Saturday 13 July 2019

Traits Of An Intuitive Dream Reader

By Mary Burns

The unexpected feeling or sense about a situation or person is known as intuition. During the eye movement phase of sleep is when dreaming occur to all people. They are a revelation of deeply stored information in the subconscious mind. A dream reader tries to bridge the gap between the conscious and unconscious mind. Their ability is natural and innate and thus this article looks at the traits of an intuitive dream reader.

A reader will foretell of impending danger or attack. They come in as very cautious people who visualize something through dreams and inner thought or sight. Solutions and coping strategies are laid down for the people to curb any form of unwanted occurrences. Punitive action is foretold to them that do not obey the said visions. Everyone is encouraged to obey for their progress and good.

There is treasure hidden in dreams. Deep secrets that require great creativity and imaginative personality to fathom their meaning. A countdown of centuries is put in mind to help understand happenings and infer to the present day. Activities and life in the olden day and age that has continually evolved are clearly shown and require a naturally wise man to explain to friends for their own growth and blessings.

One needs deeper know-how of places, physical features, biological terms, and locations in the art. Dreams come in varying shapes and thus require inner intelligence to interpret and predict their meaning. The person may be visited by scientists and researchers to challenge them. The wisdom in reading dreams ensures that they can derive a chronology of events from a simple explanation and give meaning in it.

The reader is attentive to detail. They ought to maintain a diary or journal to record chronologically all the visions they have and which they understand or interpret. They may find time to review past dreams and interpretations for further inferring or publish them to reach a wider scope. They listen as one relates their dream and ask questions to have a vision as it unfolded to them.

A reader is aware of themselves. They are guided by an inner voice in their works. They tend to be very observant of their thoughts, words, and even appearance. No one would trust an unkempt or reckless reader. People often do a thorough background analysis before sharing and listening to the said response. They often relate with the feelings of other people as they offer help.

Some quiet time to internalize is key to them. Their energy comes from within themselves. It is easier to connect with inner voices in solitude and quiet time. Reaching out and offering a helping hand is motivated by their unwavering love for nature and humankind. They relive the past and focus on brighter days ahead for the humankind.

They are used to criticism from unlike people thus unkind words can never hurt them. They find time to grow inwardly by staying at peace and taking rest. They are respectful and treat people with the required equity. They do not buy bad reports or discouragement even in the advent of rejection. They stay focused on their course at all time.

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