Thursday, 5 February 2015

Do The Soy Protein Shakes For Weight Loss Really Work?

By Ines Flores

Obesity and overweight has become a problem a worldwide problem. In the U. S alone, up to 61% of the adult population is categorized as overweight or obese. Given that most lifestyle diseases that develops to become chronic starts from these conditions, this is a problem that scientists and health professionals are not taking lightly. A lot of research is directed towards the ways of supplementing the traditional methods like good diet and exercise that have been relied upon over time to tackle the problem. One such research is the use of soy protein shakes for weight loss.

A lot of research publications have consistently proven that consuming soy protein indeed helps in weight loss. However, the recent findings have even gone into further details to explain just how the product works. As it turns out, it is not through one way, but three distinct ways.

Before digging deeper into the findings, it is important to first understand that this is a plant based product that is very rich is very high quality protein. It is also low in fats and carbs, and performs better when it comes to building the lean muscles.

It has now been confirmed that soy gives the feeling of being full. By consuming the soy protein shakes, the stomach releases a hormone that tells the mind that you are full. This is good for the body. It reduces the hunger cravings. As such, it reduces the chances of snacks in between the main meals and late at night. It all comes down to less intake of carbs and fat.

In addition to this, the fact that the soya is naturally low in fats and carbs work for weight loss. It works best as a supplement for any special diet required for a fitness program. The body stores excess carbs in the form of fats in the body, and this is which actually results in overweight conditions. By cutting consumption of carbs and fats, the body is forced to burn the stored fats during the intensive exercise, something good for you.

The product is also said to be very low on the glycemic index. This means that it has very low influence in increasing blood sugar. Upon ingestion, the blood sugar does not increase, as such; the body does not produce insulin that is used to convert blood sugar to fat. This is good news for those trying to lose calories. Stable blood sugar levels also help to control cravings. They are also good for those with diabetes conditions.

All the three methods through which the product work can summarized into one, cut down on the fat and carbs ingestion. Since the body normally breaks down the cabs into simple sugars, which are burned to produce energy, the excess sugars are converted to fat and stored in different tissues. This is what results in overweight conditions.

So, even with the soy shakes, you must still keep eating balanced diet. The other valuable foods like fruits and vegetables should not be replaced. These can be good sources of fiber and carbohydrates that are still necessary to keep proper health regime. In addition to these, a good exercise regime and other practices that can help reduce stress should also be considered. It is never a one day process, but rather a process that requires good planning, patience, and persistence. In the Kernersville, NC, there are experts with excellent products that you should consider.

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