Sunday 9 September 2018

Effective Steps To Prepare Divorce Expense Worksheet

By Diane Sanders

A divorce is an option most spouses choose in the event of marital problems such as infidelity or domestic violence. Although separation seems to be the only solution to marital conflicts, the process itself is stressful. It involves court proceedings, where the court determines splitting of assets. For the court to determine the distribution of assets, it requires a divorce expense worksheet presented by spouses. The court will use the worksheet to decide if one spouse needs financial support, alimony or child support.

Understanding the entire process of creating budgets during separation is the first step to making wise decisions. Courts utilize worksheets to decide the amount of money a spouse should give as child support and alimony. That is why individuals prepare expenditure reports to help courts make a wise ruling. Detailed financial reports are written in spreadsheets which separate income and expenditure in columns. Both spouses work on personal financial reports and present them in court as required by law.

Spreadsheets provide correct calculations because they are designed with formulas and each entry is translated in numeric form. That is why most individuals choose computer applications to prepare separation expenditure worksheets. There is no specified time as to when one is expected to complete a worksheet. Courts expect submission of worksheets anytime during hearings.

It is natural to feel overwhelmed when creating a worksheet for marriage annulment purposes. Many individuals fail to create budgets due to emotional ties. Avoid emotional attachment during the process to ensure you provide accurate information. Before writing down financial details, review tax returns for the last three or four years. This step helps you determine reliable sources of income.

Write down individual tax returns on the spreadsheet. It is natural for spouses to file tax returns jointly. Keep in mind, tax returns will be filed separately after marriage annulment. If you are unemployed, avoid listing sources of income until you can confirm steady flow of income. If you are already separated and receive financial support in form of alimony or child support from your spouse, make sure to list the amount.

Determine how your income is utilized on a monthly basis. Your expenditure list should define how much you pay for the mortgage, insurance cover, utility bills, and medical expenses. Other expenses people incur are classified as luxury. List them down to decide whether to cut some off or not.

Add both basic expenditure and luxury expenses to get the actual figure you spend monthly. The next step is to calculate each group of expenditure and subtract the total amounts. You can decide to save the difference by cutting off luxury expenses or continue paying for unnecessary services and products.

Maintaining a budget is one of the most challenging parts when filing divorce. Make an effort to stick to a budget to improve your financial status. Keep in mind, your current situation should not define your future financial status. Professionals recommend you hire a lawyer to help you with the expense calculations if you feel the whole process is complicated.

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