Sunday 30 June 2019

Muslims All Over The World Accept Halal Dating

By Cynthia Sullivan

Halal is an important Islamic principle. It is widely mentioned in the Koran. Without Halal, there is no Islam. Actually, Islam is based around a set of rules that must be followed by Muslims. A religion that does not have rules is dead. It defeats itself. There is no way that a person can be religious and fail to follow religious rules. These rules were established for a reason: so that believers could lead a holy and righteous life. Halal dating is a set of old age rules that offer guidance on how a believer should date.

Most non-Muslims think that Halal only relates to food. It is more than that. It is also touches on lifestyle issues. There is a kind of lifestyle that is accepted in Islam. There is also a lifestyle that is frowned upon by Islam. Such a lifestyle is simply Haram. It is just as bad as Haram food such as pork. Believers should avoid pork.

Islamic dating should involve the family. Actually, the family should not be excluded. In Islam, family serves a vital role. Life starts with the family and ends with the family. The family can be the nucleus family. If the nucleus family is lacking, the extended family will serve as family. The family is the basic unit of an Islamic society.

Islamic marriage is practiced all over the world where there are Muslims. This kind of marriage is presided over by an Imam. Family members will serve as witness. The wedding day is the most important day in the life of a Muslim. In Muslim majority countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iran, Islamic marriage is governed by the law.

There should not be sex before marriage. That is Haram. After marriage, the marital bed should be kept dignified and holy. That means that there must be trust. There should be no cheating in marriage. Islam has no place for infidelity. This is considered as a major sin. Virginity through abstinence from sex should be exercised before tying the knot.

Islamic marriage can only happen if there is mutual attraction. There can be no love if there is no mutual attraction. The two go hand in hand. Compatibility is essential or else a marriage will fail before the end of the first year. Divorce is not a good thing. It can lead to a broken family. That will badly affect the children.

The main goal of Halal is to prevent a culture of joking. Marriage is not something to joke with. It is a lifetime commitment. Thus, it should be approached with care and caution. Marriage is a very serious institution in the religion of Islam. People should only marry if there are compatible and understand the seriousness of marriage.

Islam encourages every believer to marry although no one is forced to do so. Two Muslims who are dating should avoid being alone together because that can lead to compromise and sin. A group date is the best date. This will bring together a number of believers. A chaperone needs to accompany two people who are dating and need to be alone together.

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