Monday, 9 December 2013

How Angel Energy Healing Works In Our Body

By Tiffany Gill

The concept of energy is very complicated and sometimes hard to be explained. A scientist made a formula to measure the it and because of that formula, he was considered as a crazy man. But years after, he won a Nobel prize because of it. His formula suggests that everything we can see now is a form of energy. From the monitor of you personal computers to your chair or even you blood is a form of it too. Even an angel energy healing can be solved by the formula.

This is to say that vitality can exist as a solid, liquid, gas, or any unidentified non solids and those that cannot be seen through our naked eye. Some examples of the non solids are the x rays and the light beams, while those that cannot be seen are the radioactive waves and the sound waves. And so another question that would come up into your mind, where these originated.

Energy settles everywhere and anytime. Your body even have them because our organs and every singles cell in it releases different energies and triggers. We even unintentionally absorb some of them just like the sun rays and the noises. Most of them cannot be observed but they can be felt and by feeling it means they are present.

According to the scientists, power can be measured even if some of them cannot be seen. They made specific apparatus and softwares to detect and measure unseen waves. But the one used for healing by most shamans does not have any other corresponding instrument that can measure but the human body, our body.

Human body is not just represented by its physical aspect, it possesses other aspects such as mental, emotional, etheric, astral. These aspects produce different types of vitality that may affect other aspects or worse the whole human psyche.

In connection, our bodies have various storage where we place the powers we absorbed and produced, these storage called chakras. You can even store energies way back from the day you acquired your very first consciousness. These are happy, sad, or non sense memories that are stored in one of your chakras.

If your chakra will be imbalanced, this would lead into disease and stress. This is how alternative healing works. When your brain starts to believe that you will be cured, your brain will release a pheromone like power that would attract every aspects of your body.

To balance your them, what you ought to do is to get rid of negative energies by making yourself more approachable as can be. Do not try to control your life, leave it to the highest power. What you are to do is just to do things that you think that is good for you. An attempt of controlling once life is a trigger for possible problems you ought not to encounter.

Considering angel energy healing as a cure of a sickness is not impossible. By just simply believing and trusting the shaman, then your body will function well. But then again if you think that it cannot be healed by an alternative medicine, then do not attempt.

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