Sunday 31 August 2014

The Arguments Against Muslim Antichrist

By Harriet Porter

The universe has had numerous troublesome happenings that have made people trust that they are living in the last periods of life. For this reason so many individuals now trust that the antichrist can be already living amongst humans. Many say that he is going to be a Muslim antichrist where as others think that he is Jew, gentile or even a supernatural person. There are nevertheless many proofs that show that the Christianity resistance will not come from the Islamic faith.

The notion of the supernatural is first of all one that lacks strong evidence. It first came up after one of the co-founders of rapture ready who is an expert in end time matters was interviewed by a certain radio station regarding these issues. This man gave some very compelling arguments during his interview but the problem is that they lack tangible proof.

By careful deductions of the word of holy book, it can be proven that the antichrist will not be Islamic. He will either be a gentile or a Jew from the Roman Empire. There is a prophesy that this man will arise from the tribe that will defeat the people of Jerusalem and destroy their temple. The Romans later fulfilled this in 70 AD by the Romans.

People who back the theory of the Islamic antichrist have disregarded the words of the bible from particular books, psalms and Ezekiel. According to psalms, the Muslims were said to have attacked Israel to claim Palestine for Palestinians. These invaders were however overpowered by the Israeli protection forces. This lays off the theory of Islam from all the possibilities.

After the psalms victory, the book of Ezekiel says that Muslims decided to attack Israel again. This book however says that they will meet their doom with the help of God and not manage to win the battle as the resistor is supposed to. This defeat was a powerful defeat to the Muslims.

The consequences of defeat on Islam have led to this religion being disenchanted greatly. This led to the downfall of their Allah which fulfilled the scripture of Zephaniah that prophesies the downfall of others gods other than the one and only Supreme Being. All the prophesies above rule out Islam according to the predictions of revelations.

The antichrist was foreseen to also get the confidence to call himself the supreme being. The Muslims however note evidently that the only being they worship is the lord God and that Mohamed acts only as a messenger for them. This implies they have not professed him as the most High.

It is clear that all the prophesies have started to be fulfilled and some are yet to come. There are however no evidences that prove that the Christ resistant man will be an Islamic man. Many people have however managed to misinterpret the teachings of the bible to make people believe this hypothesis. This prophesies is true but them man is definitely no Muslim. It is however recommendable to read much on the issue for better understanding.

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