Sunday, 28 May 2017

Useful Information On Postpartum Depression Denver

By Dorothy Thomas

After the birth of a child there are a numerous powerful emotions a woman can experience. They range from joy or excitement to fear and anxiety. One of the effects which is least expected but which is a possibility is depression. Some mothers will after birth experience crying spells, mood swings and difficulty sleeping. These are conditions experienced some days after they deliver. When it comes to postpartum depression Denver residents ought to know what it entails.

The symptoms that occur during and after pregnancy are all but the same. Some of the common ones include extreme sadness, crying all the time, restlessness and difficulty in decision making. There can also be loss of appetite or eating a lot which could lead to weight loss or gain that is untended. Those affected will lose interest in their usual hobbies.

It is important to understand what causes depression after childbirth. Postpartum depression, PPD, is as a result of environmental, emotional and hormonal factors. Genetic factors also play a role. There are women who may feel responsible for having the condition, which is not the case. People will normally have this condition if they had depression when they were expectant, or they were anxious during that period. Other factors that contribute to it are physical exhaustion during birth and the emotional adjustment of becoming a parent.

Treatment for the condition is similar to what is used when one is depressed before or after pregnancy. If the symptoms experienced are mild, the doctor may recommend that the person goes for checks regularly so that their condition is monitored. In severe cases, talk therapy might be used, or the doctor may prescribe antidepressants. In some instances, both treatments are used concurrently. Talk therapy is done one-on-one, in a group setting or as a couple.

When antidepressants are used, they will balance chemicals in the rain which regulate moods. There are different types of the medication and one will need to know what best suits them. This is best done through consultation with the doctor. If there are any side effects, they will go away after a short period.

There are more severe cases if PPD which will not respond to counseling or medications. This will call for a more serious mode of treatment called electroconvulsive therapy, ECT. The treatment involves passage of electrical current in mild form through the brain. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The stimulation of chemicals leads to changes in the brain which relieve depression.

Women affected need to be able to cope. One way to do that is by being good to themselves. It is important to sleep well and have lots of rest. Feelings of guilt will only worsen the condition. Having PPD does not in any way mean one is not a good mother, hence one should not be guilty. In addition, you should not have unrealistic demands. It is a step by step treatment.

For those whose partners suffer from this condition, they should offer full support. There should be no judgement of the other partner. The condition is hard on partners too, so they will also need lots of rest.

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