Tuesday 26 February 2013

The Symptoms Of Contamination To Coliform Bacteria In Water

By Marguerite Stanton

If you are not already aware, coliform bacteria in water is a group of pathogens that usually cause gastrointestinal disturbances in the body. As a member of the enterobacteria family, the bacteria is usually associated with several strains of E. Coli, shigella and salmonella. All are capable of causing diarrhea, vomiting, and urinary tract infections.

A most common disturbance that one can expect to have if infected is diarrhea. In severe cases, people will often notice blood leave the body with their stools. This is usually considered to be a case of dysentery. Other more troubling symptoms that justify the appearance of this condition include a high fever, abdominal pains, and a irreversible intolerance to lactose. If not treated immediately, a person will begin to vomit blood, become incoherent and/or delusional.

In situations where diarrhea occurs on its own, a person may just be suffering from an E.coli infection. These infections usually pass disappear on their own but it is possible to have potentially life threatening strains that cause hemolytic uremic syndrome. An indication of something severe will present symptoms getting worse rather than better.

Flu like symptoms can appear but are really just symptoms of typhoid fever. A loss of appetite, abdominal tenderness and recurring headaches are some signs of this fever. A true indicator may also appear as a red rash on the chest area. If this is the case, an individual must be treated immediately since typhoid fever is known to be fatal.

Urinary tract infections that are related to coliform affect mostly women, especially women that are pregnant or have very low immunity. Direct contact of the bacterial agent is more likely to cause the infection rather than drinking or consuming contaminated products. The infection can be treated but if possible antibiotics should be avoid since most strains of E. Coli are resistant to them.

If any contamination leads to a disturbance with the blood stream, it is incredible possible that a person has yersinia. Yersinia is considered to be the worst bacterial infections because it is quick to move beyond the gastrointestinal system and into the blood stream. This is a bad situation to occur since this means that other organs will also be infected. Unlike the other bacterias, it is not affected by cold temperatures. If on food products, they are capable of surviving refrigeration.

As you may be aware, bacterial infections are more commonly associated with animal products. As of recently, most people know that the spread of bacteria is not limited to just undercooked meat. The latest outbreaks that occurred centered around vegetables. This means that contamination could have occurred from the water used, from the unsanitary behaviors of workers, to people simply not washing their food before eating them.

To protect yourself and your family members, always wash your foods, both produce and animal products if possible. You may even want to go a little beyond that by cleansing your foods in very diluted chlorinated water to stay clear of coliform bacteria in water that your foods may carry. Also as an important note, always wash your hands before dealing with any type of food.

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