Saturday, 26 January 2019

How To Reduce Financial Stress In College, By Robert Jain

By Jason McDonald

The life of a college student isn't without its bumps in the road. These go far beyond exams and reports, as the matter of money tends to be the one that causes the most stress. Even though having to account for numerous debts seems impossible, it doesn't have to be. Robert Jain, as well as other names in the world of finance, will tell you that money doesn't have to be worried about. Here are just a few ways that students can minimize financial stress.

To start reducing financial stress in college, focus on getting more rest. If you spend late nights cramming for exams or finishing papers, getting substantial sleep will be a challenge. It doesn't help that a lack of rest will result in you becoming anxious about certain aspects of life, including your finances. Reputable authorities on finance like Bob Jain will recommend rest for this reason, not to mention that it will make you more attentive, engaged student.

Another way to keep financial stress to a minimum is by measuring needs versus wants. If you're commuting to school, gas for your car would be considered a need. However, if your current car is perfectly operational and still desire a brand-new ride, this would be seen as a want. Understanding both categories will help you determine where to invest your money, which will make for smarter savings and less stress alike.

The source of your financial stress could be your job, too. It's possible that the drive from your home to your place of work is extensive, meaning that more money will have to be spent on resources like gas or fuel. Perhaps you're struggling with having your job coincide with your academic responsibilities. Issues like these can add to the financial stress you experience, so see if there are other options that are more flexible with regard to your education.

Lastly, it may be in your best interest to build an emergency savings account early on. The best thing about this is that you don't have to sacrifice too much money; a few dollars each week will do the trick. As time goes on and more money is saved, you're able to develop an account that can be used in case the unexpected arises. What this means is that you won't have to worry about paying for much out of your own pocket.

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