Tuesday, 10 December 2013

What Do Women Really Want In A Relationship

By Bryan Wright

Being patient when trying to get back together with your girlfriend is difficult. There's no question about it. You worry that someone else is going to come along and scoop her up, if that isn't the case already. You worry that she's going to forget about you.

Understanding women and knowing what a woman needs to feel in order to fall in love with you is important to your success in restoring your relationship. While some might say that this is somehow underhanded or sneaky, where is the harm in wanting to understand the person that you love? What's wrong with doing a little research on female psychology and then using that information to make the one you love happy? Never allow yourself to feel bad about wanting to understand someone that you love. You should be commended for such thoughtfulness. You're a good guy for wanting to get to the root of the matter and actually make someone you love feel good in a relationship.

It's natural to be a little anxious about getting your girlfriend back. It's natural to get upset, nervous, suspicious and jealous. It's natural to doubt that she'll ever give you that second chance but the fact is that these emotions can cause us to do drastic things that can kill our chances of winning back the woman that we love. Our impatient nature can cause us to do stupid things that actually make matters worse rather than better.

Don't get me wrong here. Showing a woman that you love her by buying her gifts, flowers and jewelry is great but it needs to be on your terms. Saying no every once in a while will gain you some respect. Being a man and making the decisions is important to a woman. Most women might not admit it but they want a man that will be in control in the relationship. This means making some difficult decisions sometimes when it comes to how money will be spent, what friends you spend time with as well as you having your own friends or some time to yourself to do things that you enjoy. If your life revolves around her every whim and fancy, she will feel that you are weak and your only purpose in life is to serve her. Many women will actually test a guy to see how far they can push him.

When that doesn't work, you may have tried some variations of this technique. You tried being super nice to her or you bought her gifts. You may have even told her that you had bought these gifts before you broke up but you wanted her to have these things. You may have even begged or cried and pleaded with her to have mercy upon your soul and asked her to give you another chance. You told her that you loved her and that she was the most important person in your life.

In order for you to win her back and make her feel those loving feelings again, you need to erase the past and trigger those emotions that equal love in her mind and her heart. In order for her to forget about your moments of weakness, you should spend a little time apart from her and stop chasing her. A real man doesn't chase a woman.

A real plan to get your girlfriend back should be based upon female psychology and what a woman needs to feel in order to overcome the biggest hurdle that confronts you right now which is the fact that she broke up with you. She has told all of her friends and family that she is done with you. That is going to be a big obstacle to overcome so you're going to have to speak to her emotions. Her decision is going to have to be an emotional one. She is going to have to want you more than she might be embarassed to tell everyone that she is getting back together with you.

Once she begins to show interest and she becomes curious about what is going on in your life, remind her of the most romantic moments in your relationship. Be prepared with a few stories about when you were in love and remind her of those times. She will begin to think of those times when you remind her and she will focus on those feelings instead of the memories of you begging her for a second chance. If you can fill her mind with memories of when you were happy together she will instinctively want to experience more of those times and romantic moments with you. Be sure that you have your life together and you are prepared emotionally to deliver those feelings into her life again. Be strong and don't hesitate. Make her fall in love with you again and everything will fall into place.

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