Friday 15 March 2013

Keeping The Body Moving Is Easier With A 3 Wheel Rollator

By Dolores Harrison

One grow up with a chorus of advice informing that each individual is different, or as the glib saying goes, each person is unique, just like everybody else. This also applies to how our body develops and ages, each dependent on the lifestyles and choices one makes. Trends, however, apply to the vast majority, and aging in general means a decrease in mobility, which is when a 3 wheel rollator can help.

The process of aging has been the focus of mankind throughout the ages, famously driving Ponce de Leon in search of the fountain of youth. The desire to defy aging is an equal opportunity desire; women seek to retain their youthful beauty while men seek to maintain vigor and strength. While the most recognized aging issue deals with changes to the skin and hair, quickly declaring relative age, this is a mere cosmetic event of little health impact.

Especially when we are young, the very idea that we are hurtling day by day to our last breath is beyond our imagination. Young people rarely consider the effect of their activities in view of how it might shorten or prolong life. If only the wisdom that comes with maturity could be truly shared with youth, average longevity would surely increase.

Instead, generation after generation pursues life with all the unrelenting vigor it can muster. Encouraged by the unimaginable potential wealth one can attain, the pursuit of physical strength, speed and ability is unrestrained. Children begin training younger, train harder and longer in the hope they will be selected as a professional athlete, and the price their body pays is often not even considered.

There are many problems that can result in one having difficulty moving around freely. By far, however, the most common problem is Osteoarthritis. This is the result of damage to the cartilage in joints, and can result from overuse of a joint and is therefore common in athletes as they age. It can also result from being overweight and usually develops in weight bearing joints such as the hips, knees and ankles.

In like fashion, rheumatoid arthritis attacks the sacs of fluids which lubricate the joints with a similar result. This disease usually attacks both sides of the body at the same time, such as both knees or elbows. The swelling, stiffness and pain can make everyday tasks difficult if not impossible.

Those who have had the misfortune of an accident resulting in damage to the bones or joints are also victims to the decrease in movement that can occur. Scar tissue and damage does enough to limit rage of motion and cause pain, but along with compromising the lubricating bursa, it can also invite and increase the incidence of arthritis. Surgical replacement of joints is an option, but rarely does the individual regain full movement.

When pain and stiffness make it difficult to walk, the tendency is to give in, use an electric chair or simply remain stationary. The flaw in the logic is that the approach actual;y worsens the condition degrading the quality of life further. With a 3 wheel rollator, one can get the needed support to continue walking and enjoying life.

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