Sunday 31 August 2014

Learn How To Be Saved By Jesus

By Harriet Porter

The Bible is the believer's best resource for knowing God and learning what it means to live a holy life. Everything people need to know is in the scriptures. In addition, there are many commentaries to help seekers learn how to be saved by Jesus and please God. The process is a simple one which requires a sincere heart, deep faith, and total commitment. Fortunately for all of us, God is willing and able to provide all we need, starting with the grace to change our sinful, selfish ways.

The work of salvation is already done. Jesus went to a terrible death on the cross to pay for the sins of the whole world. His death was the blood sacrifice required to reconcile sinful mankind with a holy God. His resurrection was the triumph over death, spiritual as well as physical.

Many people are turned off by the idea of admitting they are sinners. World philosophies have taught that mankind has its own divine nature or else that man is simply another animal evolved by chance and without an innate spiritual component. Right and wrong are concepts that depend on a God of truth; a world view that sees random chance as the governing force has no standard of absolute truth.

The Bible tells us that God is holy in nature and that man is inherently sinful. It also tells us that salvation is a free gift, not a result of our efforts to be good. Realizing the truth about our sinful nature is often the hardest thing for people.

Realizing the need for a savior is often the first step. Christian life is based on the fact that God desires a relationship with His children, but His holiness cannot accept sin. However, Jesus died so that we don't have to. All we need to do is acknowledge our need for salvation, believe that Jesus died for us, and turn our lives over to God.

God is so dedicated to the principle of free will that He placed a forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden and gave Adam all freedoms but one - to eat the fruit of that tree. God wanted willing and obedient children, not robots. Of course, Adam and his wife Eve failed this one test; this failure is called 'original sin' and has tainted the whole human race.

Those who are troubled by the idea of 'original sin' only need to evaluate themselves. There is something inherent in man that drives selfishness, dishonesty, immorality, and contentiousness. All of us have broken God's rules many times over.

So how does it work? The Bible tells us that those who believe in their heart that Jesus died for their sins, accept His sacrifice, and turn from their sins will be saved. After you do so, acknowledge Him before men - in other words, tell others of your salvation in your personal testimony - and continue in fellowship with God for eternity.

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