Saturday, 17 August 2013

Fibromyalgia Relief Through Chiropractic Care In Memphis Clinic

By Jason Kordobu

Fibromyalgia is a condition that affects thousands of people across the USA. While there is much more to discover about this condition, sufferers know that it causes chronic pain. Many sufferers have found a Memphis chiropractor to offer care that brings relief without using pain medication.

As fibromyalgia leads to chronic pain, the traditional approach has been to supply the patient with ever increasing dosages of pain medications. Many of these pills include acetaminophen along with controlled substances. These medications can cause various side effects, including damage to the liver, especially if the patient exceeds the recommended dosage.

Chiropractors provide care by restoring balance and alignment to their patients' spines. The action supports the human body's inherent healing system. Once the spine is aligned, nerves and muscles benefit from increased blood flow. Nerves that are not pinched do not produce pain. The patient's whole body feels much better.

Many patients are finding fibromyalgia to be helped using upper cervical adjustments. This adjustment involves the two uppermost vertebrae of the spine. Adjusting these vertebrae is also helpful for individuals who suffer TMJ, migraines and other painful symptoms.

Many fibromyalgia patients experience significant improvements in their condition with this therapy. The typical fog many sufferers experience is lifted. Patients often have an increase in energy. The quality of deep, restorative sleep is improved and the brain produces the chemicals needed for the body to deal with the pain of fibromyalgia naturally.

Fibromyalgia can cause debilitating pain without proper care. The chronic condition often makes it difficult for sufferers to get up in the morning. Although drugs bring relief temporarily, the pain returns quickly, often before the next scheduled dose. Pain medication can add to the patient's feelings of fogginess. The help provided by a Memphis chiropractor allows people to feel less pain from the conditions. Chiropractic may allow them to enjoy their life again.

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