Friday 3 August 2018

Types Of Christ In The Old And New Testament

By Stephanie Green

Is there a link between the Old Testament and Jesus Christ? This question emerges because Jesus is at the center of the New Testament. This is after so many prophesies in the old. There are types of Christ prophesied in the old and fulfilled in the New Testament. However, the focus here is not about antichrist who is a negation of Jesus.

Tree of Life. There is a lot of reference to the tree and life in the bible. Naturally, trees are homes to animals and birds. They also are sources of food in such forms as fruits and also shelter from storms and for nesting. Genesis 2,9 indicates that God planted a tree in the middle. Revelation 22,2 says that a tree is planted by the river and bears 12 fruits. Just like Jesus, the leaves become a source of healing to nations.

The Ark. When Noah was building the ark, it was meant to save people from the destructive floods. The story is in Genesis 7,16. The gospel of John 10,28 points at Jesus giving people who come to him life so that no one can take it away from them. Without Jesus, they would perish, just like those who were outside the ark.

Passover Lamb. The Israelites who were saved in Egypt were asked to sacrifice a lamb without blemish. It is this act that gave them blood to mark their doors and therefore gain salvation. This is captured in Exodus 12. The New Testament in John 1,29 captures John the Baptist declaring, Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

Manna. Finding food in the desert was tough for Israelites over the 40 years. Their salvation came through manna as is stated in Exodus 16. This sent a signal that God was food and by extension the source of life. The gospel of John in chapter 6 verse 35 captures the words of Jesus declaring that he is the bread of life. If you come to him, you will never go hungry or feel thirsty, just like manna did to Israelites in the desert.

The rock of life and salvation. When Moses approached God seeking water as they crossed the desert, he was told to strike a stone. From the strike as captured in Exodus 17, they got water and life by extension. Calvary was a reenactment of the same scene when the soldier speared Christ on the side. Water and blood flowed, a sign of salvation. This water and rock are referred spiritually in 1st Corinthians 10. The bible says that Christians had Jesus as their spiritual water from a rock.

A temple and source of refuge. The temple was a sign of the presence of God to Israelites. This is why they began building on in 1st Kings chapter 6. Jesus in reference to his death points out that he would rebuild the temple in 3 days once it was destroyed. This was in reference to the death he would face and later resurrect after three days.

The reflections of Jesus Christ in the old and new testaments are undeniable. They are so vivid that no one can mistake them. The corresponding evidence only points at Jesus the prophesied Son of God fulfilled in the New Testament.

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