Tuesday, 29 September 2015

When Following Our Dreams

By Evan Sanders

"The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." Sylvia Plath

When we start to question ourselves, our entire world starts to fall apart. That's a pretty powerful statement, but if we truly dive into the after effects of what happens when doubt crawls into our lives, it really does occur.

If we go further with this analogy, it's this same fear and doubt that will eventually be our complete downfall when we enter into the playing field with significant amounts of competition and against people who are more cutthroat.

You see, dreams demand everything from you. They demand your complete attention, work ethic, eagerness, integrity, and willingness to sacrifice a good deal to achieve them. But when you start doubting your dream and what you're doing in life, you aren't giving it your all.

When you overhear someone talking about their dreams and what's possible for them you can get the sense that they really do believe it's going to happen. Of course they don't have all the kinks figured out and know exactly what the path is going to look like, but you can hear the possibility of it happening nonetheless.

However, when you hear someone whose dreams are living in a world of doubt, you can tell almost right away. Of course you aren't rooting against them, but you know damn well that if they don't believe that it's going to happen it most certainly won't. Dreams function on belief, and without it they won't thrive.

So devote your life to your dreams and what is possible for you. Other people may not be able to see what is possible for you but it's your dream and you are responsible for making it happen. Bring that into the world.

Go for it. Give it a shot.

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