Sunday 20 January 2013

Alcohol Abuse And Addiction

Alcohol Addiction And Abuse
Alcohol is a liquid substance that can be purchased from your local store. In every city and or state where a corner store has been built, alcohol can probably be purchased from there. Not only that, but alcohol is also advertised daily on your television screen. Somehow, someway, you will see ads promoting alcohol, which will entice you to go get yourself a drink from a nearby store.
Alcohol hinders its user's ability to make normal activities a success.
When a person has been drinking, then goes sleep, and cannot be awaken, he or she has been poisoned by alcohol's ingredients. Doing things that you normally will not do, such as vomiting, is a sign of poisoning. Vomiting takes place after too much alcohol has been consumed into the anatomy.
Now a day, a person only needs a dollar and a few cents to purchase a container or bottle filled with liquid dope. Yeah, that is all it cost to purchase liquid dope. A person actually goes into his or her pants pockets, pulls out hard-earned money, and then gives it to the store's clerk, trading it for liquid dope. I call alcohol, "legalized liquid death."
When you purchase liquor from over the counter, and then drive under its influence, you are asking the creepy character called, "death" to come into your life. Although, everyone is appointed to one-day die, however, when people drink and drive, death can come sooner than suppose.
Pouring alcohol into your brain and body, and then driving a motorized vehicle is practically like playing the college game, "spin the bottle." Spinning the bottle is a game college students play, as they make up their personal set of rules. For instance, after a student spins the bottle, whomever the bottle stops and points to, that individual has to do something that he or she would not normally do. Whether it is to kiss an unattractive person, or strip naked in front of a group of people, the rules say it must be done. Once the bottle spins and points at you, you must do what has been agreed upon.
Round and round the bottle goes, where it stops no one knows. Once the college student, with the hands spins the bottle, he or she never knows whom it will stop and point too. At the same token, when people drink and drive, they never know when death is going to spin into their lives. Therefore, obey the laws of the land by not drinking and driving.
Driving a vehicle while intoxicated from alcohol has become the number one killer in automobile car wrecks. Drinking and driving automobile accidents occur, because a person's thinking center has been deceived. People begin to believe that they are not too intoxicated to get behind the steering wheel of a vehicle. When intoxicating alcohol makes a contact with the brain, the limb's controller (the cerebellum) receives the intoxicant effects, and all physical movements are being hindered. Also, drinking and driving accidents are caused by drivers having blurry vision, due to the occipital lobe (vision) impairment.
Christian Drug Addiction Story

Article Source:

                                                                                   By Brian Irons

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