Thursday, 16 February 2017

Volunteering To Those Who Are In Need

By Brian Wright

Volunteering for those in need can bring many benefits in ones life. Three are many ways of volunteering be it in service or in kind. This may include visiting the sick in hospital, volunteering in a children home, rehabilitating the drug users, teaching in a local primary school, paying an orphans fees. This are among many ways to volunteer.

There are many and different reasons why people believe that volunteering is good and beneficial. Some of them are.

Some religious people might see this as a calling. Some churches even have departments for helping the needy in the society. Most religions believe that the blessings dwell in the meek in heart and there is a lot of blessings and unfavorable and merited favor in volunteering for those in need.

Some people believe that that is a calling from a higher power. They believe that their ultimate goal in life is just to give and help the needy in the society.

Hindus too have a very efficient way of helping the needy in the society where they almost share everything in the name of community. One cannot go hungry, lack school fees of medical care education or even love when in the community of Hindus. Some of these religious organizations also help to come up with the non governmental organizations that feed the children, give aid to the needy countries. Send volunteers to catastrophe stricken areas.

Self actualization is the highest form of need that one can satisfy. It is believed that self actualization is attained when one does something that does not necessarily translate to money but something that satisfies ones soul. Some people help those in need in order to reach a state of self realization and self actualization as a form of therapy and a way of healingWhen people go through a very tough experience or even witness someone going through the same, they might change and see the needy in a different way. Some people believe that going through a tough experience in order for nature to teach them how to treat the less fortunate in the society.

Past experience can also lead someone to volunteer. Some people say that they had been brought up in poverty so they felt the need to help people in the same situation as they were. A lot of women have gotten into volunteer programs because they were either abused or saw someone get abused in the past. Other people also volunteer because they feel that other people should not undergo the struggles they underwent.

Volunteering and giving to the needy in society should be encouraged from a very young age. This is because it has very valuable lessons for being selfless and not thinking about oneself only.

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