Thursday 14 February 2019

Diving The Path Of Concert Promoter As Your Career Choice

By Christine Gray

Do you feel so unmotivated right now to the point you want to ditch your job and go somewhere else and procrastinate? And then you search something in Google about jobs that are good for lazy individuals. Maybe laziness is not the real reason why you are acting like that. Perhaps you still have not found your passion yet which is why you now are unmotivated. Yes. Maybe that is the reason. Furthermore, you know your passion deep inside and that passion is music. Your gut is telling you to chase it. You became desperate and will even accept a job which is a promoter for concert event management Los Angeles.

Maybe you became reluctant in pursuing what you like because of the critical judgments from people. Your skill in singing and song writing is not good. You cannot even play a single instrument so how the hell will you make it as a musician? But working in music industries does not mean that you should be a musician. People with zero skills could dive the path that they love and that just mean you still have a ticket for it.

And perhaps you love the idea of working with your favourite artists. You only see them during concerts and they cannot even hear your praises and yells during their concerts. But what if you work with them and manage their event? That sounds exciting, right?

And that is through being a concert promoter. Perhaps others are not familiar with this profession and no wonder about that. For sure, most individuals do not think about them anyway and will just assume that the agency of that musician are the ones behind the concerts management.

However, the promoters are the culprit behind it. Their job is to handle the promotions, make some negotiations, booking the venue and several others. In other words, they broadcast the event to the public by using some means like the social media or giving out some flyers to random strangers.

Their tasks might be difficult however, you can still overcome it if your willingness is high. In addition, you may start at different points. One is to work with an established company. The other one is to go independent or do it in your own way.

Working with an established company will give you some opportunities to work big stars. However, you will begin at the bottom position. And you definitely to climb on the ladder in order for you to be successful and become the leader of the team.

Becoming independent or doing indie promoting is different. You instantly become the leader of the team. And since the leader is you, more responsibilities will be carried by your back. And you also should manage well and carefully with your budget. The good thing here is you could choose whoever you like to promote and also avoid those artist you dislike.

So is this career the right one for you? Maybe yes or maybe no. In addition, this will not require you some university diploma. Once you are finally ready to set, then go for it.

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