Wednesday 22 November 2017

During Goal Setting Workshops NM Companies Can Empower Their Teams

By Andrew Reed

In order to compete in the modern business environment a company needs to be tough, creative and productive. Unfortunately, far too many people still equates productivity with being busy. This is no the case. If teams work hard, but without very specific goals to strive toward, their efforts may be in vain. Setting goals is an art form in itself. During goal setting workshops NM companies can learn how to direct their efforts towards purposeful outcomes.

Many people still consider a vague notion to achieve something as an objective. Thinking that one must really bake some muffins of of these days, for example, is certainly not an objective. It is merely a vague intention. Objectives and goals need to be extremely specific. If there are no goals employees may work for long periods on vague projects without achieving any tangible results.

The first and most important characteristic of a good objective is that it must contain an action verb. This means that the verb must be observable. A verb such as grasp, for example, is not an action verb because one cannot observe how someone grasps something. The action verb must also be measurable. One must be able to observe just how well this action is performed.

It is all good and well if an objective contains an action verb that can be measured. If the objective is to lose weight, then one can argue that the act of losing weight can indeed be observed and measured. But this will mean that the person will achieve the goal even if he loses just one gram. Gaols must therefore contain standards too. The objective should therefore rather be to lose at least seven pounds of weight.

The last element of a good objective is the inclusion of a time frame. It should stipulate when the objective will be achieved. The objective should therefore be to bake twenty bran muffins by 15 May 2018 that will be approved by the home industry council. This is a true objective. Its achievement can be observed, the date when it is achieved can be checked and the standard to which it is achieved can be measured.

An objective is a final desired outcome. It cannot be achieved unless it is expanded into an action plan. An action plan will contain all the smaller steps and achievements that must be completed before the objective can be deemed as achieved. Learning how to set goals should therefore always be accompanied by instructions on how to develop a realistic action plan.

There are many individuals and companies that offer seminars and courses on how to set goals. When planning such a workshop it is important to obtain valid references and to check them out. The presenter should be familiar with the vision of the company because that will enable him to teach delegates to set goals that will contribute towards that vision.

Without focus no business can hope to thrive. To focus it is necessary to know precisely what one want to achieve, to which standards one wants to achieve it and when one wants to achieve it. This focus can therefore only be attained through the formulation of goals.

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