Monday, 25 November 2013

Your Best Bet For Getting Your Girlfriend Back

By Frank Boyd

The frustration of trying to win over your ex girlfriend or trying to get her to even consider getting back together can be frustrating. I hope to help you out a little bit with this. I want to share with you a secret that will get her wanting to talk with you again and at least open that door to reconciliation again. I want you to be happy and I know how difficult it is to deal with being apart from someone you care about. I know the sadness and pain that a breakup can cause and it's my life's work to bring couples back together even when things seem impossible.

Often when a guy breaks up with you he does become like a small child. You can use this little known fact of male psychology to work in your favor though. It becomes almost entertaining when you think about it. Just like a bad little boy, your ex boyfriend is probably upset and angry and he refuses to see anything your way. If you were to say that something is white he will insist that it's black. If you try to explain anything to him or discuss any aspect of your breakup or even be nice to him he will throw a fit and reject you. This is why you need to understand male psychology and use it against him if you hope to get him back.

Now, what would you do if you saw a little boy that was throwing a fit? What would be most effective in circumventing that behavior? Punishing him or giving him a stern talking to rarely works. This will only make him more angry and beligerent. Rewarding bad behavior or giving him some sort of a treat won't be apprecaited so being nice to him isn't going to work. Even acknowledging his poor behavior only reinforces that behavior.

To end his temper tantrum the best thing that you can do is to ignore it and go about your business. A wise parent keeps calm and either sends a child to their room or to sit somewhere so they can wind down and realise that their bad behavior isn't getting them the reaction that they were hoping for. Then, a really smart parent will begin doing something interesting to get that child's attention. Once the child is done being bad, they will come to the parent and want to be part of the interesting activity.

Likewise, if you ignore your ex-boyfriend for a while, go about your business and start doing interesting things, he will want to be a part of your life again.

There is nothing that you can say to him right now that's going to make a bit of difference. No amount of logic is going to make him want to be a part of your life. He is throwing a tantrum and he's not thinking logically. He will calm down all on his own and if your life and what you are doing is interesting he will want to be a part of it.

Remember, you must first stop chasing your ex girlfriend before you put this plan into action. This means a week or so of no contact or being elusive if you see her often. Be short and sweet if you see her on any sort of a regular basis. If you don't have regular contact with her and you have been writing to her or calling her then stop doing that starting today. Allow a week or so to pass and then begin your counter-intelligence campaign. Her curiosity will be more than she can handle.

Even though this is only a rough outline of a succcessful plan to get your ex boyfriend back, understanding male psychology and using it to change his mind is the only way to go. Talking about the problems in the relationship rarely works and those methods will never change his mind. Only by creating a life that he would want to be part of will change his heart and make him fall in love with you again. Try it and see what kind of results you get. Getting your ex boyfriend back doesn't have to be difficult.

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