Friday, 4 September 2015

Perks Of A Non Denominational Christian

By Daphne Bowen

Your spirit is free to fly as long as you are willing to keep it open. This is what this article is about. Allow it to give you a brand new perspective simply because one is not allowed to get stuck in something that you do not believe in the first place. It is just how the world works.

For starters, you would be apart from the reputation of your religion. A non denominational Christian is free in every sense of that word. Thus, you really do not have anything to worry about in here. In fact this is your chance to spread your wings and be free of everything that can be associated with you.

You can despise anything in the world now just because you want to. Be reminded that your religion no longer has a hold of your personality. So, simply be thankful of this blessings since that is how things must go down. Therefore, simply continue getting used to this kind of set up and this is everything.

You will never hear about politics in masses ever again. Take note that your relationship is with your God. Thus, you better focus on that and be in the situation that promotes this very kind of relationship. Nothing else matters. You should know that by now since you have already reached a mature age.

You would be surrounded by real people. Yes, they may be richer than you in every way but what matters here is that you share one thing. That is your love for the Mighty Being above. At the end of the day, it is all that matters. One really has to live life in the accordance of all His teachings.

Your church mates are your life. That may sound like you are starting to get too attached to them but then, this is a good thing. This means that you will have people who will be there for you through thick and thin. This is how your struggles will become more bearable even when they feel like they are already breaking you down.

You shall feel useful again. If you have already forgotten the last time you felt this way, then this change is really needed. So, you better deal with the necessary arrangements for this show to finally be on the road. When that occurs, then you can have the peace of mind you deserve.

You shall find yourself. It is the moment for you to stop creating a distraction to the chaos. Deal with it and talk to God after such a long time. This is what this conversion is all about.

Overall, have your heart lead your way. This is not a matter of facts anymore. So, know the things that are important to yourself and that is the point when everything will start to make sense. When this occurs, then your goal is achieved. Freedom is yours.

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