Friday 22 September 2017

Joyful Habits Of Every True Worshiper

By Mark Sanders

Believers who totally surrender their lives to Christ always attest that they experience inner peace, joy, and contentment in whatever they do. These people assert that because God's presence abides in them, their views and perspectives about the people they interact with and the world at large change entirely. People exhibit different kinds of habits on earth. These joyful habits of Christians have been listed here.

Seed sowing is one of the practices that the individuals carry out. It can be in form of sacrificial giving to people. According to them, people are instructed by God to give their possessions to the poor. Gifts such as money, food, clothes, and others can be presented. The presence of the Holy Spirit in every true worshiper makes the individual become willing to obey this instruction. These Christians are fully aware of the abundant blessings that await every generous giver and faithful tithe payer.

Another lifestyle practiced by every true worshiper of Christ is the constant reading and obedience to God's word and an active prayer life. Most of them enjoy going to sacred places and mountains to pour out their hearts to their creator and also learn the ways of God by reading the scriptures. They opine that in order to strengthen their faith, they must consecrate themselves in these places of worship.

Joyful Christians participate in evangelical ministries and gospel outreaches. They understand that people die every day and go to hell fire because they do not give their lives to Christ. Even the authorities in the church encourage their members to participate actively in spreading the gospel to lost souls and save them from the everlasting punishment in hell.

Elders and teachers act as counselors to the children in the ministry. Most times, these young people visit them on regular occasions to learn how to behave well in their homes and the society. They also learn the principles and values of the community and form certain habits that are expected of them in their various schools and organizations.

People who can sing very well use this special talent to spread the Good News and strengthen other believers in the church and ministry. During their weekly programs, they use their diverse skills and abilities to sing new melodies of praises to the members of the congregation. The choir can be a very effective unit that can achieve these objectives.

Worshipers always converge at a point to discuss vital issues that will help to build their faith in Christ. They are advised not to associate themselves with bad friends that will influence their lives negatively and lay much emphasis on togetherness and fellowship with brethren. They also conduct several meetings that will help to monitor the activities of the weak brethren among them. For instance, programs such as follow-up and evaluation are set up to encourage their members to grow spiritually and continue to abide by the principles of God.

Some individuals consistently visit the less privileged in their homes. These believers make it a duty to visit the motherless babies, orphans, people with disabilities, and others. Other Christians may decide to celebrate with them during special events such as the Christmas period, Easter and other special festivals.

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