Friday 1 June 2018

Making Things Work With Professional Relationship Advice

By Christine Sanders

By nature, human beings are high social. Most humans live in communities with at least a few hundred other examples of the species. Now, living in such communities allows a human being to form social bonds. Most of the time, these bonds are platonic in nature. On rare occasion, these bonds can turn romantic. But a lot of the time, these romantic bonds can fray and even break apart entirely. But when they break, they can be repaired with professional relationship advice.

Human beings fall for each other for a number of reasons. Intimacy is among them, a person wants to be vulnerable every now and then, wants to let their walls down, and having an intimate partner allows that to happen. But the main reason people fall, at least the heterosexuals, is because of procreation. Human beings pair off because of some ingrained instinct to find someone to help make more human beings.

But really should be careful what they wish for. Yes, children are a gift and hearing their cries for the first time after they enter the world is a beautiful, special moment. But children are also little monsters with unlimited amounts of energy who run, kick, and scream everywhere because they do not possess the necessary skills to communicate their thoughts eloquently. Keeping one alive requires a substantial investment of time and energy, and also money. As such, it can be easy to partners to lose sight of each other during the whole process of starting, and then raising, a family.

The fact of the matter is that regardless of gender, race, or religion, when a couple gets together, they are still two fully independent people. Now, being fully grown adults, there will be some differences in opinion. Sometimes, these differences of opinion escalate into full blown arguments that may or may not get resolved. It is when an argument goes unresolved that is the issue. An unresolved issue can fester and brew resentment, resentment which can seep into all aspects of a relationship and drive partners apart.

The seven year itch is a phenomenon observed in couples who have been together for a long time. It postulates that after seven years, partners become bored of each other and may even have an affair. It should be noted that when divorce rates were analyzed, they tend to happen at around the seven year mark, lending some credence to concept of a seven year itch.

But sometimes, a couple just stops clicking with each other. Through no fault of anyone in the relationship or outside interference, partners just fall out of step with one another emotionally. Human beings change and grow constantly, and sometimes that change and growth is incompatible with the changer and growth of another person.

But some relationships can be saved, all it takes is the right help. Some people will go to an advice columnist, others will go to a spiritual leader of some kind. But some people will seek out a counselor with an actual degree and go to them in order to repair what has been broken.

At the end of the day however, love is about choice. The choice is to stay in love. Couples have to wake up every day and choose each other, choose to care about one another.

Love is a difficult thing to let die. With the right partner, it never has to. But keeping something alive can take a little bit of help.

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