Tuesday 27 March 2018

To Grow Spiritually One Should Join A Faith Christian Church Wichita KS

By Betty Ellis

Religion is a good thing. Man is by nature religious. Spirituality is in his DNA; it is only that most human beings usually ignore their spiritual health. That is a bad thing. If one cares about spirituality and he lives in Wichita, KS, he will join a faith Christian church Wichita KS. Of course, there are a number of steps that have to be taken so that to become a member. Those steps are simple. They are repentance and baptism. To be a born again believer simply involves confessing of sins and accepting the Christian faith in the heart.

All manner of religions have been invented to satisfy the spiritual needs of human beings but most of them have failed. That is because most of them ended up being more physical than spiritual. However, Christianity has always and will always be a spiritual religion. That is evidenced by the teachings that are found in the Holy Bible. Actually, they are spiritual teachings.

The teachings found in the Hold Bible are spiritual. One can search in the whole wide world but he will not find a book that is as spiritual as the Bible. That is because of the fact that it was written by spiritual men, under divine guidance. The path to ultimate spirituality will start when one joins a Bible-believing church.

Well-being starts with the spirit. First, you improve the spirit. After the spirit is improved, other areas will eventually improve. With enhanced spiritual health, one will end up attaining physical and mental health. A church is central to the spiritual life of an individual. Praise and worship that happens during a service will make one to become spiritually better. Prayers are also vital.

A Christian has a calling. According to the Bible, many are called but few are chosen. If one abides to his calling he will eventually become one of the chosen ones. This calling is by all means a spiritual calling. It is a calling to lead a holy life not only on Sunday but also the other days of the week.

The human being is a spiritual being. That is a fact that many people are not aware about. Some people know about it but they choose to ignore the whole affair. According to the Bible, it is good to live a spiritual life. One must never be a man of flesh. That is because the flesh will eventually be destroyed.

After all has been said and done, an individual will die. No one on earth can escape death. However, the good news is that there is life after death for the believer. When one dies, the spirit will leave the body. It is the human spirit that will either go to heaven or hell. Truly, heaven is a beautiful place.

The human being has three aspects. The first is the body. It is made up of flesh and blood. Secondly, there is the mind. It is used for thinking. Thirdly, there is the spirit and it is the most important aspect that should never be taken lightly. As a matter of fact, it needs to be given the seriousness that it deserves.

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