Thursday 19 October 2017

During Couples Therapy Virginia Beach Couples Strengthen Their Bond

By Steven King

Intimate relationships are intricate and often fraught with dangers. Sadly, far too many people rush into relationships before getting to know their partner and their own needs properly. This often leads to misunderstandings, arguments and even conflict and anger. Experts agree that it is important to be very careful before committing to a relationship. By going for couples therapy Virginia Beach residents can make sure that they are ready to commit to another person.

The very nature of modern relationships have changed. In the past sex outside the marriage bond was forbidden. People did not live together before they got married and a child outside of wedlock was a terrible shame. All these taboos are now gone. Women have their own careers and they take charge of their own bodies. They play a more active role in their relationships and sometimes men find this intimidating.

Many relationships fail because the partnership was formed for the wrong reasons. Some people enter into a relationship to obtain regular sex. Others feel more secure when in a relationship. Yet others need financial security or the social status that a partner offers. It is no wonder that such relationships rarely last. A therapist can help people to identify their own needs and to make sure that they choose a partner that will fulfil those needs.

When relationships fall apart there is always emotional pain, anger and disappointment involved. This is even more so the case if there are children in the picture. Many people struggle to move on after experiencing such a breakup. A therapist can help them resolve the breakup in a mature manner and to set new goals for the future. The therapist can also help them to deal with their negative emotions and to learn from the experience.

It is interesting to note that many people in stable, loving relationships also see therapists regularly. They do not necessarily experience problems, but they know that there is always a danger of their relationship becoming stagnant. They see a therapist to keep their relationship satisfying and exciting. The therapist helps them to identify ways in which they can improve on their relationship. It is not surprising to learn that such relationships often last for many years.

Most therapists agree that the breakdown of relationships can often be ascribed to a lot of little things rather than one major issue. People that do not communicate with each other crop up a lot of small irritations and when they eventually burst out, they see it as a massive problem that cannot be solved. Therapists can help people to communicate effectively and to sort out small, insignificant problems before they become big ones.

In some cases a therapist will advise a patient to get out of a specific relationship. If the other partner is abusive, unable to contribute to the relationship, unwilling to satisfy the needs of the other partner or dependent upon drugs and alcohol then the chances of the relationship surviving are small indeed. It is then best to get out early and to see the failed relationship as a life lesson.

Relationships are complicated. When two people want to be together they have to learn to get along together, to respect each other and to sacrifice for each other. They have to accept that each partner is still a unique person with individual goals wishes and needs.

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