Saturday, 5 July 2014

Writing An Effective Stop Bullying Blog

By Rosella Campbell

It is very common for one to see a small nerdy kid being bullied in school by some big jock guy. What most people do not know is that this very common occurrence has a very bad effect on the victims for almost their entire life because of the scars that were left behind from the past events. It is for this reason that a lot of people would want to write a stop bullying blog because they are already sick and tired of hearing about weak children being picked on at school all the time.

Now most writers would start by recounting a story of a victim. Now this is the main introduction because it will really be able to catch the attention of the readers. It is best that it would be in a first person point of view with quotation marks because this signifies that it is a quote that was made by the victim.

Now the thing about this technique is that it will immediately take the attention of the reader which will make him want to read more. Bullying is a very common topic and no one really thinks much about. However, once they would read the story, they would immediately be moved by it and have a realization that something has to be done.

After that, the next thing to do would be to tell a little bit about the story of the victim. Now this would serve as the real introduction of the written material. One has to give a background like what exactly happened, where did it happen, when did it happen, and of course what happened to the victim afterwards.

Now after the background, the next thing to write about would now be the original topic which is bullying. In here, one may put the definition or something like there are a lot of people who are experiencing this phenomenon. That way, the readers will be able to feel more for the victims.

Once that is already done, then the next part to write would of course be the body which would contain the main things about the post. Now this is where the blogger may say pretty much anything that he wants to. His topic will definitely depend on the main things that he would want to express.

Now as for the body, some things that one may write about would be the effects that bullying would have on children. This one would concentrate more on trying to change the perception of people with regard to this kind of matter. Another thing that one may write about would be how this kind of thing can be stopped.

Of course the last part would be the conclusion. The whole point of writing the blog would be to send a message so that something can actually be done. It is for this reason that in the conclusion, one should make a call to action statement in order for readers to feel the urgency so that something can be done.

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