Sunday 24 February 2019

Premier Healthcare: A Way To Prevent Atherosclerosis

By Richard Johnson

Can you remember the last time you got your cholesterol levels checked out? If not, maybe taking a prompt trip down to your local general practitioner is something you should consider doing. When the heart is healthy, its artery walls are clear and clean, making blood circulation a pretty simple process. This process does, however, become more difficult to complete when your cholesterol level is too high. When you have a plaque in the artery walls, it becomes a lot harder for the blood to travel to its intended destination. But, like all things, there is a way to prevent Atherosclerosis using premier healthcare.

This situation can go from slowing down blood flow to dangerous. The danger comes when the arteries become clogged or blocked. This can lead to Coronary heart disease and or stroke. The stroke forms when the plaque breaks off and forms clots. This is not a condition to take lightly, you will be affected immensely. The same cause of the stroke can also lead to a heart attack. The last thing that should happen is a complete blockage in the arteries.

The first step in ensuring that these issues go away is getting your cholesterol monitored. This is an easy process and it does not take up a large amount of time. The process is conducted via a blood test. The following is how the results are interpreted. LDL is bad cholesterol and HDL is good cholesterol. Get in touch with your physician in order to get more information on the matter.

You will need to give up a lot of habits in order to remain healthy and steer away from this ailment. The chief contributors to this condition are smoking and inactivity. People who pick up the habit of smoking are well aware that smoking can often lead to cancer. Something else that smoking can do is pile up plaque in your arteries. The lack of exercise or being too inactive can also increase the likelihood of you incurring an ailment such as this one.

There are other illnesses you can already have that can bring you closer to this condition as well. They include the following: High Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Heart Disease. If you have any of the above mentioned, you need to pay close attention to your cholesterol levels. You will need to make an arrangement with your practicioner, to discuss how you can better manage your sugar levels and your blood pressure needs to be checked always.

You ought to partake in physical activity on a regular basis. People are not too keen to involve themselves in such. You need not to concentrate on tough exercises only and you can always have an exercise partner. You can begin with minor exercises and gradually increase as you see fit. You could begin by taking walks around the block every day. Then when you have grown accustomed to it, you can use the services of a trainer.

One of the tricky aspects of this condition is the fact that symptoms dont become apparent until significant damage has been caused. This is not ok as you cant wait until something life-threatening occurs before you take measures against this condition. Instead, consistently check your cholesterol levels as needed. Always be aware if your physical health condition and dont take any strange feeling you might have for granted.

You must also develop a healthier eating plan for your life. Make sure your meals are balanced daily and that you follow your diet completely. Stay away from saturated fats and eat fresh food at all times. Get a lot of fish and lean meat in your diet as well. You can speak to your dietician regarding more changes.

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