and choose to think about what we want. One way to quiet the mind and get control of your thoughts is to consider practicing meditation. Once you start to catch and change your thoughts, you are on your way to creating and obtaining the life you want.Persistence Pays.Benjamin Franklin said "energy and persistence conquer all things". Once you understand how the law of attraction works then its up to you to transmit even more powerful thoughts by adding feeling and clarity to what you are wanting. You deserve all the good things life has to offer so use persistent thinking to summon them to you. If you're having a bad day, try to think of events or memories that make you feel good to shift your paradigm back to attractive thinking. Think of who you love, or bring back fun or happy times that make you smile.

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