Friday, 26 September 2014

Diagnosis And Treatment Of Navicular Disease In Horses

By Karina Frost

Owning a horse can be a huge responsibility. An individual who plans to own one, should know how to care for it. Moreover, he or she should also be prepared for unexpected extra expenses. This can be due to illness or injury. The navicular disease is a condition of the navicular bone and soft tissues at the back part of the foot of a horse. It affects the front legs.

A horse owner can check for this disease symptoms. However, it is only advisable for a professional to do it. Some symptoms include: shortened strides and lameness. Lameness in horses with this disease, is normally severe when they are constantly at work. It lessens when they get some rest. Another sign is when the horse constantly shifts weight to relieve pressure on the heel.

There are no scientific reasons for this disease leading to many speculations. Some of these include: If your horse lacks proper farrier care it could easily get this disease. Horses that do a lot of parade work and those always on rough terrains are often diagnosed with this condition. This disease leads to decreased blood flow.

The shoeing method is one way to treat this disease. They should be treated depending on the structure of their hooves which could vary. There are different shoe designs for particular horses. Here, it is ensured that the sides of each hoof are even. This makes walking easier. The horse will not have the toe to heel landing technique anymore. After treatment the animal will walk regularly.

We also have medical treatment which involves the use of drugs. This helps to increase blood flow in the affected area. Another treatment involves exercise. This is also meant to improve circulation. The animal is trained to bear more weight on the hind legs therefore, giving release to the front ones which are painful.

Surgery is described as a drastic method that is necessary when all other methods fail. Ligaments could be cut therefore improving the condition. Another method of surgery involves the cutting of nerves. This stops the animal from sensing pain in the hoof area. After this procedure, a horse still needs a constant visit to the vet to re-do the procedure.

In spite of the above procedure being advantageous, it has its downsides. First, there could be a regrowth of nerve endings leading to the pain that used to be felt. This causes the animal to become lame again. Neuromas could also develop at the end of cut nerves also causing pain. However, these after-surgery complications can be dealt with.

Always monitor your horse to know when it is acting off. If it has difficulty going downhill and moving while on hard ground you should definitely investigate further. You are likely to miss some of these signs so when in doubt look for a veterinary. Your horse will eventually be back in shape and back to its original activities. If best care is taken, dealing with this disease is not a problem. Once symptoms are detected do not waste time, consult an expert.

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