Tuesday 26 September 2017

Locating Human Trafficking Resources CA

By Donna Phillips

While the slave trade involves adults and children, most often there are fewer adults. As such, most human trafficking resources CA are aimed towards younger individuals. Still, there are local and national organizations which work to counsel adults effected by the sex industry or slave trade in North America.

Most children involved in child trafficking and the slave trade are under the age of 15. In fact, the average age of a child slave is that of 13. Although, there are many who claim to have been involved since before being able to walk. Current statistics show that more than 20K children under the age of 18 are involved whether involuntarily or voluntarily in the sex trade and child slave industry.

While the life expectancy of girls in this trade range from 7 to 14 years from the date of abduction, there are a few lucky ones. Whether found after being dumped, or having been able to escape, these individuals often need a great deal of counseling, love and support before being able to return to daily life.

For, those being held captive and forced to work in the area are often exposed to a number of abuses. These can include emotional abuse, child pornography, drugging, exploitation, false imprisonment, torture, starvation, assault and rape among others.

The issue of suicide is one of the main reasons organizations providing counseling to those whom have escaped have been created. One such organization was created by a woman who grew up in the slave trade and finally after much hard work, found her freedom. Most often, anyone who finds a way to escape must also find a new identity and much akin to the witness protection program build a new and different life.

While a few have escaped these bonds, others still remain in the system without the capability of doing so. In many cases, the slave masters will send in a different person to attempt to get a child to escape, then when the child attempts to do so, punishment is given in the way of beatings or deprivation. After which, the child becomes leery of trusting anyone, even someone from a valid organization.

While some boys have been brought into the system, most often to teach the girls about sex, statistics show that the trade is 80% female, whether applying to adults or girls. As such, it is often female children whom are abducted or sold into the system. Whereas, at times the slave masters will bring in sons to work in the industry whether with or without consent of the male child.

Most often, these girls are kidnapped or born into the system at as an early age as possible. For example, some may very well be as young as 2 to 3 years old while others may be submitted at birth. In some instances, the children are taught that the slave master is actually a biological father whether or not that might be the case. Thus, one more reason a child may never try to escape the system without the help of an outside force.

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