Monday, 7 September 2015

Summary On Disability Hate Speech

By Daphne Bowen

A speech that discriminates individuals because of the color of their skin, their tribes, political affiliations and the faith they profess is considered to be hate speech. Speech that victimizes members who are disabled is known as disability hate speech. Disabled people communicate in their own means for example using nonverbal cues to express themselves. They are still isolated in society by the able persons.

Different from racial and religiously motivated hate crime, this kind of crime is a relatively a concept that has been hard to eliminate. The aforementioned hate crimes can be changed or hidden unlike disability. This labeling of individuals with disabilities takes all the focus on their inabilities instead of their abilities and strengths, this creates a line between the individuals from the able society and disabled people.

Law enforcement agencies have been reluctant in punishing those who propagate cruel speech. This demoralizes the victims of hate. They will have developed a perception that no one will believe in them even if their case are reported. This kills their confidence in dealing with the problems affecting them hence their problems shall remain unresolved thus making them apologetic of their situation.

Many organizations mushroomed to curb the many rising cases of incapacitated persons and fight for equality amongst the people and make sure that the representation of all underprivileged persons at all platforms including government offices, social media and entertainment. Every company whether owned by government or private sectors should reserve some chances for the disabled in their company employments. This will make every speaker to moderate his/her language and choice of words thus makes the relation of their employees concrete.

Their mission is to erase the negative stereotypes about disability that exist today, starting with language. The able people in society should not limit individuals ability to exercise free speech. When conflict arises about which is more important amongst them in either protecting community interests or safeguarding the rights of the individual a balance should be found that protects the rights of all people without limiting the freedom of the speaker.

The minority groups have become classified by negative properties that are harmful to them. The address may inflict a direct pain either physically or emotionally, hence use of such expressions repetitively escalates to a feeling of inferiority by this minority groups in the community. They may be affected mentally in some way that might be irreversible.

Most countries all over the world have come up with some mechanisms to curb the rising cases of hatred propagated verbally or written. Clubs and societies in schools have been established to enable students to mingle up hence creating a force that supersedes hate. A chance is granted to them to participate in activities in community.

The disabled are considered for top jobs opportunities in the government to motivate the other disabled members and give them hope that their dreams are valid. Guidance and counseling centers have also been created to help the victims of disability hate propaganda. Some institutions have been developed to prosecute those who propagate hatred amongst the public. Any statement that is likely to spark hostility among the members of the public should be discarded.

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