Sunday 21 October 2018

Symptoms And Treatment Of The Navicular Disease In Horses

By Ronald Stewart

Animals also fall ill and can die if they are not treated. Ponies, for instance, degenerate so fast and die due to the navicular disease in horses. This is a degenerative condition that progresses if it is not managed. It tends to affect the two hooves of the pony, the digital flexor and the bursa. It is actually considered to be a syndrome rather than a disease. This is because once it affects the animal, it cannot be fully cured. There are however other ways that the condition can be managed. The animal can start showing some abnormalities when it gets affected by this condition.

If you detect that there are some changes with your pony, it is advisable to take it to a veterinary doctor as soon as possible. This is because the illness or condition typically affects both hooves of the steed. However, one foot tends to be worse than the other. Thus, your pony might just appear to be lame on one foot. It is therefore imperative to be very keen on your pony.

Thus, your steed may appear to be just lame. This is why some people fail to recognize the symptoms early. This condition tends to worsen when the horse is overworked, and the symptoms reduce when the pony is resting. Hence, always be on the lookout and call a vet on the slightest change in the way your steel is walking and laying down. The vet can then perform some tests and scans to diagnose the steed.

If it chances that you do not personally know a veterinary doctor, it can be so challenging to look for one in short notice. That is why you should use the internet. There are several vets who have placed their contacts on the web, and you can reach one of them as soon as you can. You, however, need to be cautious because the net can mislead you too.

Finding references is also a solution that works very well. If some of your friends have ponies, you can source for referrals from them. This can be so helpful as it will even save your time and money. However, you have to make your own choice because you must ensure that the veterinary doctor is qualified.

When you find the vet, make sure they are qualified and certified. This is because the professionals will be handling your steed. You would not want someone who is not qualified to treat your pony. Thus, ensure that the veterinary is qualified and licensed to treat animals.

Treating this condition tends to be varied though. Your vet should be able to explain to you that the condition is chronic, meaning that your pony may not recover fully. Thus, the professional must guide you on the best ways to manage the condition because curing it may not be possible.

Some of the best treatment methods that can manage the condition include the use of therapeutic shoes. Your veterinary doctor should thus explain how the show works. Also, the professional should hand you some drugs that can help reduce the inflammation and guide you on the dosage. Additionally, you should not strain your pony.

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