Sunday 17 March 2019

Minneapolis MN Drug Addiction; Concerns That Increase The Risk Of Teens Getting Addicted

By Nancy Patterson

Currently, research shows that half the people trying drugs for the first time are teens. Although some of them do not get addicted, simply attempting to take a drug increases their risk of getting into rehab at some point in time. If you are a parent, you need to know about the concerns that could increase the chances of your loved one getting hooked on substance abuse. The best Minneapolis MN drug addiction therapist can provide reliable treatment if your kid is already an addicted patient.

For most kids, they will try drugs with the hopes of fitting in. They may be curious to find out what would happen if they acted with some drugs in their system. Here are other circumstances that may increase the odds of your child trying drugs and possibly getting addicted in the course of it.

Another common reason why teenagers turn to drugs is because of community poverty. Research shows that kids from poor neighborhoods are three times more likely to use drugs than those from wealthier backgrounds. Inadequate resources cause family strains, missed educational opportunities, lack of employment, mental and physical health problems and the list is endless.

Some teens will use drugs because they lack adult supervision. This makes the feel grown enough to drink alcohol or use prescribed pills that they find around the house. Once they are comfortable with what they do, they will even exchange drugs with other kids within the neighborhood. To prevent this from happening, seek help with monitoring your kids when you are busy or away from home.

Mental health problems can also increase the chances of a teenager using drugs. The National Institute on Drug Abuse states that drug abuse risk often overlaps with mental wellness concerns. The youth may turn to opiates, marijuana or alcohol with the hopes of coping better with anxiety or depression. Unfortunately, drugs only worsen their disorders and this increases the need to rely on addiction treatment programs or the services offered in psychiatric hospitals.

With teenage hood comes a myriad of both emotional and physical changes. The majorities of kids will also experience peer pressure and while not all of them will be attracted to trying drugs, some of them will not resist the urge. The most vulnerable to using drugs because of peer pressure are those that come from dysfunctional families or have mental problems.

There are programs that teach teens and young adults about the risks of getting hooked on drugs. The education offered also boosts their self-image and they get to learn that drugs can deprive them of a chance to achieve their goals in life. Empowered teenagers are less likely to use drugs because everyone else around them is high.

Having strict rules, constantly supervising your teens and even ensuring their good mental health may not mean much if you live within an area where drug availability is not a problem. Unfortunately, research shows that drugs are easy to find within school settings. It remains imperative for you to therefore choose private or public institutions that uphold strong anti-drug policies. Such institutions may even provide mandatory drug abuse education courses to further set their students on the right path.

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