Friday 24 August 2018

The Plight Of Missing Immigrant Children

By Carolyn Martin

When it comes to news in the United States, immigration is on the forefront. For, as a result of the government separating children from parents at the border, there are now many missing immigrant children. While some have now been reunited, there are still hundreds, if not over a thousand whom remain lost in the system.

While Attorney General Jeff Sessions is responsible for the current immigration crisis, it is important to note that others whom also carry responsibility. For, while there have been a number of executive orders which have been penned during the current administration, no such action has been taken with regards to reuniting parents with children.

While considered missing, many of these younger individuals from newborns to teenagers are now being housed in tents on a number of U. S. Military bases around the country. In most cases, the tents are an upgrade for those whom having been being held in dog cages or chain link fencing. Still, there is a great deal to be done before any of these children can be reunited with guardians or family members.

In many cases, newborns and toddlers were being cared for by young people whom lack any sense of experience whatsoever, while many babies were going without milk, food and medication for days. When it comes to the toddlers, it was reported that many were wearing diapers which had been filthy and full of pee and feces for hours before being changed. As such, there is no doubt that a number of human rights violations have also taken place throughout the process.

It is no doubt that this event will go down as one of the worse decisions regarding immigration in history. For, the United States is a country that was largely built by immigrants. In fact, many of the original citizens immigrated from other countries through Ellis Island.

There have been some children reunited with families and guardians. At the same time, there are many other babies, children and teenagers crying out everyday for a Mother, a Father, a Sister, a Brother an Aunt, an Uncle. It is these children whom are facing the hardest journey.

While Health and Human Services have been able to house some of the children with distant family members, others are now being housed in hot tents on a number of U. S. Military bases. One such example, is a base outside El Paso which often has temps of over 121 in Summer. At this location, many children are now living in tents with box fans being the only relief from the hot Summer heat.

In most cases, it is possible for a parent or family member to work on a case with an attorney by performing a DNA sample to prove that the individuals are related. While this is the fine for families, those whom legal guardians were accompanying the children, it will be far more difficult to guarantee these relationships.

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