Tuesday, 30 July 2013

How To Get The Girls

By Gerda Worth

If you want to know how to get a girl to like you then there are many areas that you can look at reading up on to improve your success rates. A lot of its common sense but it's amazing how many men approach women without even a second thought about what they are doing. This article covers some basic principles, may be even a few areas that you may not have thought about and might be able to put to good use when you approach the next woman you have your eye on.

So, what ARE some things that you can do that are effective for making a girl like you?Well, one of the first things that I would do is to get it out of your head that you have to buy her things or you have to treat her as if she was some perfect princess and you should just be grateful to be in her presence. Just getting rid of that mindset will usually put you on the right track.Start with you. Become the kind of guy who has interesting things to talk about. Become someone that other people would like to be around. A lot of men play it small when they are in social situations. You don't want to do that. You want to show off who you are and make sure that she sees right away that there are plenty of attractive qualities that you possess.

So let's say you get through the initial pickup lines and introductions what next. You're keen to chat the girl up and so you need to start off by breaking the ice and try to get both of you at ease as quickly as possible, so what exactly do you chat about next? If you've got absolutely nothing to chat about then you're likely to appear quite dull and will probably fail at getting a genuine conversation going. The secret here is to sort your own life out first and fill it with all the good stuff that you have a keen interest in. Do this and when you start talking you'll find that confidence will come naturally as you'll own the topic of conversation. You have to have a really good sense of who you are before you can confidently appear as somebody who's perfectly grounded and is not some kind of nut bar. Don't forget that almost all girls find men that possess a relaxed self-confidence seriously appealing.

Women want a confident man. Confidence is like a muscle so you need to work it out. Even if you can't find a girl that display the characteristics we are looking for you should proceed anyway, just to see what happens. If you can't make-out in one minute or less it doesn't mean you are not going to make-out at all.Women are sexual creatures, maybe more than men, and I promise you they want this to happen as much as you do.It is sad how many times this instant make-out events never happen just because most guys let their fear take over and never go for it. I hang out with hot models everyday and I can tell you, most of the time no one's approaching them. Just by taking action you will be ahead of most guys.

As soon as you leave a great impression she'll begin to think more about the kind of guy you actually are. Girls are delicate beings who typically work on a somewhat deeper level than us uncomplicated gentlemen. In some instances they will be trying to find a sole mate. I understand this is all seriously deep stuff but you do need to be aware of this aspect of dating. After all I'm sure you don't want to give out the wrong impression if she starts to come on too strong onto you or do you? Who knows, you might even be searching for the very same thing and if that's the case you'll want to know the signals. In a nutshell, the additional time you spend on gaining more knowledge of female psychology the more you'll enjoy the rewards in dating.

Another way to find out if a woman is willing to make out with you is if she's actively looking around to make eye contact. A woman who is looking at someone specifically and she's not looking away is not going to be easy to seduce quickly. It is going to take a lot longer. You will have to play a completely different game when you walk up to this kind of woman. You won't be able to walk up to her and make out with her quickly.

When you can truly talk with a girl then the probability is that she is not only just interested in you, she probably also trusts you. This can be particularly true if she participates in conversation at the same level with you. This is an excellent indication that you're each on the same page and perhaps you might even want to gently test the water and try to move the connection on a step or two Don't be scared to do this as you are most likely to be pleasantly surprised with the results and too be truthful absolutely nothing ventured is nothing gained. However, you might still have to be really mindful that you don't get too carried away. If you can, look out for the relevant body language signals. Try to be careful how you judge this one as sometimes you may find that you have relationships with girls who trust you and can communicate with you on the same level but for reasons other than love. If this is a work colleague this approach may be completely inappropriate and could make you look like a fool. There is a time and place for everything so make sure you are safe before making any moves as you don't want to damage your reputation.

Once you walk up to a girl you have to make reads. If you walk up to her and she is smiling and looks interested than you have two choices. You can go in for the kiss and show her that you're confident and you are not afraid of rejection or you can start a small conversation and tell her you're interested.If you walk up to a girl and she won't look at you or she has a scowl on her face you can simply give her a compliment and walk away or give her a compliment and wait for her response, because sometimes they will give you a look as if they are not interested just to see if you're confident or not.Everyone would love of that 'girl next door' scenario where you can sneak next door when you please to a rather inviting hot female. You have some fun; you head home just after midnight.Wherever you live if there is an opportunity to seduce a neighbour, take advantage of it! For you young guys out there, you have the best opportunities when you're in your student accommodation. You share the same corridor with 100 other chicks!For you older guys, you don't walk directly past her door everyday, but im sure there is one on your street that you can't help but take a second glance at.

Most successful couples will confirm that their partner is their best friend as well as their lover. Being a girl's best friend is another essential part of winning her heart. To support this you ought to really work on becoming much more than just as random stranger before starting any flirting. If you're able to get nearer to her by becoming friendly to begin with, she will begin to trust you. Then you could consider moving forwards to your next step. Remember she might also be really shy so it's a good idea to watch out for the signals that let you know this. Body gestures can begin to play a significant aspect in working out how she feels about you. If you can suss this all out you are likely to improve your chances significantly.

If you are wondering how to get a girl to like you fast, then be her friend. For her to notice you, first ensure you are in her circle of friends as girls don't just like random strangers. Once you have won her over as a friend you can now start flirting with her. This will let her know of your intentions and she will most likely respond by flirting back if she likes you or not if she doesn't.Another tip on how to get a girl to like you is by acting confident- girls like guys who are confident. Being confident will show a girl that you believe in yourself and she will enjoy being around you.

Have you been able to get past the touch barrier yet? If you haven't then this is as area that you should try to pay special attention to. Touch is really an essential part of any authentic relationship with a woman. It may be quite challenging to recognise when you should make the initial move on this as should you get it wrong it could be seriously awkward. Even so, you should be able to find some clear indicators. For example, is she making eye-to-eye contact with you or does she look completely at ease in your company. There quite a few approaches that you can try out here which are worth searching out. If you find that you get so far with a relationship but just can't get past the touch barrier then you will have to ask if the right chemistry was there in the first place and if you should just move on.

Tell her you love to get to know new neighbours and that she should pop round one evening for a while and get to know each other. Thing to remember is, when people are new to an area/place/country/company they always open up a lot more to meeting people. So she will be more than happy to come round, and will be glad that you offered!Many of times I have approached girls that have moved to Bristol because of their job/lifestyle and didn't know anybody just yet, so they didn't require much tight pick up to get numbers from because they are in fact more eager than you to meet new people!Plan for her to come round one evening, preferably on the weekend so you haven't got work the next day. Stick the fire on (or if you don't have one, make it cosy) and grab a bottle of red wine.

Most people feel far more at ease in the company of someone who they can have a laugh and a joke with. Humour can truly allow you to get in the ideal place with a girl much faster than many other methods. Try to practice a small amount of humour as much as you can each day, if you can make it a habit even better. This is good advice for every day let alone for dating. It's a good idea at the right moment to also show that you are able to take a joke. This shows that you've got enough self-confidence to handle criticism and you are perfectly well balanced. Let's face it who really wants to date someone who reacts badly to criticism? Put simply people who have fun are great to be with and much easier to get on with. People in most cases will only laugh together if you're on a similar wave length plus it has the added benefit of being able to quickly knock down boundaries.

The key point to picking up your neighbour is to let her know your intentions at some point. Your attempt to get her may be seen to her as you being a nice neighbour.So initiate the physical contact, push her around, prod her when she says something silly and tickle her when she deserves it. Make sure you are the one to call time on the night, but say how fun it's been and she's actually cooler than you first expected.Plan to do something again, but make sure its something outside of your street. If she's new to the area/city then you can show her something really cool and unique about your home town.

Romance could simply mean a peaceful evening walk with each other, flowers or perhaps a picnic. It certainly doesn't need to cost the earth and it shows that you operate on a somewhat deeper level than all of those other boring men out there and that you truly care and wish to make her feel special. We all know it's a bit wet but nevertheless it's a well known fact that almost all girls just love a little romance. Being a bit of romantic can really make all the difference and too be honest it's a real pleasure to watch a girl's reaction. This will make a real big difference when attempting to earn a girls heart so don't take the romantic side of things too lightly.So there you have it fourteen questions in different areas for you to consider and apply to your own dating technique. Some of these areas have a lot of different facets that you should with a little bit of searching be able to find much more information on how to get a girl to like you.Please do try to remember that dating is not an exact science and using these methods may not guarantee results. All girls as mentioned in the article are only human. As long as you are honest, respectful and just try some of the ideas here you are bound to have lots of fun.

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