Monday 18 September 2017

Learn Some Interesting Facts On Human Trafficking Resources

By Michelle Jones

Every day, men, women, and children from all across the world and are victimized by being sold to other people for various purposes. Some are sold because they have body parts or organs that are considered valuable in the black market, while some are simply exploited commercially. Another common theme in this aspect is both sexual slavery and labor.

Since it was first established, the government has actively played a role in lessening the probability of this happening. Teaming up with other private and non government organizations, they have enforced numerous campaigns to raise awareness in this matter and go further by providing victims the relief and therapy they need upon rescue. Stated below are some fascinating attributes on Human Trafficking Resources CA.

Generally, this activity is considered a crime in most countries across the globe. This is only right because the people who participate in it are essentially forcing others into the industry. A large percentage of their victims are women of varying races and backgrounds, as well as wayward children.

According to recent statistics, one hundred and fifty billion dollars is the annual profit that comes from this trade. Following this logic, around twenty one million men and women are taken hostage and forced to work against their will. Since so much money is garnered from this industry, the people who manage it often ends up doing it for the rest of their lives, or until they are eliminated because of competitors wanting to earn more profit.

This type of illegal activity can be divided into three categories, one of which is debt bondage. This happens when a person has a large amount of debt to pay, but does not have any means of earning money to pay for it. In this instance, they are forced to work for the individuals they owe money to. When the amount is too much, the debt is passed on to their offspring, who will conduct the same line of work as they mature.

Forced labor occurs when a person is forced to work in specific industries against their will. It could be a type of punishment or for monetary gain and it is a kind of situation wherein freedom is strictly prohibited. For instance, men are often trafficked, so they can be recruited into unskilled work. This generally includes hard labor or simple tasks like the food service industry or janitorial services.

Child labor is an amalgamation of the two, but involves only children from ages five to seventeen. Often times, these youngsters are abducted and sold as slaves. Some work as a form of entertainment, while others are forced into prostitution. This in turn, damages their development and has serious effects on their mental, physical and psychological state.

In terms of prostitution, the youngest age is twelve and above. A vast majority of them are young girls, who are wayward youngsters who have mixed with wrong crowds or reside in low income communities. As a result, it becomes difficult to track them down because their disappearances often do not get reported.

Furthermore, they also become victims of HIV or AIDS. This is a sexually transmitted disease that is brought about from having multiple clients. With no access to sufficient health care, it frequently goes untreated and causes more serious effects to their physical and emotional health.

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