Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Should The Users Of Spirulina Need To Be Concerned With Side Effects?

By William Gruber

Various diet advisors are discovering the remarkable health rewards of spirulina. It is truly a balance source of diet because it contains minerals, vitamins, carbohydrate, antioxidant and proteins. Same as many medicines, spirulina too comes with negative effects if not used with care. Yet, the adverse effects are not many since it is an all-natural product.

Men and women having anemia are likely to feel dizziness, exhaustion and unexpected hunger. Undiagnosed patients that sense these symptoms are encouraged to discuss with a health care professional and get tested for anemia.

Fever might occur on account of the high protein intake. The increased protein content of spirulina triggers the most common spirulina side effects, which is a raised body temperature. This is stimulated through the metabolism of the added protein which is associated with the discharge of heat. The generated heat and the temperature changes could lead to fever.

Spirulina consumption has to be coupled with plenty of water for the well absorption of the spirulina product. 16 ounces of water is suggested to be taken following the consumption of the product. Without sufficient amount of water, negative effects such as excessive thirst and constipation can happen.

Some people could experience body allergy or itchy skin. This is a very rare problem which might be activated by an allergy to the blue green algae. A few consumers have been reported to experience the side effect. It should not be a concern for the majority of users.

Problems may occur with kidney or liver which is considered the most intense adverse effects that can be triggered from the consumption of spirulina. This is normally attributed to the level of nucleic acid found in the organic matter that the blue algae were gotten from. A consumer is therefore recommended to consider capsules coming from spirulina that have a reduced concentration of nucleic acid. Going for the best quality product can help to save the trouble of having a kidney and liver damage.

Taking spirulina can lead to the digestive system to make some gases which could lead to abdominal aches. This a consequence of its high nutrient content obtained in the supplement that gets consumed in the digestive system releasing gases.

Examples above are some of the more familiar negative effects. The negative effects described in this article are surely preventable. Taking the correct dosage of spirulina supplement is really important in order to take it without any health problem. Therefore, it is recommended that the maximum daily amount of spirulina have to be under 3 grams.

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