Thursday 24 May 2018

Basic Principles On Failure To Launch Syndrome

By Diane Schmidt

Many young individuals today struggle to attain financial independence and end up living with their parents even as adults. This is referred to as failure to launch syndrome. It is on the rise in the current society because of tremendous changes in the manner in which parents bring up their children. In a bid to provide a better life for their offspring, parents ruin the lives of their children in the long run.

It is not surprising that most adults who suffer from this syndrome come from a very successful family background. Parents of victims of this syndrome compensate for their uneventful upbringing by making sure their children never lack. What they fail to realize is that some of these children lose the drive to soar to greater heights because they feel everything is available for them.

On the flip side, people born of wealth fail to recognize how hard it can be to sustain oneself and family if they have known no struggle in their entire life. They are brought up in an atmosphere where every little thing is provided for. It would not be surprising if such individuals fail to know how to spread their bed, for example, or make their own food. As they grow into adulthood, it may take a tremendous effort to achieve independence for them.

The pressure of young adult life somehow make it hard for them to settle down easily. These young people may be trying to meet expectations of their parents and society at large. As selfless as this may be, victims ultimately suffer for failing to consider what they really want for themselves. Parents and society aside, young people sometimes become too impatient with their set goals, expecting positive results in the spur of the moment. When this does not happen, they become disappointed and go two steps further from their goal.

The society largely contributes to the failure to launch phenomenon among young adults because of the pressure meted upon them. Young people may go to extreme levels taking up roles and careers not suited for them just to keep the prestigious positions for the sake of society. For instance, someone may be very passionate about art but instead pursue medicine as a career because they have been asked to do so.

As mentioned earlier, peer pressure can influence young adults to take the wrong path to success. People need to choose their friends wisely because they can so easily be led into a pit. One should look out for friends who spend their time being productive and at the same time having reasonable fun; people who are willing to accept and correct your mistakes without having to pass judgment.

With one bad decision after another, young persons end up becoming dependent on their parents all through their adult life. They end up moving from one career choice to another because of lack of resolve on what to do from the onset. Some may not bother to even look for a job or create something for themselves as long as they are being provided for.

The importance of making your own decisions career-wise cannot be overemphasized. This does not mean that one should totally disregard the counsel of elders. In fact, young individuals can invest in role models to guide them as they struggle to achieve something for themselves and their future generations.

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