Tuesday 15 January 2019

Learning Critical Skills From A Millennial Life Coach

By Brenda Young

If you ask many members of the Baby Boomer or Generation X generation about the Millennials, you might get an answer about how lazy and incompetent these twenty and thirty-somethings are. Their elders think of them as entitled, lazy, and capable of part-time employment at best. Instead of work, these younger members of society excel better at playing video games all day or spending too much time on social media. As cruel as that broad assumption might sound, it does have the smallest element of truth to it. Studies have shown Millennials are behind other generations when it comes to navigating the adult world around them. To learn what they need to know and to forge independent lives for themselves, many of them are relying on a Millennial life coach to guide them.

But what do these coaches really do and are they worth hiring for this purpose. Statistically, Millennials are lacking in money management skills, for example. Coaches have proven successful in teaching even the smartest of this generation how to handle basic money management tasks like balancing a checkbook or paying their bills on time. They learn to control their own money so they do not have to rely on their parents.

For example, many people in this generation have never been taught to balance a checkbook. With more people using debit or credit cards to pay for things, they never think to look at their own accounts and make sure their banks are taking out the right amount of money. They sometimes lose money from their accounts or never realize they are accruing interest and cash back rewards. Coaches show them how to manage money as well as save it.

Coaches also teach pupils to save money to put in a savings account or toward retirement. For some people in this generation, they have never heard of the rule of saving 10 percent of their income each time they get paid. They spend all of their money instead of putting some up in case of emergencies or for later uses like retirement.

In fact, some coaches have their students open IRAs, 401k accounts, or savings accounts at their bank. Once these accounts are open, students then take 10 percent of their earnings each pay period and put it into them. They learn in a short period of time that the funds will come in useful during emergencies and for later use such as when they retire and are no longer able to work.

Investing is another big challenge many of them are led to tackle on their own. Coaches may advise them on the importance of having investments at their disposal. Millennials many times avoid the stock market because it looks and sounds intimidating or they believe you need to hire a stock broker to do it for you.

In fact, websites exist where you can open your own account for mere dollars down. Once these accounts are open, you have the leeway to trade and buy stocks at your leisure. You also get access to commodities, bonds, and CDs once you accrue enough money.

By hiring the services of a life coach, people of the Millennial generation conquer some of the biggest challenges that come with being independent. They eventually go on to live independent lives. They also shed the reputation that comes with their generation of being lazy and not ready to venture out on their own.

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