Wednesday 27 September 2017

Tips On Co Parenting Orange County CA

By James Edwards

Co-parenting after a split is hardly easy on those involved and more so if the there is a contentious relationship with the ex-partner. One may be concerned about the ability of the ex to parent well, they might be stressed about child support or they might just be feeling worn down by conflict. When co-parenting is done amicably, they children get to obtain stability, security and even a close relationship with the parents. When considering co parenting Orange County CA residents can benefit from some tips.

Empathy will be key. This is whereby both parents should try and put themselves in the shoes of the kids. When kids miss the absent parent, they need to be allowed to voice their feelings. Some parents will rebuke kids that ask to see their dad or mum with the hope that it helps matters.

Parents should be very flexible and open as regards schedules. Kids will be adversely affected when parents start arguing before them concerning visitation schedules. It is true that in some cases there may be visitation schedules that are ordered by court but this does not mean that one must follow it without any bit of flexibility. Understanding between both parents comes very much in handy. This when coupled with flexibility ensures there will be no squabble regarding visitation.

Proper communication with the co parent will be crucial. Peaceful, purposeful and consistent communication with the ex will help the kids. This should be done even when it seems impossible. The communication is mostly as regards the well-being of the kids. Before contacting each other, it is important to consider the way that talk will affect the kids. The children should be the focal point of the communication. It is never absolutely necessary to meet in person, which is where the communication comes in.

Co-parenting should be done as a team. It is something that is full of decisions that have to be made together whether you like each other or not. Cooperating without blow-ups makes decision making very simple on both parties. Children will need to be exposed to various perspectives and learn the art of flexibility. At the same time, they should be made to live under the same basic set of expectations at either home. This ensures they are not confused.

When it comes to discipline, there should be similar systems and consequences for broken rules. This is even if the infraction did not happen at your house. Thus if kids have TV privileges at the home of the ex, you need to follow through with the same restrictions. This is the same thing that is done when rewarding good behaviour.

Resolution of disagreements should be done in the best way possible. Disagreements are bound to be there and the way they are solved will determine the ensuing relationship. Respect goes a long way. Being respectful and considerate will include letting the ex know about various important events like those at school. Most importantly, the parents should take each others opinions seriously.

Comprise is one of the biggest things that must be embraced. This will involve making sacrifices in the best interest of kids. Compromise does not mean one has been disrespected or that they are the lesser parent.

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