Sunday, 27 September 2015

The Price Of Ambition

By Evan Sanders

You can't put a price on ambition.

Ambition has been around for as long as humans have been able to dream and it has lead to the creation of the worlds greatest feats as well as its greatest downfalls. The price of ambition can be incredibly high and it tends to breed greed in those who have it. However, it's time for a new type of person.

It's time we paired ambition with character.

What the world desperately needs are people who have a goal to change it for the better and to give instead of take. These people are not as interested in stripping the world of what it has to offer but instead more interested in adding to it.

We are in desperate need of people who are willing to live a life of integrity, to be exactly who they say they are, and to rise in the face of challenges every single time they fall. These people will inspire the world to be a little bit better every single day and achieve for the sake of everyone else.

We need people who are willing to devote their lives to an idea rather than their own personal gain. We need people who are willing to struggle through the obstacles, trials, and tribulations that come along with devoting your life to something bigger than yourself.

We need people who are willing to make the sacrifices it takes to heal our deteriorating world instead of contribute to its falling apart.

Oh yes we have had far too many people throughout history pillage from our home and simply take as much as they possibly could from it. It's time for a new generation of people who care about others instead of just themselves.

"But what can a few people do?"

These people will come from the nooks and crannies of the world, the shadows, and rise into the light showing us the way we must travel.

You could be one of them.

We need you.

About the Author:

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