Sunday 28 April 2019

Try Baked Hummus Pizza Instead Of A Cheesy Pie

By Anna White

These days, more working adults are taking advantage of attending any get together that will serve a purpose of some sort. Oftentimes, there may be a theme like networking or a party for singles that are attached. Usually these are held in the late evenings or weekends and usually, the dishes are light but just enough to balance any alcohol or wine that may be served. Typical foods may include tapas, chopped vegetables or unusual dishes like hot baked hummus pizza.

Kids these days are pretty smart and will often show initiative for having a better quality of life. Many are aware of the fact that they should not sit all day and have more than one basic food group every day. Yet, there are times when they need to be nudged and made to realize that consequences may lay ahead.

Unhealthy eating habits may include sweets, which can be filling but full of empty calories. Fried or greasy foods that are often fast or convenient but loaded with calories and sometimes other unhealthy ingredients. The working parent staple, TV dinners, are fast and somewhat economical but loaded with sodium and saturated fat. While there are some options that are marketed as being healthy, the portions are small and the price tag is large compared to less healthy versions.

While thick crust and processed deli meat are two culprits, these can be replaced with pita style bread or flatbread to cut carbohydrates. Fresh vegetable slices or poultry that has not been fried or cooked in oil are great substitutes. However, these are not the only changes a person can make.

Hummus, which is made with garbanzo beans, makes a great dip and can even be used in place of oily spreads in sandwiches. It is loaded with fiber, potassium, and most recipes are low in sodium and sugar. If a kid knows how to chop carrots and onions, they can easily create a meal that will fill them up after a long day.

Serving flatbread pizza is another quick fix that appeals to most. One factor to consider is that guests usually do not expect something that is loaded down with ingredients. Anyone who is making several can add a couple of toppings to each and even eliminate shredded cheese from a couple of flatbreads.

One food trend that is growing in popularity is hummus. This creamy spread should not be limited to pita chips or cold veggie slices. There are many flavors from which to choose but the most common choices have garlic or spicy blends. However, others include beets or international flavors.

While not every kid may grow up to be a chef, teaching them these basic skills can raise their confidence levels. They can also learn responsibility, how to account for mistakes, and learn something outside of the classroom. Parents should also keep in mind that eating at home saves a lot of money and time, especially when there is more than one person to feed.

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