Tuesday 23 July 2019

The Sad Reality Of Random Killing Sprees

By Virginia Carter

Modern living is fraught with danger. At home, in schools, in recreation areas danger lurks without sometimes being noticed. It is unpredictable and will come at the most unexpected time and place. Random killing sprees by psychologically disturbed persons have become all too common around the world. To at least arm oneself for these incidents it is advisable to take active shooter training PA.

There are individuals who randomly fires at people without any specific target, the aim is usually to kill as many as possible with whatever ammunition is available. These persons do these acts for many reasons. Some wants to get back at society for whatever bad situation they are in. Others are motivated by terrorist acts in other nations.

Fear, anger, and suffering can oftentimes lead to extreme hatred. Hatred triggers emotional stress to a disturbed person. This motivates these people to inflict serious harm on society the best way they know how, and that is by employing high caliber long arms. Sometime it can come in the spur of the moment but often times it will gestate over a long period.

The use of military grade assault rifles are most of the time performed by lone persons who might get them illegally through the black market. Federal and state laws strictly control the sale of these sorts of weapons. Not all citizens are good citizens and organized crime can provide firepower to those who will pay. This makes the environs even more dangerous.

The right to bear arms is guaranteed in some nations including the most powerful one in the world. This creates a dilemma among legislators as lobbyists for and against this right is constantly being fought in and outside of government. That right has no distinction between good and bad elements of society. Ordinary law abiding citizen only arm themselves with pistols.

Be familiar with the laws governing the acquisition and use of guns and the penalties for violations thereof. These are very deadly weapons and the choice of criminal elements. Long rifles are fired from distance up to a thousand yards and from hidden or fortified positions. Taking up education classes about sudden firing carnage can be very helpful.

If one is employed or has other sources of income and religiously pays taxes then it is but proper to make use of free government services. The homeland security department conducts on location lectures and presentation to to make people aware of the dangers and how to react and counter act if caught in such situations. You must report suspicious activities in the neighborhood to the authorities.

Never hesitate in informing authorities about weird or suspicious activities of individuals who might be neighbors. This can help authorities in anticipating future incidents from happening. Surveillance can be done near the vicinity of suspicious characters. It has been common that close relatives sometimes are torn by blood bond and fail to inform the police until too late.

Most experts would say that when one is caught up in a deadly crossfire from a crime instigator armed with long arms, he or should do anyone of this three things in order to survive. Number one, run and move away from the place. Number two, find a place to hide specifically place with thick wall or barriers. And three, if one is in possession of a weapon then fight it out.

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